195 research outputs found

    Kojonup maintenance Phosphorus and Sulphur Trial 68BR7EX

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    68BR7 Maintenance superphosphate and sulphur trial To determine the level of superphosphate to maintain near maximum plant and animal production with and without additional elemental sulphur. Experimental: There are 41 plots with 29 treatments. 12 treatments have 2 replications. Site: Very old land, whitegum and sheoak vegetation with greybrown sandy loam and some quartz grit. History: Superphosphate - 1/2bag for 40 years - 3,600 lbs (1633 kg). 600 lb (272 kg) in the last 4 years to 1967

    Summary of 1974 Phosphorus and sulphur group

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    Stocking x Super Rate - Merredin - 66M30. Twitcham - 62MB9. Kojonup - 68BR7. Maintenance P x S Trials - I. Residual Value - 66N07 and 66ME3. II. Wheatbelt Rate Trials - 67N011, 66LG1, 68LG1, 67NO5, 6NA3, 67GE2, 66M06 and 67M01. III. Wheatbelt Research Stations and Farmers- 65C5, 65A1, 65N5,69WH15 and 66N09. IV. Higher Rainfall Area Trials - 68B1, 68BU2, 68BR5,68AL3, 69E6, 69AL2 and 69AL3. Miscellaneous Trials - 74GE2, 74GE4, 74GE5,74JE3, 74LG4, 74M06, 74M07, 74TS3, 74NA3 74NA4, 74M07, 74TS4

    1975 Phosphorus and sulphur group results

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    Stocking X Super Rate - 66M30, 68BR7. Residual Value of Superphosphate - 66 & 68LG1, 66ME3, 66NO7, 67NO11, 67NO5, 74GE2, 74MO7, 74MO8. Maintainance P X S Trials - 65A1, 65C5, 65N5, 67NO11, 68AL3, 68B1, 69AL2, 69AL3, 69E6, 69WH15. Miscellaneous trials - Rates and Methods of Super on Wheat Lupins and Clover 74LG5, 75A20 and 21; 75ES5, 6, and 7; 75GE6 and 7; 75JE7, 75JE5, 75KA3 and 4; 75LG4 and 7; 75LG26; 75MO9, 75MO28, 75NA4, 75NO5 and 6. High Rainfall Pasture Trials - 75AL4 and 5; 75AR3 and 4; 75BR11, 12, and 13; 75BY5, 6, and 8; 75BU8 and 10; 75DE2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Notes on Discarded Trials

    Super and stocking rates at Kojonup after 10 years

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    A Department of Agriculture trial on old land at Kojonup has been comparing rates of superphosphate and stocking of sheep for 10 years

    The nature of the human T cell response to the cancer antigen 5T4 is determined by the balance of regulatory and inflammatory T cells of the same antigen-specificity: implications for vaccine design

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    The oncofoetal antigen 5T4 is a promising T cell target in the context of colorectal cancer, as demonstrated by a recent clinical study where 5T4-specific T cell responses, induced by vaccination or cyclophosphamide, were associated with a significantly prolonged survival of patients with metastatic disease. Whilst Th1-type (IFN-γ+) responses specific to 5T4, and other oncofoetal antigens, are often readily detectable in early stage CRC patients and healthy donors, their activity is suppressed as the cancer progresses by CD4+CD25hiFoxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) which contribute to the immunosuppressive environment conducive to tumour growth. This study mapped the fine specificity of Th1 and Treg cell responses to the 5T4 protein. Surprisingly, both immunogenic peptides and those recognised by Tregs clustered in the same HLA-DR transcending epitope-rich hotspots within the 5T4 protein. Similarly, regions of low Th1-cell immunogenicity also did not contain peptides capable of stimulating Tregs, further supporting the notion that Treg and Th1 cells recognise the same peptides. Understanding the rules which govern the balance of Th1 and Treg cells responding to a given peptide specificity is, therefore, of fundamental importance to designing strategies for manipulating the balance in favour of Th1 cells, and thus the most effective anti-cancer T cell responses

    Intradermal Delivery of an Immunomodulator for Basal Cell Carcinoma; Expanding the Mechanistic Insight into Solid Microneedle-Enhanced Delivery of Hydrophobic Molecules

