37 research outputs found


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    The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT) is a rare benign odontogenic tumor. It was firstly described by Pindborg, and thus, is also referred to as the “Pindborg tumor.” CEOTaccounts for approximately 0.4-3 % of all the odontogenic tumors. Pindborg tumor is a benign but locally aggressive. It usually presents as a hard painless mass, generally affecting the mandible. Epithelial calcified odontogenic tumor usually found in the posterior mandibular bone, and it shares many features with the ameloblastoma. In this case report, clinical, radiological findings and surgical treatment of the patient with Pindborg tumor were presented

    Gebelikte renal anjiomyolipom: Olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Renal anjiomyolipom, nadir bir tümördür. Sporadik olabileceği gibi, tüberoz skleroz veya pulmoner lenfanjioleiomyomatozis ile birlikteliği de olabilir. Bu tümörler, hormon duyarlıdır, bu yüzden de gebelikte büyüme eğilimi gösterirler. Bu tümörlerin esas komplikasyonu rüptür riskidir. Optimal yönetimi hala netleşmemiştir, çünkü literatürde bununla ilgili çok az sayıda olgu sunumu vardır. Bu olguların çoğunda da gebelikte rüptür gelişmiş ve hastalar sezaryan ile doğurtulmuştur. Olgumuzun, rüptür olmadan 36. gebelik haftasında vajinal yoldan doğurtularak ve kesin tedavi (nefrektomi) bunu takiben gerçekleştirildiğinden dolayı bu tümörlerin gebelikteki yönetimi konusundaki bilgimizi daha da arttıracağını ummaktayız. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol 2015;2:118-21Renal angiomyolipoma is a rare tumor that can be either sporadic or found together with tuberous sclerosis or pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. These tumors are hormone sensitive and therefore tend to grow during pregnancy and their main complication is the risk of rupture. Optimal management is still controversial because there are very few cases reported in the literature. We expect that the case of our patient, who delivered her baby vaginally at 36 weeks of gestation and underwent definitive treatment (nephrectomy) thereafter, to further enhance the knowledge about the management of these rare tumors during pregnancy. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol 2015;2:118-2

    A Rare Skin Lesion During Pregnancy: Localized Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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    Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease that is spread by phlebotomine sand flies. These flies cause infections called cutaneous and/or visceral leishmaniasis in humans. In this paper, we present a pregnant patient who was diagnosed with localized cutaneous leishmaniasis, a localized form of the disease, and the treatment we applied to the patient. The patient was given systemic amphotericin-B treatment, however the immunosuppressive state of pregnancy and the diabetes of the patient complicatedthe treatment. Although the size of the lesion regressed during pregnancy, we could not completelycure the disease.Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease that is spread by phlebotomine sand flies. These flies cause infections called cutaneous and/or visceral leishmaniasis in humans. In this paper, we present a pregnant patient who was diagnosed with localized cutaneous leishmaniasis, a localized form of the disease, and the treatment we applied to the patient. The patient was given systemic amphotericin-B treatment, however the immunosuppressive state of pregnancy and the diabetes of the patient complicatedthe treatment. Although the size of the lesion regressed during pregnancy, we could not completelycure the disease

    Gebelikte renal anjiomyolipom: Olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Renal anjiomyolipom, nadir bir tümördür. Sporadik olabileceği gibi, tüberoz skleroz veya pulmoner lenfanjioleiomyomatozis ile birlikteliği de olabilir. Bu tümörler, hormon duyarlıdır, bu yüzden de gebelikte büyüme eğilimi gösterirler. Bu tümörlerin esas komplikasyonu rüptür riskidir. Optimal yönetimi hala netleşmemiştir, çünkü literatürde bununla ilgili çok az sayıda olgu sunumu vardır. Bu olguların çoğunda da gebelikte rüptür gelişmiş ve hastalar sezaryan ile doğurtulmuştur. Olgumuzun, rüptür olmadan 36. gebelik haftasında vajinal yoldan doğurtularak ve kesin tedavi (nefrektomi) bunu takiben gerçekleştirildiğinden dolayı bu tümörlerin gebelikteki yönetimi konusundaki bilgimizi daha da arttıracağını ummaktayız. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol 2015;2:118-21Renal angiomyolipoma is a rare tumor that can be either sporadic or found together with tuberous sclerosis or pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. These tumors are hormone sensitive and therefore tend to grow during pregnancy and their main complication is the risk of rupture. Optimal management is still controversial because there are very few cases reported in the literature. We expect that the case of our patient, who delivered her baby vaginally at 36 weeks of gestation and underwent definitive treatment (nephrectomy) thereafter, to further enhance the knowledge about the management of these rare tumors during pregnancy. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol 2015;2:118-2

    Hidrops fetalise neden olan fetal supraventriküler taşikardinin başarılı medikal tedavisi

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    Özet Supraventriküler taşikardi (SVT) en sık gözlenen fetal taşiaritmidir. Tanısı M-Mod ultrason ve/veya Doppler incelemeleri ile konur. Tedavisiz bırakılan olgularda fetal kalp yetmezliği ve hidrops gelişebilir. Bu tür komplikasyonların geliştiği olgularda tedavisiz bırakılmamalı, anneye verilen antiaritmik ilaçlarla tedavi edilmeye çalışılmalıdır. Yazımızda fetal SVT nedeniyle hidrops gelişmiş bir fetusun maternal sotalol ve digoksin uygulaması ile başarılı tedavisini anlatacağız. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol 2014;3:193-5Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is the most frequent fetal tachyarrhythmia. Diagnosis is established with M-mode ultrasound and/or Doppler investigation. Untreated cases may develop fetal heart failure and hydrops. Even these cases should not be left untreated - maternal administration of anti- arrhythmic drugs should be undertaken. In this manuscript, we describe a successful treatment with maternal administration of sotalol and digoxin in a fetus that developed hydrops because of SVT. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol 2014;3:193-5 Key Words: Tachycardia, supraventricular, fetal hydrop