37 research outputs found

    Fluorine in silicate glasses: A multinuclear nuclear magnetic resonance study

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    Anhydrous nepheline, jadeite, and albite glasses doped with F as well as hydrous F-containing haplogranitic glasses were investigated using 19F combined rotation and multiple-pulse spectroscopy; 19F → 29Si cross-polarization/magic angle spinning (MAS); and high-power 19F decoupled 29Si, 23Na, and 27Al MAS nuclear magnetic resonance methods. Fluorine preferentially coordinates with Al to form octahedral AlF63− complexes in all glasses studied. In addition, F anions bridging two Al cations, units containing octahedral Al coordinated by both O and F, or tetrahedral Al-F complexes might be present. The presence of Si-F bonds cannot be entirely ruled out but appears unlikely on the basis of the 19F → 29Si CP/MAS spectra. There is no evidence for any significant coordination of F with alkalis in the glasses studied. 23Na spectra are identical for the samples and their F-free equivalents and the spectra do not change upon decoupling of 19F. The speciation of F in the hydrous and anhydrous glasses appears to be very similar. Over the range of F contents studied ( up to 5 wt.% ), there seems to be hardly any dependence of F speciation on the concentration of F in the samples. The spectroscopic results explain the decrease of the viscosity of silicate melts with increasing F content by removal of Al from bridging AlO4-units due to complexing with F, which causes depolymerization of the melt. The same mechanism can account for the shift of the eutectic point in the haplogranite system to more feldspar-rich compositions with increasing F content, and for the peraluminous composition of most F-rich granites. Liquid immiscibility in F-rich granitic melts might be caused by formation of (Na,K)3AlF6 units in the melt with little or no interaction with the silicate component. The presence of F in granitic melts might increase the solubility of high field strength cations by making nonbridging O atoms available which form complexes with these cations

    Functional grouping analysis of varying reactor types in the Spiky-RBN AChem

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    We explore the effects that different reactor types have on Spiky-RBN AChem systems, looking at mass conserving and flow reactors. To assist in analysing the behaviour we introduce an activity measure based on possible system state changes as a result of changes in particle properties. This leads to a discussion on approaches to engineering complex systems towards specific goals

    Tuning Jordan Algebra Artificial Chemistries with Probability Spawning Functions

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    Natural chemistry deals with non-deterministic processes, and this is reflected in some artificial chemistries. We can tune these artificial systems by manipulating the functions that define their probabilistic processes. In this work we consider different probabilistic functions for particle linking, applied to our Jordan Algebra Artificial Chemistry. We use five base functions and their variations to investigate the possible behaviours of the system, and try to connect those behaviours to different traits of the functions. We find that, while some correlations can be seen, there are unexpected behaviours that we cannot account for in our current analysis. While we can set and manipulate the probabilities in our system, it is still complex and still displays emergent behaviour that we can not fully control

    Discrete and continuous systems of logic in nuclear magnetic resonance

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    We implement several non-binary logic systems using the spin dynamics of nuclear spins in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The NMR system is a suitable test system because of its high degree of experimental control; findings from NMR implementations are relevant for other computational platforms exploiting particles with spin, such as electrons or photons. While we do not expect the NMR system to become a practical computational device, it is uniquely useful to explore strengths and weaknesses of unconventional computational approaches, such as non-binary logic

    Fluorine in silicate glasses: A multinuclear nuclear magnetic resonance study

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    Anhydrous nepheline, jadeite, and albite glasses doped with F as well as hydrous F-containing haplogranitic glasses were investigated using 19F combined rotation and multiple-pulse spectroscopy; 19F → 29Si cross-polarization/magic angle spinning (MAS); and high-power 19F decoupled 29Si, 23Na, and 27Al MAS nuclear magnetic resonance methods. Fluorine preferentially coordinates with Al to form octahedral AlF63− complexes in all glasses studied. In addition, F anions bridging two Al cations, units containing octahedral Al coordinated by both O and F, or tetrahedral Al-F complexes might be present. The presence of Si-F bonds cannot be entirely ruled out but appears unlikely on the basis of the 19F → 29Si CP/MAS spectra. There is no evidence for any significant coordination of F with alkalis in the glasses studied. 23Na spectra are identical for the samples and their F-free equivalents and the spectra do not change upon decoupling of 19F. The speciation of F in the hydrous and anhydrous glasses appears to be very similar. Over the range of F contents studied ( up to 5 wt.% ), there seems to be hardly any dependence of F speciation on the concentration of F in the samples. The spectroscopic results explain the decrease of the viscosity of silicate melts with increasing F content by removal of Al from bridging AlO4-units due to complexing with F, which causes depolymerization of the melt. The same mechanism can account for the shift of the eutectic point in the haplogranite system to more feldspar-rich compositions with increasing F content, and for the peraluminous composition of most F-rich granites. Liquid immiscibility in F-rich granitic melts might be caused by formation of (Na,K)3AlF6 units in the melt with little or no interaction with the silicate component. The presence of F in granitic melts might increase the solubility of high field strength cations by making nonbridging O atoms available which form complexes with these cations

    Heterotic Computing Examples with Optics, Bacteria, and Chemicals

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    Unconventional computers can perform embodied computation that can directly exploit the natural dynamics of the substrate. But such in materio devices are often limited, special purpose machines. To be practically useful, unconventional devices are usually be combined with classical computers or control systems. However, there is currently no established way to do this, or to combine different unconventional devices. In this position paper we describe heterotic unconventional computation, an approach that focusses on combinations of unconventional devices. This will need a sound semantic framework defining how diverse unconventional computational devices can be combined in a way that respects the intrinsic computational power of each, whilst yielding a hybrid device that is capable of more than the sum of its parts. We also describe a suite of diverse physical implementations of heterotic unconventional computers, comprising computation performed by bacteria hosted in chemically built material, sensed and controlled optically and chemically.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación JCI-2010-0653