37 research outputs found

    Critical Issues On Learning Process Amidst Covid-19 Perceived From Pedagogical Perspectives

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    This study examined the implementation of online learning that took place during the Covid-19  pandemic. The goal was to unravel and straighten out various doubts and complaints in the community who think that the implementation of online learning caused problems rather than an alternative to the practical mode of learning. The study utilized a literature study (library research), that is integrative review. It was closely related to the semi-structured review aiming at assessing, criticizing, and synthesizing the literature on the related research topic in a way that enables new theoretical frameworks and perspectives to emerge. Additionally, the process follows four phases: design, conduct, analysis, and finally structuring and writing the review. The study showed a broad misunderstanding in society about what happened during working and studying from the home period. Many people suspected that what happened was online learning. However, it is not online learning but an emergency remote teaching instead. This implied that most online learning in operations did not meet the standardized requirements as it was established. Furthermore, not using the intelligent flexible learning model (the Fifth Generation of Online Learning Mode) resulted in significant complications at the operational level. Moreover, what factually happened did not meet the characteristics of online learning systems and services. Above all, most online learning institutions still ignore the use of appropriate pedagogics. This study also demonstrated the importance of utilizing a complete instructional design so that the learning experience as a condition for the learning outcomes effectively achieved was equally present in the learning process. Comprehensive planning that was arranged systematically and structured will allow dialogue for students in the implementation stage. The dialogue space must occur not only between students and teachers as well as students and students but also, more importantly, self-dialogue for each student. Some insights for future consideration were also formulated and recommended for better online learning implementation &nbsp

    Teacher Perception on the 21st Century Skills Determinants

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    Visualizing the determinants of 21st century skills perceived by teachers was examined in this inquest. The aim was to classify and reveal underlying concerns confirming to those skills. It was also of interest elucidating the most influential factor and its attributes relatable to those skills in a more identifiable perspective. The inquiry was conducted under quantitative approach using Structural Equation Model; five variables were involved. The 21st century skills was the dependent variable. Conversely, ways of thinking, ways of working and tools for working were the independent variables; skills for living was an intervening variable. Instruments in the form of questionnaires were developed to assemble replies from 1,100 eligible respondents utilizing a Simple Random Sampling technique; 142 out of 250 questionnaires distributed were finally completed. Ten hypotheses were scrutinized and conclusively six of them validated by the analysis. It was finally obtained that the most noteworthy drive determined the 21st century skills was the ways of thinking. Additionally, the most vital attributes convincingly correspond to this factor were creativity and problem solving skills

    Pengaruh Harapan, Reputasi Universitas, Dan Kepuasan Terhadap Loyalitas Mahasiswa Program Sarjana Non-Kependidikan Universitas Terbuka (2012)

