6,012 research outputs found

    Clinical Psychologists\u27 Perceptions of Persons with Mental Illness

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    Clinical psychologists have an ethical responsibility to monitor the nature and appropriateness of their attitudes toward persons with mental illness. This article presents the results of a survey of randomly selected clinical psychologists who were asked to rate the effectiveness, understandability, safety, worthiness, desirability, and similarity (to the rater) of persons with moderate depression, borderline features, and schizophrenia. The results show that psychologists perceive these individuals differently with respect to these characteristics. The results also suggest that psychologists disidentify or distance themselves from persons with personality and psychotic conditions. Implications for quality improvement and stigma reduction in the field of professional psychology are discussed

    Streamability of nested word transductions

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    We consider the problem of evaluating in streaming (i.e., in a single left-to-right pass) a nested word transduction with a limited amount of memory. A transduction T is said to be height bounded memory (HBM) if it can be evaluated with a memory that depends only on the size of T and on the height of the input word. We show that it is decidable in coNPTime for a nested word transduction defined by a visibly pushdown transducer (VPT), if it is HBM. In this case, the required amount of memory may depend exponentially on the height of the word. We exhibit a sufficient, decidable condition for a VPT to be evaluated with a memory that depends quadratically on the height of the word. This condition defines a class of transductions that strictly contains all determinizable VPTs

    Un cas d’urgence qui barre l’horizon du lecteur : L’abbé C., de Georges Bataille

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    Cet article interroge la manière dont le texte de Bataille, s’adressant singulièrement au lecteur, met en oeuvre une performativité de la fiction. Il montre en quoi L’abbé C. « barre » l’idéalité du sens et de la norme partagée, précipite le lecteur dans une instabilité de lecture et néanmoins l’inscrit dans une forme de partage susceptible de « fonder » une communauté. Cette lecture derridienne du texte de Bataille s’attache aux figures du texte (le double, le mensonge, l’enveloppement) ainsi qu’à la feinte que constitue le texte lui-même pour montrer en quoi la dramatisation et la fiction se trouvent être chez cet auteur des formes particulières de destination en relation avec une communauté d’expérience — et non communauté de sens ou d’interprétation : « [J’]écris pour qui, entrant dans mon livre, y tomberait comme dans un trou, n’en sortirait plus » (Georges Bataille, L’expérience intérieure, Paris, Gallimard, 1954, p. 148). En l’espèce de sa lecture, c’est une certaine notion de « vie commune » que L’abbé C. figure et représente.This article investigates how Bataille’s text, which targets a single reader, gives rises to a performance of his fiction. As well, it shows how L’abbé C. negates the ideal of meaning and of a shared standard and unsettles the reader’s take on the text, all the while fostering a certain sharing that could lead to the “birth” of a community. This “derridian” approach to Bataille’s text focuses on its figurative components such as doubles, lies or surroundings. It also seeks to expose the hidden aim of the text of illustrating how Bataille’s dramatisation and fiction act as unique conduits targeting not similar meanings or interpretations, but like-minded experiences. “I write for those who, upon opening my book, would tumble down its pages like in a hole, never to climb back out,” wrote Georges Bataille in L’expérience intérieure (Paris, Gallimard, 1954, p. 148, translation). Reading L’abbé C. brings forth and illustrates a certain sense of “communal life”

    De quelle totalité l'énonciation journalistique est-elle le fragment ?

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    Le discours d'information médiatique se caractérise certes par sa forme fragmentaire quant aux énoncés (par définition ouverts sur l'avenir et s’additionnant sans suite cohérente), mais encore par une forme d'énonciation « floue » parce que collective, voire institutionnelle. Nous examinons ici la manière dont, dans le discours journalistique, la dimension collective de la langue est rapportée sur la parole et sur l’acte d’énonciation. Nous considérons que l’énonciation journalistique est, à plusieurs titres, inachevée, notamment en ce que sa performativité ne va pas jusqu’à la responsabilité assumée de l’énonciateur. Il s’agit de tenter d’identifier les lignes de fracture qui traversent le sujet d’énonciation journalistique et, avec elles, le partage de responsabilités qui en est induit. Notre ambition est d’établir un lien entre la division propre à l’énonciation journalistique et un questionnement sur le partage de l’espace et de la parole publics, ce qui suppose de se demander, notamment en intégrant à l’analyse le concept derridien de « téléiopoièse », où et comment se situe, dans cette disposition, la participation du destinataire

