533 research outputs found

    Void Growth in BCC Metals Simulated with Molecular Dynamics using the Finnis-Sinclair Potential

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    The process of fracture in ductile metals involves the nucleation, growth, and linking of voids. This process takes place both at the low rates involved in typical engineering applications and at the high rates associated with dynamic fracture processes such as spallation. Here we study the growth of a void in a single crystal at high rates using molecular dynamics (MD) based on Finnis-Sinclair interatomic potentials for the body-centred cubic (bcc) metals V, Nb, Mo, Ta, and W. The use of the Finnis-Sinclair potential enables the study of plasticity associated with void growth at the atomic level at room temperature and strain rates from 10^9/s down to 10^6/s and systems as large as 128 million atoms. The atomistic systems are observed to undergo a transition from twinning at the higher end of this range to dislocation flow at the lower end. We analyze the simulations for the specific mechanisms of plasticity associated with void growth as dislocation loops are punched out to accommodate the growing void. We also analyse the process of nucleation and growth of voids in simulations of nanocrystalline Ta expanding at different strain rates. We comment on differences in the plasticity associated with void growth in the bcc metals compared to earlier studies in face-centred cubic (fcc) metals.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Susceptibility and Percolation in 2D Random Field Ising Magnets

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    The ground state structure of the two-dimensional random field Ising magnet is studied using exact numerical calculations. First we show that the ferromagnetism, which exists for small system sizes, vanishes with a large excitation at a random field strength dependent length scale. This {\it break-up length scale} LbL_b scales exponentially with the squared random field, exp⁥(A/Δ2)\exp(A/\Delta^2). By adding an external field HH we then study the susceptibility in the ground state. If L>LbL>L_b, domains melt continuously and the magnetization has a smooth behavior, independent of system size, and the susceptibility decays as L−2L^{-2}. We define a random field strength dependent critical external field value ±Hc(Δ)\pm H_c(\Delta), for the up and down spins to form a percolation type of spanning cluster. The percolation transition is in the standard short-range correlated percolation universality class. The mass of the spanning cluster increases with decreasing Δ\Delta and the critical external field approaches zero for vanishing random field strength, implying the critical field scaling (for Gaussian disorder) Hc∌(Δ−Δc)ÎŽH_c \sim (\Delta -\Delta_c)^\delta, where Δc=1.65±0.05\Delta_c = 1.65 \pm 0.05 and ÎŽ=2.05±0.10\delta=2.05\pm 0.10. Below Δc\Delta_c the systems should percolate even when H=0. This implies that even for H=0 above LbL_b the domains can be fractal at low random fields, such that the largest domain spans the system at low random field strength values and its mass has the fractal dimension of standard percolation Df=91/48D_f = 91/48. The structure of the spanning clusters is studied by defining {\it red clusters}, in analogy to the ``red sites'' of ordinary site-percolation. The size of red clusters defines an extra length scale, independent of LL.Comment: 17 pages, 28 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Random manifolds in non-linear resistor networks: Applications to varistors and superconductors

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    We show that current localization in polycrystalline varistors occurs on paths which are, usually, in the universality class of the directed polymer in a random medium. We also show that in ceramic superconductors, voltage localizes on a surface which maps to an Ising domain wall. The emergence of these manifolds is explained and their structure is illustrated using direct solution of non-linear resistor networks

    Disorder Driven Critical Behavior of Periodic Elastic Media in a Crystal Potential

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    We study a lattice model of a three-dimensional periodic elastic medium at zero temperature with exact combinatorial optimization methods. A competition between pinning of the elastic medium, representing magnetic flux lines in the mixed phase of a superconductor or charge density waves in a crystal, by randomly distributed impurities and a periodic lattice potential gives rise to a continuous phase transition from a flat phase to a rough phase. We determine the critical exponents of this roughening transition via finite size scaling obtaining Μ≈1.3\nu\approx1.3, ÎČ≈0.05\beta\approx0.05, Îł/Μ≈2.9\gamma/\nu\approx2.9 and find that they are universal with respect to the periodicity of the lattice potential. The small order parameter exponent is reminiscent of the random field Ising critical behavior in 3dd.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps-figures include

    Continuous Vortices with Broken Symmetry in Rotating Superfluid 3He-A

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    New NMR measurements are reported on continuous 3He-A vortices in tilted magnetic fields. We introduce a symmetry classification of the continuous vortices with broken axial symmetry. It is found that the discrete internal symmetry may in addition be broken in two inequivalent ways, producing two different continuous vortices. Although NMR may not distinguish between these two vortices, the observed vortex satellite peak is well accounted for by spin waves localized in the soft core of such vortices.Peer reviewe

