245 research outputs found

    Neuronale Netze fĂŒr betriebliche Anwendungen:Anwendungspotentiale und existierende Systeme

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    Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht zeigt eine Auswahl neuronaler Netze fĂŒr betriebliche Anwendungen. Aufbauend auf der Vorstellung einiger Systeme wird sowohl vom konkreten Anwendungsgebiet als auch von der konkreten Architektur des neuronalen Netzes abstrahiert, um so ein Übertragen der Erkenntnisse auf andere, Ă€hnlich gelagerte Anwendungsprobleme zu ermöglichen. Anhand der abstrahierten Beschreibung ist es möglich, neue betriebliche Anwendungspotentiale neuronaler Netze aufzudecken. Dazu wird ĂŒberprĂŒft, inwieweit eine neue, potentielle Anwendung denselben Kriterien genĂŒgt. Aufgrund der Analogien erhĂ€lt man neben einer „Machbarkeitsstudie“ ggf. bereits Hinweise auf die geeignete Wahl eines Netzwerktyps und der zugehörigen Netzwerkparameter fĂŒr das neue Anwendungsproblem

    Kriterien zur Auswahl konnektionistischer Verfahren fĂŒr betriebliche Probleme

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    In einem von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Forschungsvorhaben werden die Anwendbarkeit und die QualitĂ€t konnektionistischer LösungsansĂ€tze fĂŒr betriebswirtschaftliche Problemstellungen untersucht. Neben der Konzeption und Realisierung spezifischer Anwendungen stellt die Bereitstellung von Hilfsmitteln, die eine Zuordnung konnektionistischer Verfahren zu betrieblichen Problemen und umgekehrt erlauben, einen Arbeitsschwerpunkt dar. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Ansatz zur Abbildung betrieblicher Problemstellungen auf neuronale Netze auf Basis einer mehrstufigen Klassifikation erarbeitet und beschrieben. Die Klassifikationskriterien werden gebrĂ€uchlichen Kategorisierungen betrieblicher Problemstellungen und neuronaler Netze entnommen. ZusĂ€tzlich werden in einer projektbegleitenden Literaturrecherche bereits existierende Anwendungen neuronaler Netzwerke analysiert und die Ergebnisse der Analyse zur Evaluierung der gewĂ€hlten Kategorisierung herangezogen.<br/

    Induction Mapping of the 3D-Modulated Spin Texture of Skyrmions in Thin Helimagnets

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    Envisaged applications of skyrmions in magnetic memory and logic devices crucially depend on the stability and mobility of these topologically non-trivial magnetic textures in thin films. We present for the first time quantitative maps of the magnetic induction that provide evidence for a 3D modulation of the skyrmionic spin texture. The projected in-plane magnetic induction maps as determined from in-line and off-axis electron holography carry the clear signature of Bloch skyrmions. However, the magnitude of this induction is much smaller than the values expected for homogeneous Bloch skyrmions that extend throughout the thickness of the film. This finding can only be understood, if the underlying spin textures are modulated along the out-of-plane z direction. The projection of (the in-plane magnetic induction of) helices is further found to exhibit thickness-dependent lateral shifts, which show that this z modulation is accompanied by an (in-plane) modulation along the x and y directions

    Eine XML-basierte Systemarchitektur zur Realisierung flexibler Web-Applikationen

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    Nach einer kurzen Einleitung in die Thematik dieser Arbeit werden am Beispiel eines Lebensmittel-Lieferservices dessen Schwachstellen analysiert und Verbesserungspotenziale aufgezeigt. Nach der Diskussion eines allgemeinen Franchisekonzeptes und dessen Anwendung im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden zunĂ€chst Anforderungen an eine adĂ€quate Systemarchitektur ermittelt, die Lösungen fĂŒr die Schwachstellen bietet und das Franchisekonzept unterstĂŒtzt. Aus den Anforderungen wird eine Systemarchitektur entwickelt und eine spezielle technische Umsetzung dieser Architektur vorgestellt. Es wird insbesondere auf die Anforderung der Personalisierung eingegangen, deren Realisierung im konkreten Beispiel PESS nĂ€her beleuchtet und durch eine Beispielsitzung illustriert wird. Eine technische Dokumentation der Implementierung des Prototypen PESS findet sich im Anhang.<br/

