175 research outputs found

    Estimating spatio-temporal air temperature in London (UK) using machine learning and earth observation satellite data

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    Urbanisation generates greater population densities and an increase in anthropogenic heat generation. These factors elevate the urban�rural air temperature (Ta) difference, thus generating the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon. Ta is used in the fields of public health and epidemiology to quantify deaths attributable to heat in cities around the world: the presence of UHI can exacerbate exposure to high temperatures during summer periods, thereby increasing the risk of heat-related mortality. Measuring and monitoring the spatial patterns of Ta in urban contexts is challenging due to the lack of a good network of weather stations. This study aims to produce a parsimonious model to retrieve maximum Ta (Tmax) at high spatio-temporal resolution using Earth Observation (EO) satellite data. The novelty of this work is twofold: (i) it will produce daily estimations of Tmax for London at 1 km2 during the summertime between 2006 and 2017 using advanced statistical techniques and satellite-derived predictors, and (ii) it will investigate for the first time the predictive power of the gradient boosting algorithm to estimate Tmax for an urban area. In this work, 6 regression models were calibrated with 6 satellite products, 3 geospatial features, and 29 meteorological stations. Stepwise linear regression was applied to create 9 groups of predictors, which were trained and tested on each regression method. This study demonstrates the potential of machine learning algorithms to predict Tmax: the gradient boosting model with a group of five predictors (land surface temperature, Julian day, normalised difference vegetation index, digital elevation model, solar zenith angle) was the regression model with the best performance (R² = 0.68, MAE = 1.60 °C, and RMSE = 2.03 °C). This methodological approach is capable of being replicated in other UK cities, benefiting national heat-related mortality assessments since the data (provided by NASA and the UK Met Office) and programming languages (Python) sources are free and open. This study provides a framework to produce a high spatio-temporal resolution of Tmax, assisting public health researchers to improve the estimation of mortality attributable to high temperatures. In addition, the research contributes to practice and policy-making by enhancing the understanding of the locations where mortality rates may increase due to heat. Therefore, it enables a more informed decision-making process towards the prioritisation of actions to mitigate heat-related mortality amongst the vulnerable population

    Beyond COVID-19: Designing Inclusive Public Health Surveillance by Including Wastewater Monitoring

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    Wastewater-based epidemiology is a promising and expanding public health surveillance method. The current wastewater testing trajectory to monitor primarily at community wastewater treatment plants was necessitated by immediate needs of the pandemic. Going forward, specific consideration should be given to monitoring vulnerable and underserved communities to ensure inclusion and rapid response to public health threats. This is particularly important when clinical testing data are insufficient to characterize community virus levels and spread in specific locations. Now is a timely call to action for equitably protecting health in the United States, which can be guided with intentional and inclusive wastewater monitoring

    Differential impact of government lockdown policies on reducing air pollution levels and related mortality in Europe

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    Previous studies have reported a decrease in air pollution levels following the enforcement of lockdown measures during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, these investigations were mostly based on simple pre-post comparisons using past years as a reference and did not assess the role of different policy interventions. This study contributes to knowledge by quantifying the association between specific lockdown measures and the decrease in NO2, O3, PM2.5, and PM10 levels across 47 European cities. It also estimated the number of avoided deaths during the period. This paper used new modelled data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) to define business-as-usual and lockdown scenarios of daily air pollution trends. This study applies a spatio-temporal Bayesian non-linear mixed effect model to quantify the changes in pollutant concentrations associated with the stringency indices of individual policy measures. The results indicated non-linear associations with a stronger decrease in NO2 compared to PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations at very strict policy levels. Differences across interventions were also identified, specifically the strong effects of actions linked to school/workplace closure, limitations on gatherings, and stay-at-home requirements. Finally, the observed decrease in pollution potentially resulted in hundreds of avoided deaths across Europe.This research had free and open access to all data sources. The work described in this paper has received funding from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf the European Union through commercial contract Ref. CAMS_95p. Several CAMS Regional Models of the CAMS_50 Service contributed to the present work (CHIMERE, LOTOS-EUROS, MINNI, MOCAGE, MONARCH, SILAM) under CAMS_71 coordination. CAMS_COP066 service provided the lockdown emissions information. O.J. and M.G. thankfully acknowledge the computer resources at Marenostrum and the technical support provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (RES-AECT-2020-1-0007). SILAM model runs was also funded by Finnish Academy GLORIA project (No310372). The study was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project Exhaustion (Grant ID: 820655).Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 18 autors/es: Rochelle Schneider, Pierre Masselot, Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, Francesco Sera, Marta Blangiardo, Chiara Forlani, John Douros, Oriol Jorba, Mario Adani, Rostislav Kouznetsov, Florian Couvidat, Joaquim Arteta, Blandine Raux, Marc Guevara, Augustin Colette, Jérôme Barré, Vincent-Henri Peuch & Antonio Gasparrini "Postprint (published version