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    Dokumen Rencana Strategis yang dielaborasi ke dalam Buku Rencana Operasional Universitas Terbuka 2009 -2013 menetapkan target jumlah mahasiswa program Sarjana Non-Kependidikan 2009, 2010, dan 2011 adalah 90.000, 100.000, dan 125.000. Hal ini untuk mengantisipasi kecukupan dan kelayakan sumberdaya baik untuk keperluan pembiayaan maupun pelayanan. Dalam kenyataannya, meski secara akumulatif terjadi kenaikan jumlah mahasiswa, realisasinya masih di bawah target dimaksud yang disebabkan besarnya jumlah mahasiswa yang tidak melakukan registrasi kembali sebagaimana mestinya. Hal ini berpengaruh terhadap penyelenggaraan operasional sekaligus menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang kualitas dalam hal efektivitas dan efisiensi penyelenggaraan pelayanan akademik dan administratif yang berlangsung. Selain itu, hal ini juga menimbulkan pertanyaan indikatif bahwa banyaknya mahasiswa yang tidak melakukan registrasi ulang sebagai akibat dari kinerja akademik mereka yang belum memuaskan. Fenomena ini merupakan refeleksi dari belum tingginya tingkat loyalitas mahasiswa yang terdaftar pada program studi terkait. Loyalitas mahasiswa, khususnya dalam sistem pendidikan jarak jauh, biasa juga disebut persistensi mahasiswa. Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas mahasiswa, namun dalam penelitian ini secara khusus diselidiki tiga diantaranya, yaitu harapan hahasiswa, reputasi universitas, dan kepuasan mahasiswa. Loyalitas mahasiswa adalah variabel terikat; sementara harapan mahasiswa, reputasi universitas, dan kepuasan mahasiswa adalah variabel bebas; kepuasann mahasiswa dalam hal ini merupakan variabel antara. Penelitian in; dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif asosiatif, tepatnya penelitian asosiasi kausal. Untuk analisis, memanfaatkan struktural equation model. Responden adalah mahasiswa program S1 Non-Kependidikan Universitas Terbuka yang terdaftar pada FISIP, FEKON, dan FMIPA Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui instrumen yang diuraikan menjadi 19 dimensi dan mewujud dalam 120 pernyataan valid dan reliabel. Instrumen digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data melalui survei. Responden sebagai sampel ditetapkan dengan proporsionate simple random sampling. Terjaring 324 kuesioner dan diproses dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan beberapa uji (normalitas, multikolinearitas, dan linearitas). Setelah ketiga uji dipenuhi, dilakukan pengujian terhadap enam hipotesis yang akhirnya menghasilkan potret kekuatan hubungan dari/antar-variabel yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa empat dari keenam hipotesis teruji. Dalam hal ini, harapan berpengaruh langsung positip terhadap loyalitas mahasiswa. Demikian pula kepuasan berpengaruh langsung positip terhadap loyalitas mahasiswa. Harapan juga berpengaruh langsung positip terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa. Harapan pun berpengaruh langsung positip terhadap reputasi. Sementara reputasi tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap loyalitas dan kepuasan mahasiswa. Faktor paling dominan mempengaruhi loyalitas adalah kepuasan mahasiswa. Dimensi paling representatif menggambarkan kepuasan adalah layanan yang berhubungan dengan registrasi dan bahan ajar. Irnplikasi temuan ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Upaya peningkatan loyalitas melalui pemenul1an harapan dilaksanakan dengan meningkatkan pengakuan masyarakat melalui kegiatan akademik secara meluas. (2) Upaya peningkatan loyalitas melalui pemenuhan tuntutan kepuasan mahasiswa melalui penjaminan kualitas layanan akademik dan administratif secara sistematis dan terukur, terutama untuk layanan registrasi. (3) Upaya peningkatan kepuasan melalui pemenuhan harapan seyogyanya berhubungan dengan penjaminan kualitas layanan terkait bahan ajar, bantuan belajar, dan ujian. (4) Upaya peningkatan reputasi melalui pemenuhan harapan secara sistematis/berkelanjutan selalu dipetakan mengantisipasi potensi pergeseran harapan mahasiswa dari waktu ke waktu guna mengadopsi dinamika lingkungan strategisnya

    Validating Student Satisfaction Related to Persistence, Academic Performance, Retention, and Career Advancement in ODL Perspectives

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    Student satisfaction associated with persistence, academic performance, retention and its relations to career advancement were examined in this inquiry. It was aimed at measuring service quality as a foundation of satisfaction delivered by Universitas Terbuka Indonesia perceived by students. It was also of interests to exhibit on how and in what comportments all variables engaged interrelated within service quality context. The study was conducted under Mixed Methods (Explanatory Design; quantitative first, followed by qualitative). Data was collected proportionally and purposively by survey using questionnaire, followed by congregating them over again through unified in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Population was 1,814 students domiciled overseas; 350 questionnaires were dispersed and 169 were completed (9.21%). Satisfaction was assessed by examining dimensions of service quality (reliability, assurance, tangible, empathy, and responsiveness). Both importance-performance analysis (IPA) and customer satisfaction index (CSI) were applied simultaneously to measure satisfaction and the level of its importance. Structural equation model (SEM) was then employed to validate influencing traits of variables engaged. Nine hypotheses developed were all significantly validated by the analysis. It was understood that aspects on responsiveness, assurance, tangible, reliability, and empathy were sequentially in harmony to satisfaction. Career advancement, retention, academic performance, and persistence were positively influenced by satisfaction respectively. Likewise, qualitative inquiry implemented afterwards was basically coherent with the previous findings accomplished quantitatively with slight and minor disparities

    Validating student satisfaction with a blended learning scheme in Universitas Terbuka setting

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    Blended learning scheme of Universitas Terbuka was explored here. It was aimed at validating on how, in what routines independent, moderating and dependent variables involved were interrelated. Exploratory design was utilised as part of mixed method. It was qualitatively established first that blended learning satisfaction reflected by instruction, interactivity, instructor, management, technology and OER-wise. Satisfaction led to student learning, competence, motivation, retention and value. It was quantitatively hypothesised that satisfaction was influenced by independent and it had corollary to the dependent variables. This configuration was completed through reviews and focus-group discussions prior to performing survey. Importantperformance analysis (IPA) and customer-satisfaction index (CSI) were utilised to measure satisfaction and importance degree. Eleven hypotheses were assessed using structural-equation model (SEM); nine were validated. Management was the most influential factor, followed by interactivity, instructor, and instruction; excluding OER-wise and technology. Retention was influenced by satisfaction, followed by enhance learning, value, motivation and competenc