    Status report of the JYFL-ECR ion sources

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    "Ion beam cocktails" are mixtures of ions with near-identical charge-to-mass ratios. In conjunction with the JYFL-ECRIS, the K130-cyclotron acts as a mass analyzer: the switch from one ion to another within the same cocktail is simple and fast. In the case of the first ion beam cocktail, the oxygen and argon gases were mixed into the gas feed line. At the same time the magnesium and iron ion beams were produced using the MIVOC method. Magnesocene and ferrocene compounds were both mixed into the MIVOC chamber. This capability is especially useful in the study of single event effects (SEE) in space electronics. All gaseous elements from H to Xe can be produced. The non-gaseous elements produced so far are C, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Ge. A major technical modification since the construction (in 1990) of the JYFL-ECRIS was made in January 98: a negatively biased disc replaces now the first plasma stage. After a couple of months experience with the modified source the change was found to be towards a correct direction. The source is now much easier to use and the good operating conditions are well repeated. A real advantage is the new magnetic field settings which are practically the same for all kind of beams, gaseous and solids. Due to the requirements of ion beams with higher charges and heavier elements than the present JYFL-ECRIS can produce, JYFL decided to begin a design and construction project of a new ECR ion source, called as ECRIS 2. The project aims to a source that is based mainly on the design of the 14 GHz AECR-U source at the LBNL. Some modifications made into the similar source under construction at the NSCL/MSU will be utilized here. The new source will be installed horizontally in the basement of the ECRIS laboratory. It requires a new beam-line from the source to the cyclotron injection line, since the old vertically located JYFL-ECRIS will be preserved in operation. The new source is planned to be operational during the year 2000

    Percolation in three-dimensional random field Ising magnets

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    The structure of the three-dimensional random field Ising magnet is studied by ground state calculations. We investigate the percolation of the minority spin orientation in the paramagnetic phase above the bulk phase transition, located at [Delta/J]_c ~= 2.27, where Delta is the standard deviation of the Gaussian random fields (J=1). With an external field H there is a disorder strength dependent critical field +/- H_c(Delta) for the down (or up) spin spanning. The percolation transition is in the standard percolation universality class. H_c ~ (Delta - Delta_p)^{delta}, where Delta_p = 2.43 +/- 0.01 and delta = 1.31 +/- 0.03, implying a critical line for Delta_c < Delta <= Delta_p. When, with zero external field, Delta is decreased from a large value there is a transition from the simultaneous up and down spin spanning, with probability Pi_{uparrow downarrow} = 1.00 to Pi_{uparrow downarrow} = 0. This is located at Delta = 2.32 +/- 0.01, i.e., above Delta_c. The spanning cluster has the fractal dimension of standard percolation D_f = 2.53 at H = H_c(Delta). We provide evidence that this is asymptotically true even at H=0 for Delta_c < Delta <= Delta_p beyond a crossover scale that diverges as Delta_c is approached from above. Percolation implies extra finite size effects in the ground states of the 3D RFIM.Comment: replaced with version to appear in Physical Review

    Disorder, Order, and Domain Wall Roughening in the 2d Random Field Ising Model

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    Ground states and domain walls are investigated with exact combinatorial optimization in two-dimensional random field Ising magnets. The ground states break into domains above a length scale that depends exponentially on the random field strength squared. For weak disorder, this paramagnetic structure has remnant long-range order of the percolation type. The domain walls are super-rough in ordered systems with a roughness exponent ζ\zeta close to 6/5. The interfaces exhibit rare fluctuations and multiscaling reminiscent of some models of kinetic roughening and hydrodynamic turbulence.Comment: to be published in Phys.Rev.E/Rapid.Com

    Energy landscapes in random systems, driven interfaces and wetting

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    We discuss the zero-temperature susceptibility of elastic manifolds with quenched randomness. It diverges with system size due to low-lying local minima. The distribution of energy gaps is deduced to be constant in the limit of vanishing gaps by comparing numerics with a probabilistic argument. The typical manifold response arises from a level-crossing phenomenon and implies that wetting in random systems begins with a discrete transition. The associated ``jump field'' scales as ∌L−5/3 \sim L^{-5/3} and L−2.2L^{-2.2} for (1+1) and (2+1) dimensional manifolds with random bond disorder.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
