38 research outputs found

    Design and construction of new central and forward muon counters for CDF II

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    New scintillation counters have been designed and constructed for the CDF upgrade in order to complete the muon coverage of the central CDF detector, and to extend this coverage to larger pseudorapidity. A novel light collection technique using wavelength shifting fibers, together with high quality polystyrene-based scintillator resulted in compact counters with good and stable light collection efficiency over lengths extending up to 320 cm. Their design and construction is described and results of their initial performance are reported.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Russian aggression in Ukraine, its consequences on life safety

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    Російська агресія в Україні впливає не лише на безпеку людей, а також на продовольчу безпеку та має економічні наслідки для всіх країн. Сьогодні це ще й питання екологічної безпеки та спільного майбутнього. Мета статті полягає у висвітленні та сприйнятті загрози і небезпеки яку становить російський агресор. Окупаційні війська навмисне завдають шкоди нашому довкіллю. Наслідки цього згубного впливу будуть відчутні далеко за межами наших кордонів та матимуть довгостроковий вплив на десятиліття вперед, що може торкнутися навіть сусідніх країнRussian aggression in Ukraine affects not only people's safety but also food security and has economic consequences for all countries. Today, it is also a matter of ecological security and a shared future. The aim of the article is to highlight and comprehend the threat and danger posed by the Russian aggressor. Occupying forces deliberately inflict damage on our environment. The consequences of this detrimental influence will be felt far beyond our borders and will have a longterm impact for decades to come, potentially affecting even neighboring countrie

    Response of the ATLAS tile calorimeter prototype to muons

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    A study of high energy muons traversing the ATLAS hadron Tile calorimeter in the barrel region in the energy range between 10 and 300~GeV is presented. Both test beam experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations are given and show good agreement. The Tile calorimeter capability of detecting isolated muons over the above energy range is demonstrated. A signal to background ratio of about 10 is expected for the nominal LHC luminosity (1034cm2sec110^{34} cm^{-2} sec^{-1}). The photoelectron statistics effect in the muon shape response is shown. The e/mip ratio is found to be 0.81±0.03 0.81 \pm 0.03; the e/μ\mu ratio is in the range 0.91 - 0.97. The energy loss of a muon in the calorimeter, dominated by the energy lost in the absorber, can be correlated to the energy loss in the active material. This correlation allows one to correct on an event by event basis the muon energy loss in the calorimeter and therefore reduce the low energy tails in the muon momentum distribution

    A measurement of the energy loss spectrum of 150 GeV muons in iron

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    The energy loss spectrum of 150 GeV muons has been measured with a prototype of the ATLAS hadron calorimeter in the H8 beam of the CERN SPS.\\ The differential probability dP/dvdP/dv per radiation length of a fractional energy loss v=ΔEμ/Eμv = \Delta E_{\mu} / E_{\mu} has been measured in the range v=0.01÷0.95v = 0.01 \div 0.95 ; it is then compared with the theoretical predictions for energy losses due to bremsstrahlung and production of electron-positron pairs or of energetic knock-on electrons.\\ The integrated probability 0.010.95(dP/dv)dv\int_{0.01}^{0.95} (dP/dv) dv is (1.610±0.015stat.±0.105syst.)103(1.610\pm0.015_{stat.}\pm0.105_{syst.})\cdot10^{-3} in agreement with the theoretical predictions of 1.5561031.556\cdot10^{-3} and 1.6191031.619\cdot10^{-3}. %7.8.96 - start Agreement with theory is also found in two intervals of vv where production of electron-positron pairs and knock-on electrons dominates. In the region of bremsstrahlung dominance (v=0.12÷0.95v = 0.12\div0.95) the measured integrated probability (1.160±0.040stat±0.075syst)104(1.160\pm0.040_{stat}\pm0.075_{syst})\cdot 10^{-4} is in agreement with the theoretical value of 1.1851041.185 \cdot 10^{-4} , obtained using Petrukhin and Shestakov's \cite{PS} description of the bremsstrahlung process. The same result is about 3.6 standard deviations (defined as the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic errors) lower than the theoretical prediction of 1.472104 1.472\cdot 10^{-4}, obtained using Tsai's \cite{TS} description of bremsstrahlung