3,240 research outputs found

    Academic Conference “Is this the end of the theory of law?” September 21-24, 2011

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    Academic Conference “Is this the end of the theory of law?” September 21-24, 2011

    Secular stagnation and Google Trends – can we find out what people think?

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    The main aim of the study was to verify the thesis that the US economy is measured against the spectre of secular stagnation by determining the mood of American society using Google Trends. While performing the analysis, the authors used data on the American market for the years 2004-2018. The study comprised 42 entries, including 19 entries from the category “social” and 23 entries from the category “financial”. The analyses do not allow for a clear statement that the US economy is facing the spectre of secular stagnation, but they allow us to formulate the observation that the mood of the society is moderately pessimistic, which undoubtedly translates into economic activity and may be the cause of the persisting economic stagnation

    Results of the Fontan operation with no early mortality in 248 consecutive patients

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    Background: The Fontan operation has undergone several modifications and today is the primary way to treat a broad spectrum of congenital heart defects. Aim: The purpose of this study is to present the results of treatment of children with a single ventricle operated by the same surgical team and managed according to a uniform strategy. Methods: In the years 2007-2015, in 248 children aged 3.7 +/- 2.6 years and weighing 14.6 +/- 6.1 kg with a single ventricle, Fontan surgery was performed. In 56 (22.6%) children surgery was based on the creation of an intra-atrial lateral tunnel, and in 192 (77.4%) patients extracardiac modification was performed. In most patients, the operation was carried out with the normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass, on a "beating heart" without aortic cross-clamp. The average cardiopulmonary bypass time was 53.9 +/- 23.9 min. The most common indication for surgery was hypoplastic left heart syndrome (53.6%). All patients with a single ventricle referred to our hospital for the Fontan procedure were enrolled into the surgery programme. Results: All patients survived the operation and were discharged home. Thirty-six (14.5%) patients were extubated in the operating room, in other patients the mean duration of the mechanical ventilation was 9.7 +/- 16.1 h (median 7 h). The average time of hospitalisation in the whole study group was 17.5 +/- 18.5 days (median 15 days). After surgery, in four children transient seizures occurred, and three patients had an ischaemic stroke. Conclusions: Developing and obeying a fixed perioperative protocol is crucial for low mortality and small number of complications after Fontan operation

    Multicentryczne spojrzenie na porządek prawny w perspektywie diachronicznej

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    Autor analizuje relację prawa UE i prawa krajowego. Skupia się gƂównie na koncepcji multicentrycznoƛci systemu prawa. Przyjęcie perspektywy diachronicznej przy jego analizie umoĆŒliwia uchwycenie specyfiki prawa UE w dynamicznie zmieniającej się rzeczywistoƛci. Pozwala na przedstawienie multicentrycznoƛci oraz dyskusji w tym zakresie w sposĂłb wƂaƛciwy dla „czasĂłw przemian”.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Ɓódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „DoskonaƂoƛć naukowa kluczem do doskonaƂoƛci ksztaƂcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze ƛrodkĂłw Europejskiego Funduszu SpoƂecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja RozwĂłj; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    α and α Conjugate Fragment Decay from the Disassembly of 28Si at Very High Excitation Energy

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    X. G. Cao, E. J. Kim, K. Hagel, M. Barbui, J. Gauthier, S. Wuenschel, G. Giuliani, M. R. D. Rodriguez, H. Zheng, M. Huang, A. Bonasera, R. Wada, N. Blando, G. Q. Zhang, C. Y. Wong A. Staszczak, Z. X. Ren, Y. K. Wang, S. Q. Zhang, J. Meng, J. B. NatowitzExclusive measurements for α and α conjugate exit channels are carried out for 35 MeV/nucleon 28Si induced reactions. Systematic analyses of these channels reveal high energy resonance structures in 7 de-excitation channels. The resonances are compared with results of several recent theoretical calculations for toroidal high-spin isomers. The possible underlying physics of these observations are discussed

    Quantitative PCR shows propagation of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Swedish long term field trials

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    Clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) is a serious soil-borne disease in brassica crops world-wide. We report on a time series of soil samples from Swedish long-term fertility trials started in 1957, 1963 and 1966, which were analyzed for the amount ofP. brassicaeDNA. The crop rotations included a brassica crop every 4 or 6years. All experimental sites with a 4-year rotation of oilseed rape, except one with calcium carbonate in the soil profile, showed high (>1000fg DNA g−1soil) levels ofP. brassicaeDNA after 9, 11 and 12 rotations. In contrast, detectable levels (>5fg DNA g−1soil) ofP. brassicaewere found only at one of five sites with a 6-year rotation of spring oilseed rape. In years with high levels ofP. brassicaeDNA, low yield was reported and a subsequent decline inP. brassicaeDNA in soil was observed. Different NPK (nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium) fertiliser regimes resulted in similarP. brassicaeDNA levels. The robustness and reliability of the method applied was verified by analyses of soil from individual plots compared with a mixture of plots and by repeated analyses of selected samples, which showed thatP. brassicaeDNA remained stable during dry storage

    Country-Wide qPCR Based Assessment of Plasmodiophora brassicae Spread in Agricultural Soils and Recommendations for the Cultivation of Brassicaceae Crops in Poland

