1,280 research outputs found

    Einfluss von Informationskompetenz-Veranstaltungen auf die QualitÀt von Masterarbeiten

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    Am Geographischen Institut der UniversitĂ€t ZĂŒrich haben die Studierenden, welche als erster Jahrgang die IK-Veranstaltung als Pflichtmodul absolvierten, ihre Masterarbeit abgeschlossen. Mit einer quantitativen Auswertung wird untersucht, ob sich die QualitĂ€t der Quellen in den Masterarbeiten verbessert hat. Dazu werden die Literaturverzeichnisse einer bibliometrischen Analyse unterzogen. Anschliessend werden die erhaltenen Werte mit denjenigen verglichen, welche von Arbeiten ohne IK-Schulung erhoben wurden. Diese Methodik könnte ein Werkzeug darstellen, um Informationskompetenz-Veranstaltungen bezĂŒglich ihrer Relevanz fĂŒr wissenschaftliches Arbeiten evaluieren zu können

    Morphological and Functional Aspects and Quality of Life in Patients with Achromatopsia

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    (1) Background: Achromatopsia is a rare disease of which the natural course and impact on life are still unknown to this date. We aimed to assess the morphological, functional characteristics, and quality of life in a large sample size of patients with achromatopsia. (2) A total of 94 achromats were included in this retrospective cohort study. Sixty-four were patients of the Department of Ophthalmology, Saarland University Medical Centre in Homburg/Saar, Germany, between 2008 and 2021. Thirty further participants with achromatopsia from the national support group were included using an online questionnaire, which is available under ‘Supplementary data’. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Version 25; (3) The 94 patients (37 males (39.4%) and 57 females (60.6%)) showed a mean age of 24.23 ± 18.53 years. Visual acuity was stable (SD ± 0.22 logMAR at 1.0 logMAR) over a time of observation from 2008 to 2021. Edge filter glasses were the most used optical aids, while enlarged reading glasses were the most used low vision aids. (4) Conclusions: Our findings give an insight into describing the natural process and the quality of life of achromatopsia. The results demonstrate that achromatopsia is a predominantly stationary disease. The individual prescription of edge filters and low-vision aids is essential following a personalised fitting

    Investigations on the use of low density laser scanner data for mapping of forest areas : development of methods for forest inventory and monitoring tasks in respect to FFH mapping

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    The present article outlines the possible use of public Airborne Laserscanning (ALS) data, furnished by the Bavarian Land Survey Administration for the assessment, evaluation and monitoring of FFH areas (Special Areas of Conservation SAC). First of all, the different information levels of importance for a characterization of FFH areas are defined. On the basis of this definition, for each described information level the availability of information out of ALS data is tested. In this context, different methods of information assessment are investigated. FFH areas in the pre-alpine area of Bavaria, offering a maximum of ecological heterogeneity, have been used as test sites. The investigation included topographical structures like inclination of forest stands and the semi-automatic mapping of canyons and ditches. In the process of the assessment of forest structures, special emphasis was laid on the mapping of old-growth trees and gaps as well as on the detection of forest stand types, the percentage of deadwood and habitat trees. Whereas the detection of deadwood and habitat trees proved to be impossible using public ALS data of low point density, the assessment of stand types offered poor results. The use of ALS data for the assessment of topographic and forest structures however proved to be very successful.Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Möglichkeiten zur Nutzung von amtlichen Laserscannerdaten zur Erfassung, Beobachtung und Bewertung von FFH-Gebieten beschrieben. Dabei werden zunĂ€chst verschiedenen Informationsebenen definiert, die fĂŒr die Charakterisierung von FFH-Gebieten von Bedeutung sind. Basierend auf dieser Definition wird fĂŒr jede beschriebene Informationsebenen geprĂŒft, inwieweit die Information aus Laserscannerdaten abgegriffen werden kann. Hierbei werden verschiedene Methoden der Informationsableitung getestet. Untersuchungsgebiete waren FFH-Gebiete im voralpinen Raum, die eine möglichst vielseitige Ausstattung ausweisen. Untersucht wurde sowohl die Erfassung von GelĂ€ndestrukturen, wie die Kartierung der Hangneigung unter Wald und die automatische Erfassung von Schluchten als auch GrĂ€ben. Bei der Erfassung der Waldstrukturen war vor allem die Ausweisung homogener und inhomogen strukturierter Bereiche, die Kartierung von ÜberhĂ€ltern und LĂŒcken, aber auch die Erfassung von Bestandestypen, Totholzanteil und BiotopbĂ€umen von Bedeutung. WĂ€hrend Aussagen zum Totholzanteil und zu BiotopbĂ€umen mit den gering aufgelösten amtlichen Daten nicht möglich waren und die Erfassung von Bestandestypen nur grob erfolgen konnte, hat die Nutzung von Laserscannerdaten zur Erfassung von GelĂ€ndestrukturen und Waldstrukturen sehr gute Ergebnisse erbracht