    Mesure de la production bactérienne par incorporation de thymidine tritiée

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    Au cours des dix dernières années, de nombreuses méthodes ont été proposées dans la littérature, afin de mesurer l'activité des bactéries hétérotrophes en milieu aquatique. Parmi celles-ci, la mesure de l'incorporation de thymidine tritiée dans le DNA bactérien semble être, à l'heure actuelle, la méthode la plus utilisée. Elle offre, en effet, l'avantage de sa spécificité et d'un protocole expérimental simple. Néanmoins, la conversion des résultats expérimentaux en production de biomasse bactérienne pose un certain nombre de problèmes quant à l'interprétation correcte de cette méthode. Cet article fait le point sur les réponses théoriques et expérimentales qui peuvent être apportées à ces problèmes, ainsi que sur les diverses possibilités d'utilisation de cette méthode.During the fast ten years, numerous methods have been proposed in the literature to mesure the activity of heterotrophic bacteria in aquatic ecosystems. Among these methods, the measurement of tritiated thymidine incorporation proposed by FUHRMAN and AZAM (1980) seems to be, at the present time, the most useful. It offers in fact the advantage of its specificity for bacteria and its simple experimental procedure.This method is based on the fact that, in bacteria, DNA synthesis is directly proportional to the division rate. The close relation between growth and DNA synthesis means that measurement of the rate of DNA synthesis is a good way to measure the bacterial growth rate. The DNA synthesis rate is estimated from the incorporation rate of methyl-3H thymidine. Thymidine is one of the four nucleoside precursors of DNA, but it is not a precursor of RNA. At the nanomolar concentrations of (methyl-3H) thymidine used in this experiment only heterotrophic bacteria utilize exogenous thymidine and all active heterotrophic bacteria utilize thymidine. The usual experimental procedure used by the various authors working with this method is that of the FUHRMAN and AZAM (1982). A 5 nM thymidine concentration has been recommended by these authors for the marine environment, but it has been shown that in more eutrophic ecosystems higher concentrations are needed to saturate the incorporation process.In fact, the conversion of experimental data into bacterial production raises some problems. Among these, two questions are important :- Which is the relative part of exogenous and endogenous thymidine used for DNA synthesis? In other words, which is the isotopic dilution factor?- The cold trichloroacetic acid (TCA) fraction collected in this experiment includes, besides DNA, proteins and RNA. As some catabolic products of thymidine could be incorporated into RNA or proteins, how mach radioactivity is really incorporated into DNA?Some theoretical and experimental answers can be given to these questions.- Comparing their results of thymidine and H32PO4= incorporation in DNA of marine bacteria, FUHRMAN and AZAM (1982) found an isotopic dilution factor in the 3-7 range. MORIARTY and POLLARD (1981) have proposed a kinetic approach for estimating the internal pool of thymidine but the accuracy of this method was critized by RIEMANN et al., (1982) and FUHRMAN and AZAM (1982).- Usually, in order to determine the part of radioactivity incorporated into DNA, RNA and proteins, the biochemical procedure of LURIA (1960) is used. SERVAIS et al., (1987), after testing this procedure with labelled macromolecules, have concluded that this method is not accurate for such determinations. These authors have proposed an enzymatic procedure based on the use of DNase tell breakage. With this method, they have showed important fluctuations in the percentage of thymidine incorporated into DNA from one ecosystem to another.The first authors using thymidine incorporation calculated conversion factors based on theoretical data and various assumptions to convert thymidine incorporation data into bacterial cell production. These factors were in the range of 0.2 to 4 1018 bacteria produced per mole of thymidine incorporated in the cold TCA insoluble material. More recently, because of the uncertainty or the difficulty in estimating some of the parameters (isotopic dilution, part of thymidine incorporated into DNA, part of thymidine residues in DNA, quantity of DNA per bacterial cells) required for the calculation of the conversion factor, most of the authors have used an experimental conversion factor. It was estimated from the comparison of cell number increase and thymidine incorporation in sterilized, and reinoculated samples. These experimental conversion factors were usually in the range of 0.5 to 10 1018 bacteria produced per mole of thymidine incorporated.The conversion of cells production into bacterial biomass production expressed in carbon - which is finally the important flux to know for the study of the first trophic levels dynamic - requires a knowledge of the average bacterial biovolume and the carbon content par unit of cell volume. The first parameters can be estimated from the observation of bacteria by epifluorescence microscopy. Most authors use 1.2 10-13 gC.µm-3 to calculate carbon content of bacteria proposed by WATSON et al., (1977).The use of the tritiated thymidine incorporation method is not limited to measure bacterial production in the water column; it is also used to measure the activity of fixed bacteria, to study the grazing of bacteria by microzooplankton and in ecotoxicological studies

    Les théories de la réception en SIC

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    Ce court texte présente un panorama des différentes approches de la réception en SIC

    Analyzing Thoracic Spine and Hip Mobility and the Effects on Kinematics in the Golf Swing and its Relation to Injury and Performance

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    Analyzing Thoracic Spine and Hip Mobility and the Effects on Kinematics in the Golf Swing and its Relation to Injury and Performance Abstract Low back pain (LBP) and low back injury have been found to be the most common symptom and injury sustained while playing golf (McHardy et al., 2006). Previous research has sought to determine precursors to injury by investigating physical limitations including hip internal rotation deficits. This study aims to build upon previous research by measuring joint mobility and forces placed on the lower back during the golf swing. Specifically, it evaluates active range of motion of both thoracic and hip rotation as well as joint kinematics and moment stressed placed on the low back during the golf swing. To test the hypothesis that limited range of motion leads to higher levels of stress placed on the low back, subjects were assessed using movement screens created by the Titleist Performance Institute. Following the completion of tests, participants were placed into a “Healthy” or “Limited Mobility” group. All subjects hit 10 golf balls with their driver, with five trials being used for analysis based on carry distance calculated by FlightScope Mevo. Joint kinematics were compared using a Two-Factor Mixed Design ANOVA and low back moments were analyzed using a One-Sided Independent T-Test. No significant differences were found when comparing joint kinematics across both groups. Additionally, no significant differences were found when comparing low back moment across both groups. These results suggest that physical limitations do not necessarily lead to higher forces to be experienced by the low back. With this in mind, further research should be done to analyze potential causative factors of low back pain in golfers, specifically, swing characteristics and volume of practice and play
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