    Observation of a pairing pseudogap in a two-dimensional Fermi gas

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    Pairing of fermions is ubiquitous in nature and it is responsible for a large variety of fascinating phenomena like superconductivity, superfluidity of 3^3He, the anomalous rotation of neutron stars, and the BEC-BCS crossover in strongly interacting Fermi gases. When confined to two dimensions, interacting many-body systems bear even more subtle effects, many of which lack understanding at a fundamental level. Most striking is the, yet unexplained, effect of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates, which is intimately related to the two-dimensional geometry of the crystal structure. In particular, the questions how many-body pairing is established at high temperature and whether it precedes superconductivity are crucial to be answered. Here, we report on the observation of pairing in a harmonically trapped two-dimensional atomic Fermi gas in the regime of strong coupling. We perform momentum-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, analogous to ARPES in the solid state, to measure the spectral function of the gas and we detect a many-body pairing gap above the superfluid transition temperature. Our observations mark a significant step in the emulation of layered two-dimensional strongly correlated superconductors using ultracold atomic gases

    Auditory temporal processing in healthy aging: a magnetoencephalographic study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Impaired speech perception is one of the major sequelae of aging. In addition to peripheral hearing loss, central deficits of auditory processing are supposed to contribute to the deterioration of speech perception in older individuals. To test the hypothesis that auditory temporal processing is compromised in aging, auditory evoked magnetic fields were recorded during stimulation with sequences of 4 rapidly recurring speech sounds in 28 healthy individuals aged 20 – 78 years.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The decrement of the N1m amplitude during rapid auditory stimulation was not significantly different between older and younger adults. The amplitudes of the middle-latency P1m wave and of the long-latency N1m, however, were significantly larger in older than in younger participants.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the present study do not provide evidence for the hypothesis that auditory temporal processing, as measured by the decrement (short-term habituation) of the major auditory evoked component, the N1m wave, is impaired in aging. The differences between these magnetoencephalographic findings and previously published behavioral data might be explained by differences in the experimental setting between the present study and previous behavioral studies, in terms of speech rate, attention, and masking noise. Significantly larger amplitudes of the P1m and N1m waves suggest that the cortical processing of individual sounds differs between younger and older individuals. This result adds to the growing evidence that brain functions, such as sensory processing, motor control and cognitive processing, can change during healthy aging, presumably due to experience-dependent neuroplastic mechanisms.</p

    Correlation of SHOX2 Gene Amplification and DNA Methylation in Lung Cancer Tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA methylation in the <it>SHOX2 </it>locus was previously used to reliably detect lung cancer in a group of critical controls, including 'cytologically negative' samples with no visible tumor cell content, at a high specificity based on the analysis of bronchial lavage samples. This study aimed to investigate, if the methylation correlates with <it>SHOX2 </it>gene expression and/or copy number alterations. An amplification of the <it>SHOX2 </it>gene locus together with the observed tumor-specific hypermethylation might explain the good performance of this marker in bronchial lavage samples.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>SHOX2 </it>expression, gene copy number and DNA methylation were determined in lung tumor tissues and matched morphologically normal adjacent tissues (NAT) from 55 lung cancer patients. Quantitative HeavyMethyl (HM) real-time PCR was used to detect <it>SHOX2 </it>DNA methylation levels. <it>SHOX2 </it>expression was assayed with quantitative real-time PCR, and copy numbers alterations were measured with conventional real-time PCR and array CGH.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A hypermethylation of the <it>SHOX2 </it>locus in tumor tissue as compared to the matched NAT from the same patient was detected in 96% of tumors from a group of 55 lung cancer patients. This correlated highly significantly with the frequent occurrence of copy number amplification (p < 0.0001), while the expression of the <it>SHOX2 </it>gene showed no difference.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Frequent gene amplification correlated with hypermethylation of the <it>SHOX2 </it>gene locus. This concerted effect qualifies <it>SHOX2 </it>DNA methylation as a biomarker for lung cancer diagnosis, especially when sensitive detection is needed, i.e. in bronchial lavage or blood samples.</p
