75 research outputs found

    Novel pathways for fuels and lubricants from biomass optimized using life-cycle greenhouse gas assessment

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    Decarbonizing the transportation sector is critical to achieving global climate change mitigation. Although biofuels will play an important role in conventional gasoline and diesel applications, bioderived solutions are particularly important in jet fuels and lubricants, for which no other viable renewable alternatives exist. Producing compounds for jet fuel and lubricant base oil applications often requires upgrading fermentation products, such as alcohols and ketones, to reach the appropriate molecular-weight range. Ketones possess both electrophilic and nucleophilic functionality, which allows them to be used as building blocks similar to alkenes and aromatics in a petroleum refining complex. Here, we develop a method for selectively upgrading biomass-derived alkyl methyl ketones with >95% yields into trimer condensates, which can then be hydrodeoxygenated in near-quantitative yields to give a new class of cycloalkane compounds. The basic chemistry developed here can be tailored for aviation fuels as well as lubricants by changing the production strategy. We also demonstrate that a sugarcane biorefinery could use natural synergies between various routes to produce a mixture of lubricant base oils and jet fuels that achieve net life-cycle greenhouse gas savings of up to 80%. biofuels | lubricants | life cycle assessment | methyl ketones | greenhouse gases C ountries around the world are enacting legislation to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Strategies for decarbonizing road transportation include an array of options from improving engine efficiency and blending bioethanol/biodiesel with gasoline/diesel to using plug-in electric vehicles (1-3). Aviation fuels pose a unique problem because stringent specifications require oxygen-free compounds, limiting the options available (4). Biofuel solutions such as farnesane have been proposed; however, these offer only modest GHG reduction benefits (SI Appendix) and the wide boiling range requirement for jet fuels sets a limit on the amount of single-component renewable fuels that may be blended. At the other end of the spectrum are automotive lubricant base oils where a narrow range of compounds is highly desirable. Poly-α-olefins (PAOs) containing 30 carbon atoms obtained from oligomerization of fossil-derived 1-decene are considered as the benchmark of superior performance for crankcase oils and have a high demand (5). Importantly, the GHG footprint associated with PAO base oils can be higher on a per-mass basis than petroleum-derived fuels if even a fraction of the lubricant is repurposed as fuel at its end of life (6). The goal of our work was to develop a strategy for the flexible production of jet fuels and lubricant base oils in a Brazilian sugarcane refinery designed to achieve a meaningful reduction in life-cycle GHG emissions. Our approach involves conversion of sugars in sugarcane-derived sucrose and hemicellulose to ketones using a combination of chemical and biocatalytic processes. For example, 2-butanone, can be obtained by the dehydration of fermentation-derived 2,3-butanediol (7, 8) or via chemical/biochemical (9, 10) decarboxylation of levulinic acid (11). The fermentation of various biomass-derived sugars using Clostridia strains produces a mixture of acetone, butanol, and ethanol (ABE), which can be used to synthesize a mixture of monoalkylated/dialkylated ketones (12), specifically 2-pentanone and 2-heptanone. Additional synthons may be produced from bioalcohol-derived olefins (13) or biomass-derived furanic platform molecules, such as 2,5-dimethylfuran and 2-methylfuran, via hydrogenolysis to produce 2-hexanone and 2-pentanone, respectively, with as high as 98% selectivity Results and Discussion We begin by identifying heterogeneous catalysts and appropriate reaction conditions for the self-condensation of ketones (1) to produce dimer/trimer condensates 2-4 in high overall yield Significance The development of renewable liquid fuels and bioproducts is critical to reducing global reliance on petroleum and mitigating climate change, particularly for applications where few lowcarbon alternatives exist. We combine chemical catalysis with life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) modeling to create a new platform for producing biobased aviation fuel and automotive lubricant base oils. The recyclable catalysts we developed are capable of converting sugar and biomass-derived alkyl methyl ketones into cyclic enones via condensation reactions. These products can subsequently be hydrodeoxygenated to create a new class of aviation fuel and lubricant candidates with superior cold flow properties, density, and viscosity that substantially reduce GHG emissions relative to conventional petroleum