    Effects on Financial Reporting

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    The IBOR transition is affecting financial reporting. US GAAP and IFRS are influenced more by the transition from IBOR to RFR compared to SWISS GAAP FER. Most directly affected is hedge accounting, which aims to avoid artificial earnings volatility. This might occur if value changes in the hedging instrument and hedged item are recognized in different reporting periods. A transition from IBOR to RFR without an amendment to existing accounting rules might lead to an increase in earnings volatility due to de-designation of hedge accounting relations. Related to IFRS: In May 2019, the IASB issued an exposure draft that reliefs these earnings volatility concerns. Entities can assume existing IBOR-based contractual terms for assessing the hedge accounting requirements. Related to US GAAP: A change in a contract's reference rate as a result of the IBOR transition would not create a new contract but would be accounted for as a continuation of that contract. Specifics on hedge accounting will be addressed in a future board meeting. Cash flow hedge accounting allows some flexibility in payment dates of the hedging instrument and the hedged item. This will be an important feature with alternative RFRs

    Twenty years of conservation and research findings of the Hawai‘i Island Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project, 1989 - 2009

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    Reports were scanned in black and white at a resolution of 600 dots per inch and were converted to text using Adobe Paper Capture Plug-in.Prior to 1989, available information on nesting hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Hawaiian Islands was minimal. From 1987 to 1990, personnel from Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park conducted reconnaissance along the southern coastline of Hawai‘i Island to confirm evidence of nesting activity, identify hawksbill nesting beaches, and evaluate threats. Thereafter, the Hawai‘i Island Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project (HIHTRP) was established to monitor and manage nesting sites, document nesting events, collect baseline data, ensure hatchlings safely reach the ocean, and mitigate threats. Between 1993 and 2009, the number of beaches monitored for nesting activity expanded from eight to 17, with variable coverage at each site. Flipper tagging of nesting adult females has occurred since 1991. Primary findings from twenty years of data collection include: 1) The southern coast of Hawai‘i Island has the highest documented hawksbill nesting activity in the Main Hawaiian Islands; 2) Nesting season (egg laying to hatchling emergence) begins in April and extends to February with a peak egg laying period from late-July to mid-September; 3) The mean seasonal cohort observed was 11.6 ± 1.2 (n= 18) with a range of 3 to 18 turtles; 4) The mean number of nests per turtle was 3.3 ± 0.2 per season (n= 20) with a range of 1 to 6 nests; 5) The mean remigration interval was 3.5 ± 0.1 years (n= 106) with a range of 2 to 10 years; 6) Nesting turtles demonstrated a high degree of nesting site fidelity, with 87% of individuals documented using only one nesting site. Forty-eight of these individuals were documented at the same beach in multiple years. Thirteen percent of nesting females were documented at multiple sites; 7) The mean nest to next crawl inter-nesting interval was 18.6 ± 0.1 days (n= 276) (range 13 to 24 days), while the mean nest to nest inter-nesting interval was 20 ± 0.2 days (n= 277) (range 13 to 30 days); 8) The mean incubation period was 62.5 ± 0.4 days (n= 446) with a range of 50 to 101 days; 9) The mean clutch size was 175.2 ± 1.5 eggs (n= 631) with a range of 78 to 274 eggs; 10) The mean nest hatch success of eggs was 71.9 ± 1.0% (n= 640) with a range of 0 to 100%; 11) Between 1991 and 2009, 100 adult females were tagged, with a mean of 5.3 ± 0.7 (n=19) and range of 1 to 11 per season; 12) Between 1988 and 2009 a total of 742 nests (most occurring at Kamehame, ‘Āpua Point, and Pƍhue Bay) were documented with a mean of 35 ± 4.0 (n= 21) and range of 8 to 69 per season; 13) Between 1989 and 2009, over 80,775 hatchlings are estimated to have entered the Pacific Ocean from Hawai‘i Island; 14) Primary threats to nest and hatchling success all of which have been significantly addressed were non-native mammalian predators, alien plants, artificial lights, hatchling stranding, vehicular traffic, and incompatible recreational use of nesting beaches; 15) Volcanism including land subsidence remains as an uncontrollable factor

    Visual Impairment and Low Vision Aids : A Comparison between Children and Adults

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    (1) Background: This study aims to highlight differences in the etiology and fitting of low vision aids in visually impaired children and adolescents in comparison to adults. (2) Methods: A retrospective data collection from visually impaired patients presenting to obtain assistive devices from 1 January 2016 to 30 April 2020 was conducted. A total of 502 patients were included. Inclusion criteria were a minimum age of 4 years and the chart notation of a best-corrected distance visual acuity in the patient record prior to the fitting of magnifying visual aids. (3) Results: Of the 502 patients, 147 (29.3%) were children under the age of 18 years. The most common cause of visual impairment in children was albinism, and in adults, it was age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Children showed better distance visual acuity, with a median of 0.88 logMAR (Logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution) compared to 1.0 in adults (p = 0.001). Near visual acuity was also significantly better, with a median of 0.54 logMAR in children compared to 0.9 in adults (p < 0.001). Near and distance visual acuity were significantly improved by fitting magnifying visual aids (p < 0.001). After fitting, near visual acuity averaged 0.3 logMAR, and distance visual acuity, 0.7. The most commonly prescribed aids were optical vision aids, which 68.5% of the patients received; 43.8% received electronic aids. In children, optical aids were more frequently prescribed, and in adults, electronic and acoustic aids (p < 0.001). (4) Conclusion: Visually impaired patients can regain the ability to read and improve distance vision by using individually adapted and tested magnifying vision aids, often with optical aids alone. Differences between children and adults could be discovered in the etiology and severity of visual impairment, as well as in the provision type of low vision aids