    Enacting change through action learning: mobilizing and managing power and emotion

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    This paper reports on a study of how action learning facilitates the movement of knowledge between social contexts. The study involved a community organization that provides educational services related to aphasia and members of a complex continuing care (CCC) practice that received training from the agency. People with aphasia (PWA) (a disability often caused by stroke) retain inherent cognitive competence but have difficulty communicating (speaking, writing, and understanding). The agency has developed a communication technique that improves the ability of PWA to communicate. This project used action learning to introduce a reflective learning cycle into two groups: the agency project team responsible for providing the training and the CCC practice members who received the training. Research participants at both the agency and the CCC facility focused on issues of skill and capacity, and both groups credit the action learning process with introducing a helpful problem-solving cycle into the workplace. CCC participants found that the action learning set provided an emotional container for the anxieties experienced in their workplace. Agency participants found that they were able to use power differences as a way of bringing about beneficial changes


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    This paper presents factors that need to be taken into account when developing visual resources to support conversation between individuals with aphasia and their conversation partners. The authors will describe the evolution of a pictographic system based on this understanding and discuss issues such as the deliberate choice of pictographs over photographs and the specific way in which key words are used as part of the visual presentation. Along with illustrative examples, key elements of the required skill set will be identified and practical applications of the pictographic system for aphasia research and enhancing communicative access to healthcare will be discussed

    A satellite-based spatio-temporal machine learning model to reconstruct daily PM2.5 concentrations across Great Britain

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    Epidemiological studies on the health effects of air pollution usually rely on measurements from fixed ground monitors, which provide limited spatio-temporal coverage. Data from satellites, reanalysis, and chemical transport models offer additional information used to reconstruct pollution concentrations at high spatio-temporal resolutions. This study aims to develop a multi-stage satellite-based machine learning model to estimate daily fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels across Great Britain between 2008–2018. This high-resolution model consists of random forest (RF) algorithms applied in four stages. Stage-1 augments monitor-PM2.5 series using co-located PM10 measures. Stage-2 imputes missing satellite aerosol optical depth observations using atmospheric reanalysis models. Stage-3 integrates the output from previous stages with spatial and spatio-temporal variables to build a prediction model for PM2.5. Stage-4 applies Stage-3 models to estimate daily PM2.5 concentrations over a 1 km grid. The RF architecture performed well in all stages, with results from Stage-3 showing an average cross-validated R2 of 0.767 and minimal bias. The model performed better over the temporal scale when compared to the spatial component, but both presented good accuracy with an R2 of 0.795 and 0.658, respectively. These findings indicate that direct satellite observations must be integrated with other satellite-based products and geospatial variables to derive reliable estimates of air pollution exposure. The high spatio-temporal resolution and the relatively high precision allow these estimates (approximately 950 million points) to be used in epidemiological analyses to assess health risks associated with both short- and long-term exposure to PM2.5

    Mortality Risk from Respiratory Diseases Due to Non-Optimal Temperature among Brazilian Elderlies.

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    Over the past decade, Brazil has experienced and continues to be impacted by extreme climate events. This study aims to evaluate the association between daily average temperature and mortality from respiratory disease among Brazilian elderlies. A daily time-series study between 2000 and 2017 in 27 Brazilian cities was conducted. Data outcomes were daily counts of deaths due to respiratory diseases in the elderly aged 60 or more. The exposure variable was the daily mean temperature from Copernicus ERA5-Land reanalysis. The association was estimated from a two-stage time series analysis method. We also calculated deaths attributable to heat and cold. The pooled exposure-response curve presented a J-shaped format. The exposure to extreme heat increased the risk of mortality by 27% (95% CI: 15-39%), while the exposure to extreme cold increased the risk of mortality by 16% (95% CI: 8-24%). The heterogeneity between cities was explained by city-specific mean temperature and temperature range. The fractions of deaths attributable to cold and heat were 4.7% (95% CI: 2.94-6.17%) and 2.8% (95% CI: 1.45-3.95%), respectively. Our results show a significant impact of non-optimal temperature on the respiratory health of elderlies living in Brazil. It may support proactive action implementation in cities that have critical temperature variations

    High resolution mapping of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in Great Britain (2003-2021) with multi-stage data reconstruction and ensemble machine learning methods

