738 research outputs found

    Cluster glass behavior of the frustrated birnessites A(x)MnO(2)center dot yH(2)O (A = Na, K)

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    We report on the synthesis and magnetic properties of frustrated Na0.22MnO2*0.39H2O and K0.6MnO2*0.48H2O with the birnessite structure. The structure, static and dynamic magnetic properties of the compounds are investigated in detail. A combination of DC and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements and magnetization decay measurements reveal cluster glass behavior below the freezing temperature of 4 K for Na-birnessite and 6 K for K-birnessite. The frequency dependence of the freezing temperature is analyzed on the basis of dynamic scaling laws including the critical slowing down formula and the Vogel-Fulcher law, which further confirm cluster glass formation in both compounds

    Men’s experiences of a personalised, appearance-based, facial-morphing, safer drinking intervention

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    Risky alcohol consumption behaviours remain commonplace, representing a major threat to health and safety, and are especially evidenced by young university students. Consequently, new interventions targeting this high-risk group are required. The current study investigated young male university students’ experiences of a personalised, appearance-based, facial morphing, safer drinking intervention. Twenty-five male student participants were recruited, aged 18–34 years. Inductive thematic analysis of data gathered whilst participants were immersed in the intervention, and thereby exposed to alcohol-aged images of their own faces, produced four primary themes: alcohol as a threat to appearance and health, motivations to protect appearance, motivational aspects of the intervention, and proposed improvements and applications. The results of the current study suggested that participants expressed intentions towards healthier consumption/maintenance of already non-risky intake, supporting the potential of the facial-morphing appearance-based approach to address risky alcohol consumption, even in high-risk groups

    Natuurlijk geventileerde ligboxenstal met sleufvloer voor melkvee

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    Onderzoek werd verricht naar de ammoniakemissie uit een natuurlijk geventileerde 2+2 rijïge ligboxenstal voor melkvee. De stal was voorzien van een sleufvloer met gierafvoer en mestschuif. Het aantal ligboxen in de stal bedroeg 97. Het emissiebeperkende principe berust op het feit dat de mestkelder voor nagenoeg 99% wordt afgesloten, terwijl de urine vrij kan wegstromen

    Natuurlijk geventileerde vleesstierenstal met betonroosters

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    Onderzoek werd verricht naar de ammoniakemissie uit een natuurlijk geventileerde vleesstierenstal met 132 dierplaatsen
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