6 research outputs found
Report on the results of a systematic review of the individual and social differentiating factors and outcomes of media literacy and digital skills
This systematic evidence review aimed to collect and summarise scientific evidence on effective intervention programmes related to Media Literacy and Digital Skills (ML&DS). Through a comprehensive search across major scientific databases and rigorous screening and coding processes, we identified 248 studies investigating ML&DS intervention effectiveness and associated outcomes. In this report, we have presented findings related to the theoretical frameworks guiding these studies, the reported outcomes, and potential influencing factors on intervention effects
Report on the results of a systematic review of the individual and social differentiating factors and outcomes of media literacy and digital skills
This systematic evidence review aimed to collect and summarise scientific evidence on effective intervention programmes related to Media Literacy and Digital Skills (ML&DS). Through a comprehensive search across major scientific databases and rigorous screening and coding processes, we identified 248 studies investigating ML&DS intervention effectiveness and associated outcomes. In this report, we have presented findings related to the theoretical frameworks guiding these studies, the reported outcomes, and potential influencing factors on intervention effects
Co-developing media literacy and digital skills interventions: report on preliminary results
The second Work Package of the REMEDIS project focusses on materialising the partnership with local organisations by co-developing opportunities for enhancing current ML&DS interventions. These organisations were carefully selected by each member university to collaborate throughout the project to strengthen links between academia and practitioners and learn from each other. An initial theoretical framework was proposed, based on the improvement needs identified during the preliminary stages of the Work Package 1 and based on researchers' expertise. This framework served as the basis from which define a more detailed theoretical framework during the co-development with partner organisations. The next stage in this process was initiating the collaborative work with the partner organisations, understanding their purposes, people involved, resources and expected outcomes to formulate improvement avenues. The co-development process concludes with the design and planning of the evaluation measurement instruments as part of Work Package 3, adapting questions and formats to the interventions' characteristics
Adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of university
Znajomość przebiegu procesu adaptacji studentów pierwszego roku do studiowania jest szczególnie istotna z punktu widzenia praktyki pedagogicznej. Jego opisanie może pozwolić na wprowadzenie działań profilaktycznych, zapobiegających doświadczaniu problemów związanych ze specyfiką kształcenia akademickiego. W celu lepszego zrozumienia tego procesu omówiono charakterystyki rozwojowe wyłaniającej się dorosłości na podstawie koncepcji J. J. Arnetta i zadania przypisane dla tego okresu zgodnie z teoriami E. H. Eriksona i L. Kohlberga. Omówiono także postawy studentów w oparciu o koncepcje K. Obuchowskiego i M. Czerepaniak-Walczak. Postawiony tu główny problem badawczy dotyczył przebiegu procesu adaptacji studentów do studiowania. Wyznaczone na jego podstawie pytania szczegółowe obejmowały zagadnienia takie, jak różnice między studiowaniem a nauką w szkole średniej, potrzeby studentów pierwszego roku, problemy, jakich doświadczają i trudności, z jakimi zgłaszają się do ośrodków wsparcia, a także działania uczelni prowadzone w celu wspomagania studentów w procesie adaptacji i atrakcyjność określonych aspektów kształcenia akademickiego. W ramach badań przeprowadzono wywiad fokusowy i ankietę ze studentkami pierwszego roku kierunków pedagogicznych na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, a także wywiad z przedstawicielem ośrodka SOWA i Samorządu Wydziału Filozoficznego UJ. W opinii badanych najważniejszą różnicę pomiędzy studiowaniem a nauką w szkole średniej stanowi zakres samodzielności i odpowiedzialności za przebieg procesu kształcenia. Największy problem stanowi dla studentek organizacja czasu i ilość materiału do przygotowania na zajęcia. Osoby badane wskazały, że potrzeba im w szczególności wsparcia informacyjnego, dotyczącego spraw administracyjnych i organizacyjnych, a także możliwości uzyskania pomocy psychologicznej. Osobom badanym w studiowaniu najbardziej odpowiada szansa na wybór interesującego kierunku kształcenia. Zasygnalizowane w pracy zagadnienia wymagają przeprowadzenia dalszych badań.Understanding the process of adaption of first-year students to university studies is important for the pedagogical practice. The analysis may be helpful in designing programs, preventing students from experiencing difficulties in specific aspects of higher education. In order to gain a better understanding of the process, main characteristics of emerging adulthood according to J. J. Arnett’s theory were described, as well as normative crisis and tasks according to E. H. Erikson and L. Kohlberg. The attitudes towards studying were characterized based on the concepts of K. Obuchowski and M. Czerepaniak-Walczak. The main problem stated in the article, concerns the course of the process of adaption to the conditions of university. The questions posed on its basis, embraced differences between studying at the university and learning in high school, students’ problems and needs and perceived attractiveness of particular aspects of university studies.The research was conducted with first-year students of pedagogical faculties at the Jagiellonian University. They took part in a group interview and completed a survey. Additionally, representatives of student council and student center for support and adaptation (SOWA) were interviewed. In their opinion, the extent of self-reliance and responsibility for the process of education is the biggest change when it comes to university studies. According to the students, organization of time and the amount of learning are the biggest challenges of studying. They stated that they mosty need informational support, concerning administrative procedures and opportunities of getting psychological help. For the people surveyed, a possibility to choose an interesting course of studying on their own is the most appreciated aspect of university studies. The topic requires further research
Inclusión digital desde una perspectiva intergeneracional : promover el desarrollo de la alfabetización digital y mediática entre las personas mayores desde la perspectiva de los jóvenes-adultos
Digital exclusion is a challenging phenomenon in many countries. The low level of digital and media competences among senior citizens raises many questions about the effectiveness of existing digital inclusion activities. This article fills a gap related to the development of digital competences from an intergenerational perspective. The paper answers the questions of 1) how to promote digital inclusion among seniors citizens, and 2) what role in the effective promotion of the development of digital competences could be played by young people. The paper used a standardised interview technique involving 22 young adults in Poland (20-35 years old) who reported on eleven ways to promote digital inclusion activities among seniors, and eight techniques that relate to the intergenerational development of digital and media competence.La exclusión digital es un fenómeno desafiante en muchos países. El bajo nivel de competencias digitales y mediáticas entre las personas mayores plantea muchas preguntas sobre la efectividad de las actividades de inclusión digital existentes. Este artículo llena un vacío relacionado con el desarrollo de competencias digitales desde una perspectiva intergeneracional. El artículo responde a las preguntas de 1) cómo promover la inclusión digital entre las personas mayores, y 2) qué papel en la promoción efectiva del desarrollo de competencias digitales pueden desempeñar los jóvenes. El estudio utilizó una técnica de
entrevista estandarizada que involucró a 22 jóvenes-adultos (20-35 años) que informaron sobre once formas de promover actividades de inclusión digital entre las personas mayores y ocho técnicas relacionadas con el desarrollo intergeneracional de la competencia digital y mediática