    Pedagogical Challenges in Online Learning: ‘Maxiagogy’ as a Transformative Panacea Owing to the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all sectors, including education sectors, to make impulsive adjustments. In the implementation, educational institutions at all levels have undergone rapid changes as they had to adopt online learning. This study investigates the underlying factors that raise questions and complaints from stakeholders due to the changes in delivery from the face-to-face mode to online learning. Design/methodology/approach – The critical factor identified as a cause of the social confusion is a pedagogical issue. The pedagogical crisis presumably occurred due to the sudden changes from face-to-face teaching to the online learning mode. To untangle these tangled threads, this study collected data from various sources in an effort to understand the importance of the pedagogical issue in online learning. This issue needs to be investigated from diverse perspectives, ranging from: (1) the contexts that drive the acceleration of the use of online learning; (2) the evolution of the online learning generation; (3) open education, online learning, and the conception of higher education; (4) the system of online,,learning; and (5) the evolution of pedagogy in online learning. Methodologically,,the approach is a descriptive-qualitative one through some literature review activities and a series of focus group discussions on the critical analysis. The data collected are entirely secondary data in the form of content analysis. The sources were: (a) journals; (b) reports; (c) search engines; (d) websites containing scientific articles; (e) research papers; and (f) unpublished academic papers. Findings – This study succeeded in proposing a breakthrough alternative pedagogy that needs to be criticized as a transformative pedagogy, i.e. ‘maxiagogy’ based on communalism. We were familiar with pedagogy, andragogy, and heutagogy (including peeralogy and cybergogy) and cognitive-behaviourism, constructivism, and connectivism. This study finally confirmed ‘maxiagogy’ as the (new) transformative pedagogy (communalism-based) with its drawbacks and strengths. This is in line with the spirit of online learning for the 21st century — that is, learning is exciting, enjoyable, accessible, easy to find, reliable, and flexible. Originality/value/implications – The rise of the new transformative pedagogy will not solve the real pedagogical crisis in online learning. However, this study shows that ‘communalism-based maxiagogy’ can be used as a transformative pedagogy with respect to the pressures of the 21st century and the demands of millennial learners, regardless of whether the Covid-19 crisis occurred or not. ‘Maxiagogy’ ultimately places learners at the centre of learning, with two fundamental beliefs — flexibility and trust — becoming self-directed and self-determined learners

    Student Satisfaction and Persistence: Imperative Features to Retention in Open and Distance Learning

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    Predicting overall service quality elements as an evidence to student satisfaction in an open and distance learning mode was examined. It was mainly aimed at assessing services quality implemented and utilized as it was expected and experienced by students. It was also of interest to discover the links between satisfaction and grade point average, student persistence and retention. The researh was conducted at Universitas Terbuka milieu utilizing quantitative approach by survey. Data was collected randomly through questionnaires. The population were 1,154 Universitas Terbuka graduates attending commencement day in May 2014. Three hundred questionnaires were distributed and 218 of them were completely returned and processed. Student satisfaction was assessed by scrutinizing the dimensions of service quality (reliability, assurance, tangible, empathy and responsiveness attributes). Methodologically, Importance Performance Analysis and Customer Satisfaction Index were first applied concurrently to measure student satisfaction and the level of its importance. Structural Equation Model was then utilized to verify imminent influencing features engaged relatable to satisfaction toward the grade point average, persistence and retention. Eight hypotheses were formed and scrutinized. Six of them were statistically validated by the analysis. It was discerned that empathy, responsiveness and reliability agreed upon student satisfaction. Persistence and retention were visibly affected by satisfaction

    Technological, institutional and situational influences on student persistence

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    Understanding plausible variables affecting persistence in open distance learning (ODL) outlooks were explored. It was aimed at exposing associated factors and their attributes, how and in what routines they were interrelated remarked by Universitas Terbuka overseas students. The study was accomplished using exploratory-design. It was qualitatively identified first six variables involved: persistence; epistemological and technological; situational, institutional and dispositional factors. They were quantitatively categorised as the dependent, intervening and independent variables, respectively. Instruments in unified list of queries for review and focus-group discussion (for qualitative) and questionnaires related to the six variables involved (for quantitative) were developed. The ultimate of qualitative approach was aimed at establishing frameworks and hypotheses. Data were processed using structural equation model (SEM) to validate 12 hypotheses; ten were statistically validated. The results confirmed the prominent influence on persistence was technological factor followed by institutional and situational. Variably, persistence was insignificantly affected by epistemological and dispositiona