1,146 research outputs found

    Täter lite – unsere mütter, unsere väter and the manufacturing of empathy with German wartime trauma

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    Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter, produced by Nico Hofmann’s company TeamWorx for ZDF in 2014, was the most expensive German TV production to date and was successfully sold to a global audience, including the US where it was awarded an Emmy, and China. The article examines the mini-series in the context of its German reception and the previous debates around representations of German suffering. It argues that the film combines two previously separate modes of visual representation, the historicist mode, known from Der Untergang and Dresden, and the traumatised aesthetics of contemporary immersive film and TV productions such as Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers. Particular attention is paid to the issue of the manufacturing audience epathy and film’s claim to historical veracity, supported by the two documentaries from Guido Knopp’s ‘Redaktion Zeitgeschichte’ that accompanied the screenings

    Intimacy and resonance : visions of love in Hanns-Josef Ortheil’s Liebesnähe and Ronja von Rönne’s Wir kommen

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    Since the millennium, representations of intimate relationships have become one of the major trends in contemporary German fiction. This article examines two novels, Hanns-Josef Ortheil’s Liebesnähe (Love’s Closeness, 2011) and Ronja von Rönne’s Wir kommen (We Are Coming, 2016) as examples of two oppositional modes of representation of modern love relationships. Starting from an exposition of the configuration of love in social theory (Niklas Luhmann, Eva Illouz) as a compensatory mechanism for the fragmentation of social roles in modernity, the article reviews two concepts that describe love from a perspective of plenitude, Hartmut Rosa’s “resonance” and Francois Jullien’s “intimacy”. Reading Ortheil’s and von Rönne’s novels against Rosa’s and Jullien’s concepts, the article argues that while von Rönne’s representation of intimate relations falls squarely within the social theoretical parameters outlined by Luhmann and Illouz, Ortheil’s novel presents a fictional alternative to the “unhappy consciousness” of modern love, echoing Rosa’s and Jullien’s ideas

    Form-function relationships in dragonfly mandibles under an evolutionary perspective

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Functional requirements may constrain phenotypic diversification or foster it. For insect mouthparts, the quantification of the relationship between shape and function in an evolutionary framework remained largely unexplored. Here, the question of a functional influence on phenotypic diversification for dragonfly mandibles is assessed with a large-scale biomechanical analysis covering nearly all anisopteran families, using finite element analysis in combination with geometric morphometrics. A constraining effect of phylogeny could be found for shape, the mandibular mechanical advantage (MA), and certain mechanical joint parameters, while stresses and strains, the majority of joint parameters and size are influenced by shared ancestry. Furthermore, joint mechanics are correlated with neither strain nor mandibular MA and size effects have virtually play no role for shape or mechanical variation. The presence of mandibular strengthening ridges shows no phylogenetic signal except for one ridge peculiar to Libelluloidea, and ridge presence is also not correlated with each other. The results suggest that functional traits are more variable at this taxonomic level and that they are not influenced by shared ancestry. At the same time, the results contradict the widespread idea that mandibular morphology mainly reflects functional demands at least at this taxonomic level. The varying functional factors rather lead to the same mandibular performance as expressed by the MA, which suggests a many-to-one mapping of the investigated parameters onto the same narrow mandibular performance space

    The Continuation of War Trauma in the Novels of Hanns-Josef Ortheil

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    Анализ возможности использования борсодержащих материалов в транспортных упаковках с РАО

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа включает в себя: 126 страниц, 43 рисунка, 24 таблицы, 5 приложений.Объектом исследования является тетраборид вольфрама. Цель работы – проведение многоступенчатого анализа возможности применения тетраборида вольфрама в качестве материала для усиления радиационной защиты контейнеров для транспортировки и хранения РАО. В процессе исследования были изучены инженерные и программные методы расчёта ослабления потоков радиационных частиц, проанализированы различные защитные материалы с точки зрения ослабления проходящего через них ионизирующего излучения. В результате исследования получены подробные данные о радиационно-защитных характеристиках тетраборида вольфрама. Степень внедрения: высокая. Область применения: ядерная промышленность.Final qualifying work includes: 126 pages, 43 drawings, 24 tables, 5 prilozheniy.Obektom study is tetraborid tungsten. Purpose - to conduct analysis of the possibility of using multi-tetraborida tungsten as a material for strengthening radiation protection container for transportation and storage of radioactive waste. During the research were studied engineering and software methods for calculating the attenuation of radiation particles flows analyzed various protective materials from the standpoint of weakening passing through them to ionizing radiation. The study detailed data on radiation protection characteristics of tungsten tetraborida. Degree of implementation: high. Scope: the nuclear industry

    Hubungan Kadar Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Cea) Dan Albumin Serum Dengan Lokasi Kanker Kolorektal Studi Kasus Di Rsup Dr. Kariadi

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    Latar belakang : Kolonoskopi masih menjadi alat deteksi utama untuk mengetahui lokasi kanker kolorektal. Diperlukan pemantuan petanda yang tidak invasif untuk membantu mengetahui lokasi kanker kolorektal. Kadar Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) dan albumin pada pasien kanker kolorektal dapat digunakan sebagai petanda lokasi dan prognosis.Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) dan albumin serum dengan lokasi kanker kolorektal.Metode Penelitian : ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain belah lintang. Data didapatkan dari rekam medik pasien kanker kolorektal di RSUP Dr. Kariadi dari Januari 2012-Desember 2015. Sejumlah 63 pasien menjadi subyek penelitian. Kadar CEA dan albumin dilihat dari hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium darah sebelum terapi. Lokasi tumor diketahui setelah pasien menjalani prosedur sigmoidoskopi atau kolonoskopi. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi Spearman.Hasil : Subyek penelitian rerata berusia 50,50±13,69 tahun, dengan 49,2% pasien pria dan 50,8% wanita. Sebanyak 55,6% subyek penelitian mengalami peningkatan kadar CEA (>5 ng/mL). Sebanyak 52,4% subyek penelitian memiliki kadar albumin rendah, 46,0% memiliki kadar albumin normal, dan 1,6% memiliki kadar albumin tinggi. Lokasi tumor tersering berada di rektum (77,8%). Kadar CEA tidak berhubungan dengan lokasi tumor(rs = -0,019). Kadar albumin tidak berhubungan dengan lokasi tumor(rs= -0,060). Kadar CEA dan albumin tidak berhubungan dengan lokasi tumor(rs = -0,048).Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat hubungan kadar CEA dan albumin dengan lokasi kanker kolorektal