882 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThe Arcuate foramen is a bony arch which connects the posterior end of the superior articular fossa with the posterior arch of atlas. In case of presence of arcuate foramen the vertebral artery follows the normal course but it has to traverse through the osseo fibrous ring (arcuate foramen).Aim & ObjectivesTo determine the height, width, and area of arcuate foramen and to determine the morphometric difference between the transverse foramen and the canal formed by bony bridges over the vertebral artery of the atlas vertebra.Materials & MethodsA total of 75 dry human atlas vertebrae were taken for the study. These vertebrae were examined carefully for the presence of arcuate foramen. Measurements of the maximum dimensions of the arcuate foramen and foramen transversarium were taken. Area of the arcuate foramen was calculated. Differences in dimension of arcuate foramen  and foramen transversarium were compared. Side differences of arcuate foramen were compared using the unpaired Student's t test.ResultsThe dimension of arcuate foramen of both sides as compared with dimension of foramen transversarium was found to be more, so the chance of compression of vertebral artery on both sides was less. The percentage of occurrence of arcuate foramen was 2.25% (bilateral) and ponticles was (1.5%) unilateral. ConclusionThe dimension of arcuate foramen was more when compared to foramen Transversarium dimensions so the chances of compression of vertebral artery would be less. The knowledge of these foramina may be important for orthopedic surgeons, radiologists, neurosurgeons, and anthropologists. KEYWORDS -Ponticulus Posticus, Arcuate Foramen, Atlas Vertebra, Foramen Transversarium

    Plant communities of travertine outcrops of the Saturnia area in southern Tuscany (central Italy).

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    Abstract A phytosociological survey was carried out in a poorly known travertine area of southern Tuscany harbouring a rich vegetation mosaic with chamaephytic garrigues, species-rich xerophytic grasslands, chasmophytic coenoses, annual species-dominated communities, shrublands and thermophilous deciduous forests. Field sampling and data analysis allowed to identify and characterize several community types, some of which of significant interest due to their ecological specificity and rarity in peninsular Italy. In particular, our data confirm the associations Pistacio terebinthi-Paliuretum spinosae and Pistacio terebinthi-Quercetum pubescentis, respectively a shrub and forest community type previously unknown for Tuscany. In addition, a new therophytic association of travertine debris named Sedetum hispanico-caespitosi and placed in the Hypochoerion achyrophori alliance (Brachypodietalia distachyi order, Tuberarietea class) is also described. Finally, dynamic relationships between the vegetation types are highlighted and the presence of conservation priority habitats in the area are pointed out

    Radiosensitivity of Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) Varieties Treated with Gamma Rays

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    Investigations were carried out at the Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during 2003-2005 to work out radiosensitivity of five varieties of amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) exposed to different doses of gamma rays. Scions of five amla varieties, viz., BSR-1, Kanchan, Krishna, NA-7 and Chakaiya, were irradiated with different doses (1.0 to 5.0 kR) and these were grafted on to rootstocks. Based on the sensitivity study, LD50 for 100% survival ranged from 1.0 to 2.0 kR for all the five varieties. All the amla varieties could survive upto 10-20% at lower doses (upto 2.5 kR)

    Genetic diversity analysis of pearl millet (Pennisetum glauccum [L.] R. Br.) accessions using molecular markers

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    Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was applied to pearl millet genotypes in order to assess the degree of polymorphisms within and among genotypes and to investigate if this approachwas suitable for genetic studies of pearl millet. 20 genotypes were evaluated using 30 different 10-mer primers of arbitrary sequence. Most of the primers did not reveal any polymorphism; however 12primers revealed scorable polymorphism between genotypes of pearl millet and these can be further evaluated for use in genetic mapping. Pair-wise comparisons of unique and shared polymorphic amplification products were generated by Jaccard’s similarity co-efficient. These similarity co-efficientswere employed to construct a dendrogram showing phylogenetic relationships using unweighted paired group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA). The UPGMA analysis indicated a higher similaritybetween genotype PT 2835/1 and PT 5552 and lowest similarity index was observed between PT 5554 and PT 2835/1. Analysis of RAPD data appears to be helpful in determining the genetic relationship among 20 pearl millet genotypes. The associations among the 20 genotypes were also examined with Principle components analysis (PCA) from Jaccard’s similarity co-efficient and it is more informative to analyze the extreme genotypes