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    In this contribution, we applied a multi-stage machine learning (ML) framework to map daily values of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) at a 1 km2 resolution over Great Britain for the period 2003-2021. The process combined ground monitoring observations, satellite-derived products, climate reanalyses and chemical transport model datasets, and traffic and land-use data. Each feature was harmonized to 1 km resolution and extracted at monitoring sites. Models used single and ensemble-based algorithms featuring random forests (RF), extreme gradient boosting (XGB), light gradient boosting machine (LGBM), as well as lasso and ridge regression. The various stages focused on augmenting PM2.5 using co-occurring PM10 values, gap-filling aerosol optical depth and columnar NO2 data obtained from satellite instruments, and finally the training of an ensemble model and the prediction of daily values across the whole geographical domain (2003-2021). Results show a good ensemble model performance, calculated through a ten-fold monitor-based cross-validation procedure, with an average R2 of 0.690 (range 0.611-0.792) for NO2, 0.704 (0.609-0.786) for PM10, and 0.802 (0.746-0.888) for PM2.5. Reconstructed pollution levels decreased markedly within the study period, with a stronger reduction in the latter eight years. The pollutants exhibited different spatial patterns, while NO2 rose in close proximity to high-traffic areas, PM demonstrated variation at a larger scale. The resulting 1 km2 spatially resolved daily datasets allow for linkage with health data across Great Britain over nearly two decades, thus contributing to extensive, extended, and detailed research on the long-and short-term health effects of air pollution

    Reconstructing individual-level exposures in cohort analyses of environmental risks: an example with the UK Biobank.

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    Recent developments in linkage procedures and exposure modelling offer great prospects for cohort analyses on the health risks of environmental factors. However, assigning individual-level exposures to large population-based cohorts poses methodological and practical problems. In this contribution, we illustrate a linkage framework to reconstruct environmental exposures for individual-level epidemiological analyses, discussing methodological and practical issues such as residential mobility and privacy concerns. The framework outlined here requires the availability of individual residential histories with related time periods, as well as high-resolution spatio-temporal maps of environmental exposures. The linkage process is carried out in three steps: (1) spatial alignment of the exposure maps and residential locations to extract address-specific exposure series; (2) reconstruction of individual-level exposure histories accounting for residential changes during the follow-up; (3) flexible definition of exposure summaries consistent with alternative research questions and epidemiological designs. The procedure is exemplified by the linkage and processing of daily averages of air pollution for the UK Biobank cohort using gridded spatio-temporal maps across Great Britain. This results in the extraction of exposure summaries suitable for epidemiological analyses of both short and long-term risk associations and, in general, for the investigation of temporal dependencies. The linkage framework presented here is generally applicable to multiple environmental stressors and can be extended beyond the reconstruction of residential exposures. IMPACT: This contribution describes a linkage framework to assign individual-level environmental exposures to population-based cohorts using high-resolution spatio-temporal exposure. The framework can be used to address current limitations of exposure assessment for the analysis of health risks associated with environmental stressors. The linkage of detailed exposure information at the individual level offers the opportunity to define flexible exposure summaries tailored to specific study designs and research questions. The application of the framework is exemplified by the linkage of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposures to the UK Biobank cohort

    Excess mortality during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy: a two-stage interrupted time-series analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Italy was the first country outside China to experience the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in a significant health burden. This study presents an analysis of the excess mortality across the 107 Italian provinces, stratified by sex, age group and period of the outbreak. METHODS: The analysis was performed using a two-stage interrupted time-series design using daily mortality data for the period January 2015-May 2020. In the first stage, we performed province-level quasi-Poisson regression models, with smooth functions to define a baseline risk while accounting for trends and weather conditions and to flexibly estimate the variation in excess risk during the outbreak. Estimates were pooled in the second stage using a mixed-effects multivariate meta-analysis. RESULTS: In the period 15 February-15 May 2020, we estimated an excess of 47 490 [95% empirical confidence intervals (eCIs): 43 984 to 50 362] deaths in Italy, corresponding to an increase of 29.5% (95% eCI: 26.8 to 31.9%) from the expected mortality. The analysis indicates a strong geographical pattern, with the majority of excess deaths occurring in northern regions, where few provinces experienced increases up to 800% during the peak in late March. There were differences by sex, age and area both in the overall impact and in its temporal distribution. CONCLUSION: This study offers a detailed picture of excess mortality during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. The strong geographical and temporal patterns can be related to the implementation of lockdown policies and multiple direct and indirect pathways in mortality risk
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