185 research outputs found

    The “priests” of East Cape: A religious movement on the Chukchi Peninsula during the 1920s and 1930s

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    Recently broadened fieldwork opportunities in Siberia have not only enabled the study of current social and cultural processes, but also facilitated a re-assessment of previous periods of rapid social change. One of those was, undoubtedly, the decade following the Russian Revolution, when Russians and other outsiders significantly increased their impact in many areas of Siberia. Fieldwork conducted during the 1990s has provided evidence of a previously unrecognised phenomenon, namely the existence of a syncretistic system of worldview and ritual practice in the Siberian Yupik village Naukan. Similar to so-called “revitalisation movements” elsewhere, it can be interpreted as a reaction to increasing Russian colonial pressure. The present paper attempts to situate the Naukan movement in its cultural and political contexts, in order to provide a post-colonial reading of early 20th century transformations.Les rĂ©centes possibilitĂ©s de mener des travaux de terrain en SibĂ©rie ont permis non seulement l’étude des processus sociaux et culturels actuels mais ont Ă©galement facilitĂ© le rĂ©examen des changements sociaux rapides des pĂ©riodes antĂ©rieures. L’une de ces pĂ©riodes Ă©tait, sans aucun doute, la dĂ©cennie qui a suivi la rĂ©volution russe, quand les Russes et d’autres Ă©trangers ont accru sensiblement leur impact dans plusieurs rĂ©gions de la SibĂ©rie. Un travail de terrain menĂ© dans les annĂ©es 1990 a permis d’attester un phĂ©nomĂšne jusque-lĂ  mĂ©connu, Ă  savoir l’existence d’un systĂšme syncrĂ©tique de vision du monde et de pratiques rituelles dans le village yupik sibĂ©rien de Naukan. Comparable Ă  ce qui est appelĂ© ailleurs «mouvements de revitalisation», il peut ĂȘtre interprĂ©té comme une rĂ©action Ă  une pression coloniale de plus en plus forte. Cet article tente de situer le mouvement de Naukan dans son contexte culturel et politique afin de donner une lecture post-coloniale des transformations du dĂ©but du 20e siĂšcle


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    This chapter is about the 'Chukchis' the indigenous people of the far northeast of Russia. Historically engaged in reindeer herding and sea mammal hunting. Published in the "Supplement to the Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet and Eurasian History" published by Academic International Pres

    The Chukchis and Siberian Yupiks of the Russian Far East.

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    The Chukotka Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation is inhabited by several Native and non-Native peoples. The Chukchis and Siberian Yupiks constitute the two most numerous Native groups in the region, while ethnic Russians and Ukrainians dominate among the non-Native population. According to the last census of 1989, there were approx. 15,000 Chukchis and 1,700 Yupiks living within Russia. More than 90% of the Yupiks and most of the Chukchis live within the borders of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Some Chukchis also live in the Sakha Republic to the west and in the Magadan Province to the south. Historically, significant cultural differences developed between the coastal Chukchis and Yupiks in eastern Chukotka (on the Chukchi Peninsula, roughly coinciding with Providenskii and Chukotskii districts) and the tundra or reindeer Chukchi of western Chukotka. Thus, the similarities among coastal Chukchis and Yupiks were often more pronounced than among coastal and reindeer Chukchis. Commensurate with the ethnographic expertise of the authors, our account will focus on the Yupiks and Chukchis of the Chukchi Peninsula and the Chukchis of the Anadyr River Basin (Anadyrskii District)

    The Chukchis and Siberian Yupiks of the Russian Far East.

