4 research outputs found

    Relations among planktonic rotifers, cyclopoid copepods, and water quality in two Brazilian reservoirs

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    Planktonic rotifers and cyclopoid copepods were studied in two reservoirs of different trophic states (eutrophic and oligo/mesoeutrophic) in the south of Brazil. During a year, monthly samplings were carried out in three stations in each reservoir. Species richness, frequency and abundance were used to find out useful and indicatives trends of water quality based on these organisms, reinforced by literature data. Species that showed higher differences between reservoirs were chosen. For Rotifera, richness, frequency and abundance of Brachionus were higher in the eutrophic reservoir, but Plationus patulus occurred only in the oligo/mesotrophic reservoir. For copepods, Tropocyclops prasinus dominated in the eutrophic reservoir, but Thermocyclops decipiens, T. minutus, T. inversus and Microcyclops anceps were dominants in the oligo/mesotrophic reservoir. In the canonical correspondence analysis, these species were indicators of the trophic state and were related with chlorophyll-a, total phytoplankton and total phosphorus. The use of these species can be efficient in the studied regions (subtropical/temperate), but comparing with other Brazilian reservoirs of tropical climate, the results could be different. Despite the dominance of T. decipiens over T. minutus, T. inversus has been widely used in Brazil as an indicator of eutrophic waters; in those cases of excessive eutrophication, other species, more rustic, commonly dominate. In the present study, Thermocyclops was dominant in the oligo/mesotrophic reservoir. The dominance of Brachionus for rotifers and Tropocyclops prasinus and Acanthocyclops robustus for copepods were indicative of eutrophic conditions

    Influence of atypical pluviosity on phytoplankton assemblages in a stretch of a large sub-tropical river (Brazil)

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    This study aimed to evaluate the influence of alterations in pluviosity and ecological variables on microphytoplankton (> 20 mu m) structure (composition, richness, diversity, and abundance) and its biomass (chlorophyll-a), comparing different regions in a stretch of the low Igua double dagger u River and in some tributaries. Phytoplankton was sampled in 10 stations (5 in Igua double dagger u River and 5 in tributaries) during a dry period (April/2004) and an atypical rainy period (June/2004). The conductivity showed significant difference among the sampling points. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, silicate, and nitrate showed significant differences between the dry and wet periods. Phytoplankton was composed of 149 taxa, and the most representative class was Chlorophyceae (71 taxa), followed by Bacillariophyceae (35 taxa), and Cyanophyceae (25 taxa). During the rainy period, stations of Igua double dagger u River showed higher taxa number and total density compared to the tributaries, but the values were similar in the dry period. Tributaries presented higher diversity and equitability in both periods. Except by two stations in Igua double dagger u River, the higher taxa number, densities and biomass occurred in the dry period, associated to low levels of suspended matter. The canonical correspondence analysis indicated the dominance of Bacillariophyceae and Chrysophyceae in the rainy period related to nitrate and suspended matter. Two other groups were observed in the dry period: one formed by Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae, and Rhodophyceae, related to temperature and nitrite and other by Euglenophyceae and Chlorophyceae related to total phosphorus and silicate. The groups suggest adequate conditions of the physical, chemical and climatic factors to the establishment of the algae classes. Phytoplanktonic assemblages responded quickly to the environmental regional variations under strong influence of pluviosity, while in the dry period, homogeneity among stations and environmental variables was observed. The importance of climatic events is relevant in ecological studies in a temporal scale

    Effect of atypical rainfall on lotic zooplankton: comparing downstream of a reservoir and tributaries with free stretches

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    To contribute to the knowledge of lotic zooplankton from dammed and free stretches, we tested the hypothesis that the ecological attributes are different between these environments, which are subjected to several effects caused by different hydrological conditions. The study was carried out in the low Iguacu river, a large hydrographic basin in the south of Brasil. Two samplings were performed, one in the dry period (April/04) and the other in the atypical rainy period (July/04), in five stations downstream a large reservoir, and other 12 stations in four tributaries representing the upper, intermediate and low regions of each river. The observations suggest a clear spatial distribution of zooplankton in lotic stretches subjected or not to damming, mainly due to the effects of physical, chemical and biological variables. Furthermore, the atypical rainfall promoted alterations in community structure when compared to the dry period