3,692 research outputs found

    Increasing public skepticism in the face of imminent dangers from climate change: A call for science to repair rifts between society and academia

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    This project is a composition of a literature review, our learning process, and an attached experimental project. The project as a whole sought to understood how and why policies/corporations resist environmentally sustainable practices/laws and makes suggestions for how to convince people to change their behaviors and utilize their power as consumers. Overall, our goal was to investigate and understand the relationship between science and the public by composing a literature review of environmental science, sociology, and psychology papers, and then compose a presentation that would communicate the threat of climate change. The interdisciplinary nature of climate change made this research necessary because prior to this project, we understood climate change solely on a scientific level, without fully understanding the other spheres involved in environmental science. The literature review outlines instances of when environmental science has effectively engaged non-scientists and other areas of the field that have failed to connect to the public. The subsequent sections and text explain our thought process and our attempts to begin addressing the public successfully and creatively

    Florida Straits Deglacial Temperature and Salinity Change: Implications for Tropical Hydrologic Cycle Variability During the Younger Dryas

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    The prevailing paradigm of abrupt climate change holds that rapid shifts associated with the most extreme climate swings of the last glacial cycle were forced by changes in the strength and northward extension of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), resulting in an abrupt reorganization of atmospheric circulation patterns with global teleconnections. To determine the timing of tropical Atlantic atmospheric circulation changes over the past 21 ka BP, we reconstruct high resolution sea surface temperature and δ18OSW (a proxy for surface salinity) records based on Mg/Ca ratios and oxygen isotope measurements in the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber from a sediment core located on the western margin of the Florida Straits. As a proxy for meltwater discharge influence on Florida Straits surface water salinity, we also measured Ba/Ca ratios in G. ruber from the same core. Results show that riverine influence on Florida Straits surface water started by 17.2 ka BP and ended by 13.6 ka BP, 600 years before the start of the Younger Dryas (YD) cold interval. The initiation of the YD is marked by an abrupt increase in Florida Straits δ18OSW values, indicating a shift to elevated sea surface salinity occurring in 130 years, most likely resulting from increased regional aridity and/or reduced precipitation. In order to resolve the timing of tropical atmospheric circulation change relative to AMOC variability across this transition, we compare the timing of surface water changes to a recently published record of Florida Current variability in the same core reconstructed from benthic oxygen isotope measurements. We find synchronous changes in atmospheric and ocean circulation on the transition into the YD, consistent with an abrupt reduction in AMOC as the driver of tropical Atlantic atmospheric circulation change at this time

    Meridional Shifts in the Marine ITCZ and the Tropical Hydrologic Cycle Over the Last Three Glacial Cycles

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    Paleoproxy studies show a strong correlation between tropical climate and high-latitude temperature variability recorded in the Greenland ice cores over the last glacial cycle. In particular, abrupt cooling events in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project II δ18O ice record appear synchronous with a southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the Atlantic, a weakening of the Indian and East Asian monsoon systems, and a strengthening of the South American monsoon system. Because this high-to-low-latitude climate teleconnection significantly alters the tropical hydrologic cycle around the globe, it plays a critical role in regulating global climate on glacial-interglacial time scales. We compare δ18Oseawater reconstructions (a salinity proxy generated from previously published Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope data on Globigerinoides ruber (white var.)) obtained from western Caribbean core ODP 999A and western equatorial Pacific core 806B across the last three glacial cycles to show that systematic variations in surface salinity at these sites suggest the tropical Hadley cell hydrologic system undergoes systematic reorganizations that differ dramatically between warm interglacial and cold glacial periods. Furthermore, cross-spectral and phase angle analyses of the ice-volume-corrected Caribbean and western Pacific δ18O SW records reveal a 100 kyr frequency in both records that is almost 180 degrees out of phase and a 23 kyr frequency that is nearly in phase. This results in the development of a very large δ18OSW gradient between the Caribbean and the western equatorial Pacific on glacial-interglacial time scales that is best explained by a southward shift in both the Atlantic and Pacific ITCZ during North Atlantic cold phases

    The Natural-Born Citizen Clause, Popular Constitutionalism, and Ted Cruz’s Eligibility Question (with M. Bodie)

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    This Essay argues that recent debates over the eligibility of Barack Obama and Ted Cruz to serve as President offer unique insights into the phenomenon of constitutional contestation outside the courts. Rather than anything approaching serious constitutional engagement, the public debate over presidential eligibility has been characterized by dramatic shifts in public opinion, crass opportunism, and excessive deference to elite views. Cruz is a fervent advocate of the American people standing up against courts and elites when it comes to defining basic constitutional values, but he abandons his commitment to popular constitutionalism when it comes to questions of presidential eligibility. Instead, he favors a reading of the “natural born Citizen” clause that was crafted by constitutional lawyers under which he is eligible for the Presidency. Contestation over the meaning of the “natural born Citizen” requirement shows the power of popular constitutionalism to reframe the terms of a debate, but it also shows the fluid, ephemeral, and opportunistic qualities of popular constitutional claims

    Causes of Tropical Atlantic Paleo-Salinity Variation During Periods of Reduced AMOC

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    During periods of reduced Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) associated with a freshening of northern North Atlantic surface water, paleo proxy records indicate a corresponding surface salinity increase over the entire tropical Atlantic. Although latitudinal-shifts in the mean position of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) can explain certain features of the paleo salinity reconstructions, this mechanism does not offer an explanation for the reconstructed basin-wide paleo-salinity response to AMOC change. Here, we present new results from general circulation model simulations that suggest the sea surface salinity (SSS) increase in the tropical north Atlantic during periods of weakened AMOC is mainly controlled by the atmospheric response to the North Atlantic cooling, while the oceanic teleconnection contributes to increased SSS over the equatorial and south tropical Atlantic Ocean