    Keratin 12 mRNA expression could serve as an early corneal marker for limbal explant cultures

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    This investigation aimed to identify early corneal marker and conjunctival epithelial differentiation through transcriptional analysis of limbal explant cultures and study early differentiation patterns of known corneal and conjunctival differentiation markers. 2 mm punch biopsies of limbal region were obtained from 6 donors of the Lions Cornea Bank Saar-Lorloux/Trier-Westpfalz. Limbal explants were dissected into corneal and conjunctival biopsy sections. Biopsies were placed with epithelial side down into 12 Wells. As soon as the outgrowing cells had reached confluence, they were harvested. mRNA expression of corneal differentiation markers KRT12, KRT3, DSG1, PAX6, ADH7 and ALDH1A1, conjunctival markers KRT19, KRT13 and stem cell marker ABCG2 were measured via qPCR. KRT12 and PAX6 protein expressions were evaluated using Western Blot. Results suggested that KRT12 mRNA expression was significantly higher in outgrowing cells from the corneal side of the biopsies as in those from the conjunctival side (p = 0.0043). There was no significant difference in mRNA expression of other analyzed markers comparing with marker expression of outgrown cells from both limbal biopsies (p > 0.13). KRT12 and PAX6 Western Blot analysis showed no difference in cells harvested from both sides. In conclusion, KRT12 mRNA might be a marker to measure corneal origin of cells from limbal biopsies with unknown composition of corneal and conjunctival progenitor cells. KRT3, DSG1, PAX6, ADH7, ALDH1A1, KRT19, KRT13 and ABCG2 mRNA as well as KRT12 and PAX6 protein expression could not contribute to differentiate corneal from conjunctival cell identity from limbal biopsies

    Isogeometric dual mortar methods for computational contact mechanics

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    International audienceIn recent years, isogeometric analysis (IGA) has received great attention in many fields of computational mechanics research. Especially for computational contact mechanics, an exact and smooth surface representation is highly desirable. As a consequence, many well-known finite e lement m ethods a nd a lgorithms f or c ontact m echanics h ave b een t ransferred t o I GA. I n t he present contribution, the so-called dual mortar method is investigated for both contact mechanics and classical domain decomposition using NURBS basis functions. In contrast to standard mortar methods, the use of dual basis functions for the Lagrange multiplier based on the mathematical concept of biorthogonality enables an easy elimination of the additional Lagrange multiplier degrees of freedom from the global system. This condensed system is smaller in size, and no longer of saddle point type but positive definite. A very simple and commonly used element-wise construction of the dual basis functions is directly transferred to the IGA case. The resulting Lagrange multiplier interpolation satisfies discrete inf–sup stability and biorthogonality, however, the reproduction order is limited to one. In the domain decomposition case, this results in a limitation of the spatial convergence order to O(h 3 /2) in the energy norm, whereas for unilateral contact, due to the lower regularity of the solution, optimal convergence rates are still met. Numerical examples are presented that illustrate these theoretical considerations on convergence rates and compare the newly developed isogeometric dual mortar contact formulation with its standard mortar counterpart as well as classical finite elements based on first and second order Lagrange polynomials

    Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis: efficacy of outbreak management

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    Purpose Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) is one of the most severe ocular viral infections. The aim of this interruptive time series study was to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of a hygienic EKC outbreak management concept developed in our ophthalmological department. Methods All patients with suspected EKC in the period from August to November 2018 were included in the study. Data were retrospectively collected from the patient’s medical documents and records. The disease was diagnosed clinically and confirmed by virus detection through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from conjunctival swabs. With the beginning of the epidemic, an outbreak management plan was implemented to reduce the nosocomial spread. Results The outbreak lasted 77 days (20th August 2018 to 4th November 2018) and affected a total of 120 patients. This corresponds to a mean of 1.5 patients per outbreak day. The median age was 58 [1–92] years. Of all patients, 61 (50.8%) were female. Conjunctival swabs were collected in 100/120 (83.3%) cases, the adenovirus being detected in all positive smears (63/63, 100%). The implementation of our outbreak management plan reduced significantly the number of EKC cases per outbreak day and resulted in a reduction of the basic reproduction number by a factor of 2.2. Conclusion The detection of EKC together with the immediate implementation of hygienic outbreak measures can significantly reduce the spread of infection. The implementation of a strict outbreak management concept can significantly reduce the number of EKC cases, thus avoiding possible complications and therefore unnecessary health-related costs
