27 research outputs found

    Studies of the potato microstructure during blanching

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    The texture changes during the initial phase of blanching of potatoes, carrots and green peas at different blanching times (0–240 s) and temperatures (85 °C, 95 °C, 100 °C) were investigated. The breaking force (N) was determined by compression or Back extrusion tests with an Instron texture tester. Electronmicroscopic studies (SEM) were made to support the interpretation of the results.For each vegetable several sections of changes of the breaking force (lnF) were identified. For potatoes a three phase change of the breaking force by all temperatures (85 °C, 95 °C, 100 °C) was observed. In the first of the 3 different observed stages of potato blanching the breaking forces increased with time (0–40 s). In the second and third stage of the blanching process of potato a linear relationship was found between the logarithm of the breaking force and the blanching time. The second phase observed was faster (40–160 s) than the consecutive slower third phase (160–240 s).For green peas the change of the breaking force (lnF) can be described by two consecutive first rate reactions. A faster decreasing period between 0–25 s was followed by a slower decreasing one between 70–140 s. Between the first and second stage of the blanching process there was an initial lag period (25–70 s), which will not be described here. In the period after 140 s, there was not any change, this period is constant.For carrots the fastest change can be observed at 100 °C compared to the results at 85 and 95 °C. A three-phase curve was observed as well. An initial lag period (0–90 s) was followed by a faster (90–190 s) and a slower (190–240 s) decreasing one. In the second and third stage of the blanching process of carrots a linear relationship was found. For the changes of the breaking force (lnF) a kinetical approach was applied, reaction rate constants and apparent activation energies were calculated. The kinetical approach helps to compare and forecast changes at different process conditions

    Covalently immobilized, silica gel or resin-supported C-protected cysteine or cystine Fe and Ni complexes - synthesis and structural characterization with FT-IR spectroscopy

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    In this work the syntheses of covalently grafted C-protected Fe(III)− or Ni(II)−L-cysteine and Fe(III)− or Ni(II)−L-cystine complexes onto a surface-modified silica gel or Merrifield’s resin are described. Conditions of the syntheses were varied and the obtained structures were studied by classical analytical (titration) as well as spectroscopic (infrared, atomic absorption) methods. It was found that the sulphur atoms in the molecules acted as primary coordination sites, while the other coordinating groups varied depending on whether the complexes were formed under ligand-poor or ligand-excess conditions

    A kinetical approach of texture changes of vegetables during blanching

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    The texture changes during the initial phase of blanching of potatoes, carrots and green peas at different blanching times (0–240 s) and temperatures (85 °C, 95 °C, 100 °C) were investigated. The breaking force (N) was determined by compression or Back extrusion tests with an Instron texture tester. Electronmicroscopic studies (SEM) were made to support the interpretation of the results.For each vegetable several sections of changes of the breaking force (lnF) were identified. For potatoes a three phase change of the breaking force by all temperatures (85 °C, 95 °C, 100 °C) was observed. In the first of the 3 different observed stages of potato blanching the breaking forces increased with time (0–40 s). In the second and third stage of the blanching process of potato a linear relationship was found between the logarithm of the breaking force and the blanching time. The second phase observed was faster (40–160 s) than the consecutive slower third phase (160–240 s).For green peas the change of the breaking force (lnF) can be described by two consecutive first rate reactions. A faster decreasing period between 0–25 s was followed by a slower decreasing one between 70–140 s. Between the first and second stage of the blanching process there was an initial lag period (25–70 s), which will not be described here. In the period after 140 s, there was not any change, this period is constant.For carrots the fastest change can be observed at 100 °C compared to the results at 85 and 95 °C. A three-phase curve was observed as well. An initial lag period (0–90 s) was followed by a faster (90–190 s) and a slower (190–240 s) decreasing one. In the second and third stage of the blanching process of carrots a linear relationship was found. For the changes of the breaking force (lnF) a kinetical approach was applied, reaction rate constants and apparent activation energies were calculated. The kinetical approach helps to compare and forecast changes at different process conditions

    Needs and difficulties of food businesses in the substantiation of health and nutrition claims

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    The food industry has been struggling with existing guidance on how to prepare health claim dossiers. Hence the EU-funded project PATHWAY-27 seeks to provide a more tailored guidance.Within this project, robust guidelines for the food industry will be developed. The guidelines will be applicable to bioactives and bioactive enriched foods in general, to facilitate health claim documentation and dossiers.Based on a questionnaire, information on the needs and difficulties of the food industry in reaching the requirements established by the national and EU authorities (EFSA) was gathered. Particular emphasis was placed on scientific, economic, technical and technological barriers