    Deglacial Variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water Penetration into the North Atlantic from Authigenic Neodymium Isotope Ratios

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    Understanding intermediate water circulation across the last deglacial is critical in assessing the role of oceanic heat transport associated with Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation variability across abrupt climate events. However, the links between intermediate water circulation and abrupt climate events such as the Younger Dryas (YD) and Heinrich Event 1 (H1) are still poorly constrained. Here, we reconstruct changes in Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) circulation in the subtropical North Atlantic over the past 25 kyr by measuring authigenic neodymium isotope ratios in sediments from two sites in the Florida Straits. Our authigenic Nd isotope records suggest that there was little to no penetration of AAIW into the subtropical North Atlantic during the YD and H1. Variations in the northward penetration of AAIW into the Florida Straits documented in our authigenic Nd isotope record are synchronous with multiple climatic archives, including the Greenland ice core δ18O record, the Cariaco Basin atmosphere Δ14C reconstruction, the Bermuda Rise sedimentary Pa/Th record, and nutrient and stable isotope data from the tropical North Atlantic. The synchroneity of our Nd records with multiple climatic archives suggests a tight connection between AAIW variability and high-latitude North Atlantic climate change

    Tropical North Atlantic Subsurface Warming Events as a Fingerprint for AMOC Variability During Marine Isotope Stage 3

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    The role of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) as the driver of Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) variability that characterized Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) has long been hypothesized. Although there is ample proxy evidence suggesting that DO events were robust features of glacial climate, there is little data supporting a link with AMOC. Recently, modeling studies and subsurface temperature reconstructions have suggested that subsurface warming across the tropical North Atlantic can be used to fingerprint a weakened AMOC during the deglacial because a reduction in the strength of the western boundary current allows warm salinity maximum water of the subtropical gyre to enter the deep tropics. To determine if AMOC variability played a role during the DO cycles of MIS 3, we present new, high-resolution Mg/Ca and δ18O records spanning 24-52 kyr from the near-surface dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber and the lower thermocline dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia truncatulinoides in Southern Caribbean core VM12-107 (11.33°N, 66.63°W, 1079m depth). Our subsurfaceMg/Ca record reveals abrupt increases in Mg/Ca ratios (the largest equal to a 4°C warming) during the interstadial-stadial transition of most DO events during this period. This change is consistent with reconstructions of subsurface warming events associated with cold events across the deglacial using the same core. Additionally, our data support the conclusion reached by a recently published study from the Florida Straits that AMOC did not undergo significant reductions during Heinrich events 2 and 3. This record presents some of the first high-resolution marine sediment derived evidence for variable AMOC during MIS 3

    Western Caribbean Sea Surface Temperatures During the Late Quaternary

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    [1] Mg/Ca ratios in the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber from Colombian Basin core ODP 999A suggest that Caribbean sea surface temperatures ( SSTs) were from 2.1 to 2.7°C colder than the present during the last three glacial maximums. In comparison, faunal derived SSTs ( SIMMAX method) show that August SSTs in the Caribbean varied \u3c 2° over the past 360 kyr, whereas February SSTs varied between 21.0°C and 26.5°C. Changes in the Mg/Ca-SST record contain a strong 23 kyr periodicity, suggesting the Mg/Ca-SST record reflects a warm season weighted SST average rather than an annual mean SST. Combining several dissolution indices, we identify brief periods of decreased carbonate preservation in our record and show that MIS 11 stands out as the most intensive dissolution cycle in the Caribbean over the last 460 kyr. Comparison of Caribbean SST change with a similar estimate of tropical SST variability in the western Pacific over the past 360 kyr reveals shifts in the east-west tropical SST gradient that are coeval with glacial-interglacial climate change and consistent both with a southward migration of the glacial ITCZ and with a glacial El Niño-like mode of tropical circulation

    Oral dosing for antenatal corticosteroids in the Rhesus macaque.

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    Antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) are standard of care for women at risk of preterm delivery, although choice of drug, dose or route have not been systematically evaluated. Further, ACS are infrequently used in low resource environments where most of the mortality from prematurity occurs. We report proof of principle experiments to test betamethasone-phosphate (Beta-P) or dexamethasone-phosphate (Dex-P) given orally in comparison to the clinical treatment with the intramuscular combination drug beta-phosphate plus beta-acetate in a Rhesus Macaque model. First, we performed pharmacokinetic studies in non-pregnant monkeys to compare blood levels of the steroids using oral dosing with Beta-P, Dex-P and an effective maternal intramuscular dose of the beta-acetate component of the clinical treatment. We then evaluated maternal and fetal blood steroid levels with limited fetal sampling under ultrasound guidance in pregnant macaques. We found that oral Beta is more slowly cleared from plasma than oral Dex. The blood levels of both drugs were lower in maternal plasma of pregnant than in non-pregnant macaques. Using the pharmacokinetic data, we treated groups of 6-8 pregnant monkeys with oral Beta-P, oral Dex-P, or the maternal intramuscular clinical treatment and saline controls and measured pressure-volume curves to assess corticosteroid effects on lung maturation at 5d. Oral Beta-P improved the pressure-volume curves similarly to the clinical treatment. Oral Dex-P gave more variable and nonsignificant responses. We then compared gene expression in the fetal lung, liver and hippocampus between oral Beta-P and the clinical treatment by RNA-sequencing. The transcriptomes were largely similar with small gene expression differences in the lung and liver, and no differences in the hippocampus between the groups. As proof of principle, ACS therapy can be effective using inexpensive and widely available oral drugs. Clinical dosing strategies must carefully consider the pharmacokinetics of oral Beta-P or Dex-P to minimize fetal exposure while achieving the desired treatment responses
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