    Field performance of switchgrass plants engineered for reduced recalcitrance

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    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a promising perennial bioenergy crop that achieves high yields with relatively low nutrient and energy inputs. Modification of cell wall composition for reduced recalcitrance can lower the costs of deconstructing biomass to fermentable sugars and other intermediates. We have engineered overexpression of OsAT10, encoding a rice BAHD acyltransferase and QsuB, encoding dehydroshikimate dehydratase from Corynebacterium glutamicum, to enhance saccharification efficiency in switchgrass. These engineering strategies demonstrated low lignin content, low ferulic acid esters, and increased saccharification yield during greenhouse studies in switchgrass and other plant species. In this work, transgenic switchgrass plants overexpressing either OsAT10 or QsuB were tested in the field in Davis, California, USA for three growing seasons. No significant differences in the content of lignin and cell wall-bound p-coumaric acid or ferulic acid were detected in transgenic OsAT10 lines compared with the untransformed Alamo control variety. However, the transgenic overexpressing QsuB lines had increased biomass yield and slightly increased biomass saccharification properties compared to the control plants. This work demonstrates good performance of engineered plants in the field, and also shows that the cell wall changes in the greenhouse were not replicated in the field, emphasizing the need to validate engineered plants under relevant field conditions

    Achieving Deep Cuts in the Carbon Intensity of U.S. Automobile Transportation by 2050: Complementary Roles for Electricity and Biofuels

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    Passenger cars in the United States (U.S.) rely primarily on petroleum-derived fuels and contribute the majority of U.S. transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Electricity and biofuels are two promising alternatives for reducing both the carbon intensity of automotive transportation and U.S. reliance on imported oil. However, as standalone solutions, the biofuels option is limited by land availability and the electricity option is limited by market adoption rates and technical challenges. This paper explores potential GHG emissions reductions attainable in the United States through 2050 with a county-level scenario analysis that combines ambitious plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) adoption rates with scale-up of cellulosic ethanol production. With PHEVs achieving a 58% share of the passenger car fleet by 2050, phasing out most corn ethanol and limiting cellulosic ethanol feedstocks to sustainably produced crop residues and dedicated crops, we project that the United States could supply the liquid fuels needed for the automobile fleet with an average blend of 80% ethanol (by volume) and 20% gasoline. If electricity for PHEV charging could be supplied by a combination of renewables and natural-gas combined-cycle power plants, the carbon intensity of automotive transport would be 79 g CO2e per vehicle-kilometer traveled, a 71% reduction relative to 2013

    Challenge clusters facing LCA in environmental decision-making—what we can learn from biofuels

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    Purpose Bioenergy is increasingly used to help meet greenhouse gas (GHG) and renewable energy targets. However, bioenergy’s sustainability has been questioned, resulting in increasing use of life cycle assessment (LCA). Bioenergy systems are global and complex, and market forces can result in significant changes, relevant to LCA and policy. The goal of this paper is to illustrate the complexities associated with LCA, with particular focus on bioenergy and associated policy development, so that its use can more effectively inform policymakers. Methods The review is based on the results from a series of workshops focused on bioenergy life cycle assessment. Expert submissions were compiled and categorized within the first two workshops. Over 100 issues emerged. Accounting for redundancies and close similarities in the list, this reduced to around 60 challenges, many of which are deeply interrelated. Some of these issues were then explored further at a policyfacing workshop in London, UK. The authors applied a rigorous approach to categorize the challenges identified to be at the intersection of biofuels/bioenergy LCA and policy. Results and discussion The credibility of LCA is core to its use in policy. Even LCAs that comply with ISO standards and policy and regulatory instruments leave a great deal of scope for interpretation and flexibility. Within the bioenergy sector, this has led to frustration and at times a lack of obvious direction. This paper identifies the main challenge clusters: overarching issues, application and practice and value and ethical judgments. Many of these are reflective of the transition from application of LCA to assess individual products or systems to the wider approach that is becoming more common. Uncertainty in impact assessment strongly influences planning and compliance due to challenges in assigning accountability, and communicating the inherent complexity and uncertainty within bioenergy is becoming of greater importance. Conclusions The emergence of LCA in bioenergy governance is particularly significant because other sectors are likely to transition to similar governance models. LCA is being stretched to accommodate complex and broad policy-relevant questions, seeking to incorporate externalities that have major implications for long-term sustainability. As policy increasingly relies on LCA, the strains placed on the methodology are becoming both clearer and impedimentary. The implications for energy policy, and in particular bioenergy, are large

    Prospects for carbon-negative biomanufacturing.

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    Technoeconomic analysis for biofuels and bioproducts.

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    Sustainable manufacturing with synthetic biology

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