    Comparison of the efficiency of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger or Na+/H+ exchanger inhibition and their combination in reducing coronary reperfusion-induced arrhythmias

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    During ischaemia/reperfusion, the rise in [Na+]i, induced by simultaneous depression of the Na+/K+-ATPase and activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE), shifts the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) into reverse transport mode, resulting in Ca2+ i overload, which is a critical factor in enhancing the liability to cardiac arrhythmias. The inhibition of NHE, and recently NCX has been suggested to effectively protect the heart from reperfusion-induced arrhythmias. In this study, we investigated and compared the efficacy of individual or the simultaneous inhibition of the NHE and NCX against reperfusion-induced arrhythmias in Langendorff-perfused rat hearts by applying a commonly used regional ischaemiareperfusion protocol. The NHE and NCX were inhibited by cariporide and SEA0400 or the novel, more selective ORM10103, respectively. Arrhythmia diagrams calculated for the reperfusion period were analysed for the incidence and duration of extrasystoles (ESs), ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF). NHE inhibition by cariporide was highly efficient in reducing the recorded reperfusion-induced arrhythmias. Following the application of SEA0400 or ORM-10103, the number and duration of arrhythmic periods were efficiently or moderately decreased. While both NCX inhibitors effectively reduced ESs, the most frequently triggered arrhythmias, they exerted limited or no effect on VTs and VFs. Of the NCX inhibitors, ORM-10103 was more effective. Surprisingly, the simultaneous inhibition of the NCX and NHE failed to significantly improve the antiarrhythmic efficacy reached by NCX blockade alone. In conclusion, although principal simultaneous NHE+NCX inhibition should be highly effective against all types of the recorded reperfusion-induced arrhythmias, NCX inhibitors, alone or in combination with cariporide, seem to be moderately suitable to provide satisfactory cardioprotection - at least in the present arrhythmia model. Since ORM10103 and SEA0400 are known to effectively inhibit after-depolarisations, it is suggested that their efficacy and that of other NCX inhibitors may be higher and more pronounced in the predominantly Ca2+ i-dependent triggered arrhythmias. © 2015, Polish Physiological Society. All rights reserved

    Needs and difficulties of food businesses in the substantiation of health and nutrition claims

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    The food industry has been struggling with existing guidance on how to prepare health claim dossiers. Hence the EU-funded project PATHWAY-27 seeks to provide a more tailored guidance. Within this project, robust guidelines for the food industry will be developed. The guidelines will be applicable to bioactives and bioactive enriched foods in general, to facilitate health claim documentation and dossiers. Based on a questionnaire, information on the needs and difficulties of the food industry in reaching the requirements established by the national and EU authorities (EFSA) was gathered. Particular emphasis was placed on scientific, economic, technical and technological barriers

    [Ca2+]i-induced augmentation of the inward rectifier potassium current (IK1) in canine and human ventricular myocardium.

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    The inward rectifier K+ current (IK1) plays an important role in terminal repolarization and stabilization of the resting potential in cardiac cells. Although IK1 was shown to be sensitive to changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), the nature of this Ca2+ sensitivity—in spite of its deep influence on action potential morphology—is controversial. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effects of a nonadrenergic rise in [Ca2+]i on the amplitude of IK1 in canine and human ventricular myocardium and its consequences on cardiac repolarization. IK1, defined as the current inhibited by 10 μM Ba2+, was significantly increased in isolated canine myocytes following a steady rise in [Ca2+]i. Enhanced IK1 was also observed when [Ca2+]i was not buffered by ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid, and [Ca2+]I transients were generated. This [Ca2+]i-dependent augmentation of IK1 was largely attenuated after inhibition of CaMKII by 1 μM KN-93. Elevation of [Ca2+]o in multicellular canine and human ventricular preparations resulted in shortening of action potentials and acceleration of terminal repolarization. High [Ca2+]o enhanced the action potential lengthening effect of the Ba2+-induced IK1 blockade and attenuated the prolongation of action potentials following a 0.3-μM dofetilide-induced IKr blockade. Blockade of IKs by 0.5 μM HMR-1556 had no significant effect on APD90 in either 2 mM or 4 mM [Ca2+]o. It is concluded that high [Ca2+]i leads to augmentation of the Ba2+-sensitive current in dogs and humans, regardless of the mechanism of the increase. This effect seems to be at least partially mediated by a CaMKII-dependent pathway and may provide an effective endogenous defense against cardiac arrhythmias induced by Ca2+ overload