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    The Chukotka Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation is inhabited by several Native and non-Native peoples. The Chukchis and Siberian Yupiks constitute the two most numerous Native groups in the region, while ethnic Russians and Ukrainians dominate among the non-Native population. According to the last census of 1989, there were approx. 15,000 Chukchis and 1,700 Yupiks living within Russia. More than 90% of the Yupiks and most of the Chukchis live within the borders of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Some Chukchis also live in the Sakha Republic to the west and in the Magadan Province to the south. Historically, significant cultural differences developed between the coastal Chukchis and Yupiks in eastern Chukotka (on the Chukchi Peninsula, roughly coinciding with Providenskii and Chukotskii districts) and the tundra or reindeer Chukchi of western Chukotka. Thus, the similarities among coastal Chukchis and Yupiks were often more pronounced than among coastal and reindeer Chukchis. Commensurate with the ethnographic expertise of the authors, our account will focus on the Yupiks and Chukchis of the Chukchi Peninsula and the Chukchis of the Anadyr River Basin (Anadyrskii District)

    The Impact of Personal Experience on Behavior: Evidence From Video-Rental Fines

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    Personal experience matters. In a field setting with longitudinal data, we disentangle the effects of learning new information from the effects of personal experience. We demonstrate that experience with a fine, controlling for the effect of learning new information, significantly boosts future compliance. We also show that experience with a large fine boosts compliance more than experience with a small fine, but that the influence of experience with both large and small fines decays sharply over time

    Disordered Electrons in a Strong Magnetic Field: Transfer Matrix Approaches to the Statistics of the Local Density of States

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    We present two novel approaches to establish the local density of states as an order parameter field for the Anderson transition problem. We first demonstrate for 2D quantum Hall systems the validity of conformal scaling relations which are characteristic of order parameter fields. Second we show the equivalence between the critical statistics of eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian and of the transfer matrix, respectively. Based on this equivalence we obtain the order parameter exponent α0≈3.4\alpha_0\approx 3.4 for 3D quantum Hall systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, corrected scale in Fig.

    Localization in non-chiral network models for two-dimensional disordered wave mechanical systems

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    Scattering theoretical network models for general coherent wave mechanical systems with quenched disorder are investigated. We focus on universality classes for two dimensional systems with no preferred orientation: Systems of spinless waves undergoing scattering events with broken or unbroken time reversal symmetry and systems of spin 1/2 waves with time reversal symmetric scattering. The phase diagram in the parameter space of scattering strengths is determined. The model breaking time reversal symmetry contains the critical point of quantum Hall systems but, like the model with unbroken time reversal symmetry, only one attractive fixed point, namely that of strong localization. Multifractal exponents and quasi-one-dimensional localization lengths are calculated numerically and found to be related by conformal invariance. Furthermore, they agree quantitatively with theoretical predictions. For non-vanishing spin scattering strength the spin 1/2 systems show localization-delocalization transitions.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, 4 figures (postscript

    Low Temperature Opacities

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    Previous computations of low temperature Rosseland and Planck mean opacities from Alexander & Ferguson (1994) are updated and expanded. The new computations include a more complete equation of state with more grain species and updated optical constants. Grains are now explicitly included in thermal equilibrium in the equation of state calculation, which allows for a much wider range of grain compositions to be accurately included than was previously the case. The inclusion of high temperature condensates such as Al2_2O3_3 and CaTiO3_3 significantly affects the total opacity over a narrow range of temperatures before the appearance of the first silicate grains. The new opacity tables are tabulated for temperatures ranging from 30000 K to 500 K with gas densities from 10−4^{-4} g cm−3^{-3} to 10−19^{-19} g cm−3^{-3}. Comparisons with previous Rosseland mean opacity calculations are discussed. At high temperatures, the agreement with OPAL and Opacity Project is quite good. Comparisons at lower temperatures are more divergent as a result of differences in molecular and grain physics included in different calculations. The computation of Planck mean opacities performed with the opacity sampling method are shown to require a very large number of opacity sampling wavelength points; previously published results obtained with fewer wavelength points are shown to be significantly in error. Methods for requesting or obtaining the new tables are provided.Comment: 39 pages with 12 figures. To be published in ApJ, April 200

    Highly conducting perylene radical salts

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    Temperature dependent dc and microwave conductivity data together with EPR and optical reflectance measurements on the "mixed" system (pe)2(ASF6)0,75(PF6)0,35 times 0,85 CH2Cl2 are described. The data prove metallic behaviour of this organic solid down to 200 K
