37 research outputs found

    Peran Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Moral

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    Kondisi krisis moral pascareformasi menunjukkan capaian kompetensi moral yang diproses melalui bangku persekolahan belum menghasilkan keluaran pengembangan kecerdasan moral peserta didik. Kondisi demikian diduga berawal dari tumbuhnya budaya verbalistik dari proses pembelajaran yang cenderung mengajarkan pendidikan moral sebatas tekstual. Fenomena dan fakta tersebut, menyebabkan banyak pihak menyimpulkan pentingnya peran pendidikan karakter secara intensif sebagai esensi pengembangan kecerdasan moral (building moral intelligence). Perspektif ini menempatkan moral sebagai aspek lingkungan utama yang menentukan karakterisasi peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, kecerdasan moral harus secara sadar dipelajari dan ditumbuhkan melalui pendidikan karakter secara aplikatif. Pada tahap awal implementasi pendidikan karakter di tingkat persekolahan perlu dilakukan melalui pengkondisian moral (moral conditioning) yang kemudian berlanjut dengan latihan moral (moral training). Desain pendidikan karakter seperti ini berfungsi sebagai wahana sistemik pengembangan kecerdasan moral yang membekali peserta didik dengan kompetensi kecerdasan plus karakter

    Pemberdayaan Keterampilan Metakognitif melalui Pembelajaran Reflektif

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    Thinking skills already begun to be applied and developed to improvestudents ready to compete in the 21st Century. One of thinking skills needed to be developed are metacognitive skills. Empowerment metacognitive skills can be done by reflective learning. Reflective learning activities that could accommodate the concept, reflection, and the questionsare learning journals. The aims of this study is to 1) determine metacognitive skills through the application of learning journals, and 2) to analyze students needs through the reflective learning journal to empower metacognitive skills. The study of this experimental research is the one shot case study design. The study population was all students of Biology. Samples are 23 General Biology course students at odd semester of 2014/2015. Data was obtained by observation, analysis learning journal and rubric asessment of metacognitive skills. The data has been analyzed through descriptive analysis. The results showed that the classical metacognitive skills score is 78,18.Learning journal is a tool that can be used to empower metacognitive skills

    Pengembangan Modul Interaktif Berbasis Multiple Intelligence Dengan Autoplay Pada Konsep Perubahan Materi Genetik Di IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

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    Technology-based learning needs to be done immediately in order to carry out more interested in learning and fostering student motivation. Furthermore, learning should be done byeach student characteristics.One of which is multiple intelligences based learning. Through the application of multiple intelligence assisted technology based learning, it is expected that the learning objectives will be more easily achieved by students. Interactive module based on multiple intelligences that has been validated was the product of this research and developmental experiment. This research was limited to the Changes of Genetic Material taught at the Genetics Course at IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. Research and development model was carried out by 4D model from Thiagarajan. This research phase includes define, design, design, and disseminate stages. The research data is obtained from the module validation score, both from material experts, media experts, and practitioners (students). The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the results of the validation of media experts, material experts and small-scale trials, it is known that the percentage results are above 85%, so the product is declared valid. Furthermore, it is necessary to test the classical scale to find out its effectiveness in learning

    Urgensi Tuntutan Profesionalisme dan Harapan Menjadi Guru Berkarakter (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kabupaten Batubara)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan profesionalisme guru, kualitas anak didik, dan guru yang berkarakter. Populasi penelitian adalah guru SD di Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan sampel yang diambil secara purposive, yaitu Kabupaten Batubara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes, wawancara, FGD, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa nilai UKG SD dan SMP tahun 2013 di Kabupaten Batubara secara nasional sangat rendah, bahkan ada yang memiliki nilai kompetensi 1,0. Nilai rata-rata kompetensi guru hanya sebesar 39,61 untuk guru SD, masih berada di bawah nilai rata-rata secara nasional dan Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Nilai UKG SMP sebesar 46,86 masih berada di bawah nilai rata-rata nasional. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa sebagian guru di Batubara masih memiliki profesionalisme yang rendah dalam melakukan tugas profesinya sehingga ke depan diharapkan perkembangan karakter guru yang berkualitas. THE URGENT DEMAND FOR PROFESSIONALISM AND THE HOPE FOR TEACHERS WITH GOOD CHARACTER

    Perspektif Islam dalam Investasi di Pasar Modal Syariah suatu Studi Pendahuluan

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    Pasar modal adalah salah satu sarana untuk umat berinvestasi. Investasi umat Islamharus berorentasi pada kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. Penggunaan unsur riba,gharar, maysiryang terdapat dipasar modal menyebabkan umat muslim harus bijakdan berhati-hati dalam berinvestasi dipasar modal. Pasar modal syariah terbentukuntuk menjawab kebutuhan umat dalam berinvestasi baik melalui saham, obligasidan reksa dana. Ketidakterlibatan umat dalam produk yang haram diharapkan dapatmenumbuh-kembangkan harta dan sekaligus mendapatkan keberkahan dari AllahSWT

    Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Arang Tempurung Kelapa dan Gas Elpiji 3 Kg untuk Bahan Bakar Memasak Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Enok Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    The research was done because people dilemma will used coconut shell charcoaland 3 kg LPG gas for household cooking fuel in Enok subdistrict Indragiri Hilir.So the purpose of this study is to find out which one is more efficient use ofcoconut shell charcoal or 3 kg LPG gas for household cooking fuel.This study used non-probability sampling technique in which members of theselected sample, taked base on rashness discover respondents who needed, suchas easy to find or reach and obtained 100 respondents from the samplingtechnique Slovin formula. The analysis method used is descriptive research thatdiscuss set of problems research with describing and explain based on that resultby the interpreted with the relevant theoriessoacanadescribeatheasituation. Fromresult of the research had done concluded that more efficient use of 3 kg LPGgas for household cooking fuel compared with using coconut shell charcoalbecause people in Enok subdistrict Indragiri Hilir felt the price of coconut shellcharcoal more enough expensive. However, there are a lot of people who still usecoconut shell charcoal for several reasons of descend culture.Kata Kunci : coconut shell charcoal, efficiency, 3 kg LPG