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cutaneous malignancy in humans. One of the most efficacious drugs used in the management of BCC is the immunomodulator, imiquimod. However, imiquimod has physiochemical properties that limit its permeation to reach deeper, nodular tumor lesions. The use of microneedles may overcome such limitations and promote intradermal drug delivery. The current work evaluates the effectiveness of using an oscillating microneedle device Dermapen either as a pre- or post-treatment with 5% w/w imiquimod cream application to deliver the drug into the dermis. The effectiveness of microneedles to enhance the permeation of imiquimod was evaluated ex vivo using a Franz cell setup. After a 24-h permeation experiment, sequential tape strips and vertical cross-sections of the porcine skin were collected and analyzed using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). In addition, respective Franz cell components were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Analysis of porcine skin cross-sections demonstrated limited dermal permeation of 5% w/w imiquimod cream. Similarly, limited dermal permeation was also seen when 5% w/w imiquimod cream was applied to the skin that was pretreated with the Dermapen, this is known as poke-and-patch. In contrast, when the formulation was applied first to the skin prior to Dermapen application, this is known as patch-and-poke, we observed a significant increase in intradermal permeation of imiquimod. Such enhancement occurs immediately upon microneedle application, generating an intradermal depot that persists for up to 24 h. Intradermal colocalization of isostearic acid, an excipient in the cream, with imiquimod within microneedle channels was also demonstrated. However, such enhancement in intradermal delivery of imiquimod was not observed when the patch-and-poke strategy was used with a non-oscillating microneedle applicator, the Dermastamp. The current work highlights that using the patch-and-poke approach with an oscillating microneedle pen may be a viable approach to improve the current treatment in BCC patients who would prefer a less invasive intervention relative to surgery

    Crystal sedimentation and stone formation

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    Mechanisms of crystal collision being the first step of aggregation (AGN) were analyzed for calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) directly produced in urine. COM was produced by oxalate titration in urine of seven healthy men, in solutions of urinary macromolecules and in buffered distilled water (control). Crystal formation and sedimentation were followed by a spectrophotometer and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Viscosity of urine was measured at 37°C. From results, sedimentation rate (vS), particle diffusion (D) and incidences of collision of particles in suspension by sedimentation (IS) and by diffusion (ID) were calculated. Calculations were related to average volume and urinary transit time of renal collecting ducts (CD) and of renal pelvis. vS was in urine 0.026 ± 0.012, in UMS 0.022 ± 0.01 and in control 0.091 ± 0.02 cm min−1 (mean ± SD). For urine, a D of 9.53 ± 0.97 μm within 1 min can be calculated. At maximal crystal concentration, IS was only 0.12 and ID was 0.48 min−1 cm−3 which, even at an unrealistic permanent and maximal crystalluria, would only correspond to less than one crystal collision/week/CD, whereas to the same tubular wall being in horizontal position 1.3 crystals/min and to a renal stone 624 crystals/cm2 min could drop by sedimentation. Sedimentation to renal tubular or pelvic wall, where crystals can accumulate and meet with a tissue calcification or a stone, is probably essential for stone formation. Since vS mainly depends on particle size, reducing urinary supersaturation and crystal growth by dietary oxalate restriction seems to be an important measure to prevent aggregation

    3D ToF-SIMS imaging of polymer multilayer films using argon cluster sputter depth profiling

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    ToF-SIMS imaging with argon cluster sputter depth profiling has provided detailed insight into the three-dimensional (3D) chemical composition of a series of polymer multilayer structures. Depths of more than 15 μm were profiled in these samples while maintaining uniform sputter rates. The 3D chemical images provide information regarding the structure of the multilayer systems that could be used to inform future systems manufacturing and development. This also includes measuring the layer homogeneity, thickness, and interface widths. The systems analyzed were spin-cast multilayers comprising alternating polystyrene (PS) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) layers. These included samples where the PVP and PS layer thickness values were kept constant throughout and samples where the layer thickness was varied as a function of depth in the multilayer. The depth profile data obtained was observed to be superior to that obtained for the same materials using alternative ion sources such as C60 n+. The data closely reflected the “as manufactured” sample specification, exhibiting good agreement with ellipsometry measurements of layer thickness, while also maintaining secondary ion intensities throughout the profiling regime. The unprecedented quality of the data allowed a detailed analysis of the chemical structure of these systems, revealing some minor imperfections within the polymer layers and demonstrating the enhanced capabilities of the argon cluster depth profiling technique

    From 2D leg kinematics to 3D full-body biomechanics-the past, present and future of scientific analysis of maximal instep kick in soccer

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    Biomechanics investigation on soccer kicking has a relatively long history, yet the body of knowledge is still small. This paper reviews articles published from 1960s to 2011, summarizing relevant findings, research trends and method development. It also discusses challenges faced by the field. The main aim of the paper is to promote soccer kicking studies through discussions on problem solving in the past, method development in the present, and possible research directions for the future