    Comparison of sevoflurane with propofol for laryngeal mask airway insertion in adults

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    We conducted a prospective, randomized, controlled trial to compare the quality and ease of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion after either rapid inhaled sevoflurane or IV propofol induction of anesthesia. Placement of the LMA under inhalational anesthesia is not performed universally in adult patients. A famous method of anesthesia for Laryngeal Mask airway placement is with use of intravenous propofol, it has the benefits of inducing anesthesia quickly and depressing reflexes of upper airway. On the other hand, propofol is not ideal agent, it is associated with many side effects like apnea, pain on injection and hypotension. Recently, single VCB technique induction of inhalational sevoflurane is used as an alternate method to intravenous induction of propofol in adult patients. Sevoflurane induction method is quick, with greater acceptance, better hemodynamic profiles and slight excitatory phenomena. Sevoflurane can be used for both maintenance and induction of anesthesia. It made the conversion period easier. Hence, we compared sevoflurane inhaled induction and propofol IV induction. After getting the Institutional Ethical Committee approval, eighty adult patients of American society of Anesthesiologists Physical status 1 & 2 of either sex undergoing minor surgical procedures are allocated randomly in to 2 groups, Group A (propofol induction) and Group B (sevoflurane induction). LMA was inserted more rapidly in propofol group than in patients with sevoflurane group (53.88s vs 80.15s). There was a greater incidence of difficulty in mouth opening initially in sevoflurane group. Once mouth was possible, the degree of attenuation of laryngeal reflexes was similar. The incidence of complications related to LMA insertion, especially apnoea was more frequent in the propofol group. There were two failures of LMA insertion in sevoflurane group. Both groups had stable hemodynamic parameters. However, prolonged jaw tightness after the sevoflurane inhalational induction may delay LMA insertion. This study shows no significant difference between the two groups based on the demographic variables. The time to LMA insertion in sevoflurane group was significantly different from propofol.(p value <0.05) Successful initial mouth opening in sevoflurane group was significantly different from Propofol group.( p value <0.05). The hemodynamic responses were significantly different from Sevoflurane (P value less than 0.05). There was no statistical difference between the two groups in number of attempts for Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion. We concluded that, even though extended jaw muscle tightness can delay LMA placement in patients with sevoflurane inhalational induction, it can be compared favorably with intravenous induction of propofol

    Path coefficient analysis in local pearl millet germplasm for grain minerals and agronomic characters

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    Path coefficient analysis for grain minerals and quality traits affecting grain yield was accomplished in 61 indigenous germplasm lines of pearl millet. Maximum direct effect on grain yield was contributed by crude fat content which is positive and highly significant (P < 0.01) followed by number of productive tillers (P < 0.01), hundred grain weight and panicle length (p<0.05). The rest of the yield attributes showed moderate to low positive direct effect on grain yield plant−1. Productive tillers per plant, panicle length, 100-grain weight and crude fat content had positive and significant indirect effect on grain yield. These results interestingly showed that either higher grain yield or seed weight often have higher crude fat content which increased the feed value in poultry farms. It was also noted that, breeding for high grain minerals as well as other quality characters did reduce the yield potential of the cultivars

    Correlation Studies for Grain Yield Components and Nutritional Quality Traits in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) Germplasm

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    Before selecting genotypes for nutritional quality characters (protein, oil and micronutrients content) and anti-nutritional factor (phytic acid), it is important to know how much selection is likely to affect yield. Using a diverse range of genotypes, relationships between quality traits with yield and yield attributes in pearl millet were investigated. The number of productive tillers, panicle length, panicle girth, days to maturity, 100-grain weight were most important traits for maximizing grain yield owing to their high significant positive association with grain yield. Phytate phosphorus and total phosphorus were significantly positive correlated and it is therefore inferred that simple selection against phytate phosphorus is unlikely to lower phosphorus concentration in pearl millet. No correlation between grain yield and protein content. These suggested that, there is possibility of selection for increased protein content without detrimental effect on grain yield
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