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    Clubroot is a damaging disease of oilseed rape and vegetable brassicas worldwide, caused by the soil-borne protist Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. Due to the long life of resting spores, the assessment of the pathogen abundance in agricultural fields can serve as a guideline for disease control at the country-wide level or the regional scale. Between 2013 and 2019, we collected 431 soil samples from fields cultivated with Brassicaceae crops throughout 16 provinces of Poland. The samples were subjected to qPCR based analysis of P. brassicae DNA concentration. From these data, the spore loads and gene copies g−1 soil were calculated and used to produce an assessment of the current clubroot risk potential at a country-wide and regional scale. The country-wide map, showing the spread of the pathogen in agricultural soils, was made using ArcGis software package implementing the interpolation with the Inverse Distance Weight method. The calculation of gene copies specific to P. brassicae helped to formulate the recommendations for farmers in respect to the cultivation guidelines. It showed a high risk of yield losses in defined regions of north, south-west and central Poland and an urgent need to undertake intensive preventative measures

    Baby Grain Passport

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    Det Ă€r utmanande att producera tillrĂ€ckliga volymer spannmĂ„l som uppfyller kvalitetskriterierna för barnmatsrĂ„vara, frĂ€mst pĂ„ grund av strikta grĂ€nsvĂ€rden för tungmetaller och mykotoxiner. Med bĂ€ttre underlag i form av digitala kartor och vĂ€derbaserade riskmodeller, som tillgĂ€ngliggörs i Ă€ndamĂ„lsenliga beslutssystem, kan man arbeta mer effektivt med sourcing (rĂ„varuförsörjning), spĂ„rbarhet och kvalitetssĂ€kring. Det ger möjlighet att öka kapaciteten att producera svensk spannmĂ„lsrĂ„vara med barnmatskvalitet, bĂ„de för inhemsk konsumtion och export, och samtidigt stĂ€lla hĂ„llbarhetskrav pĂ„ odlingen. Med förbĂ€ttrade modeller i digitala beslutsstöd för vĂ€xtodlare kan man lĂ€ttare optimera resurseffektiviteten, vilket bidrar till förverkligandet av nationella och internationella miljö- och klimatmĂ„l. T.ex. kan satellitbaserade kartunderlag anvĂ€ndas för att med högre rumslig upplösning anpassa gödselgivor till lokala behov (s.k. precisionsodling). I projektet Baby Grain Passport har vi arbetat med följande frĂ„gor i fyra arbetspaket:1) Till vilka omrĂ„den bör man styra barnmatsodlingen för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att kadmiumhalten i grödan Ă€r sĂ„ lĂ„g som möjligt?2) Hur kan man kartera – och ta hĂ€nsyn till – varierande skördenivĂ„er inom fĂ€lt nĂ€r man anpassar gödselgivor?3) Hur kan man undvika mykotoxiner som kan bildas vid odling och lagring?4) Hur kan man ta kombinera statiska och dynamiska beslutsunderlag för effektivare sourcing och logistik av spannmĂ„l med specialkvalitet?Markinformation frĂ„n miljöövervakning och mĂ€tkampanjer som Mark- och grödoinventeringen samt Jordbruksverkets Ă„kermarksprovtagning, utgör en vĂ€rdefull grund för att kunna kartlĂ€gga och undvika risk för höga kadmiumhalter i spannmĂ„lspartier. Genom att kombinera punktobservationer med högupplöst bakgrundsinformation enligt principer för digital markkartering togs detaljerade riskkartor för höga kadmiumhalter i matjord fram. I samverkan med SLUs miljöövervakning har sedan metoden generaliserats till ett ramverk för digital Ă„kermarkskartering (Åkermarksdatakuben, ÅMDK), som kan anvĂ€ndas för att förhĂ„llandevis snabbt ta fram nya eller uppdaterade kartprodukter Ă€ven över flera andra tungmetaller – i projektet gjordes en test med kartlĂ€ggning av nickelhalter i mark och i havre. I kartlĂ€ggningsarbetet blev det tydligt att vissa geografiska omrĂ„den Ă€r sĂ€rskilt lĂ€mpade för produktion av spannmĂ„l till barnmat. Risken för att pĂ„trĂ€ffa kadmiumhalter (och nickelhalter) över grĂ€nsen för barnmat i havre och vete Ă€r liten i t.ex. stora delar av VĂ€stsverige (Halland, VĂ€stra Götaland och VĂ€rmland). Resultat frĂ„n kadmiumkarteringen i marken finns tillgĂ€nglig hĂ€r: https://bit.ly/sannolika_kadmiumhalter.. Precisionsstyrning av vĂ€xtnĂ€ring tillĂ€mpas idag ganska brett men det finns utrymme till ytterligare förbĂ€ttring, t.ex. genom att hĂ€nsyn tas till varierande skördepotential inom fĂ€lt. För att kunna göra det behövs effektiva metoder att generera underlag i form av detaljerade skördekartor. Fritt tillgĂ€ngliga satellitdata kan nyttjas för förenklad skördekartering, utan krav pĂ„ egen utrustning. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller satellitbaserad skördekartering Ă€r det lĂ€mpligt att arbeta pĂ„ en nĂ„got grövre upplösning Ă€n den ursprungliga upplösningen hos satellitbilderna, t.ex. 40 m eller ett antal homogena zoner inom fĂ€lt. Modellerna blir mer tillförlitliga om de bygger pĂ„ ett vegetationsindex som Ă€r kĂ€nsligt fĂ„r grödans vattenstatus (NDWI) och om man anvĂ€nder satellitdata frĂ„n ett relativt sent utvecklingsstadium (nĂ€ra mjölkmognad), alternativt tidsserier av data frĂ„n uppkomst fram till detta stadium.  Prognossystem och mĂ€tprogram för mykotoxinerna DON och T2+HT2 Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för att under pĂ„gĂ„ende sĂ€song informera inköpsprocessen samt för fortsatt kunskapsuppbyggnad kring biologi och utbredning av de fusariumsvampar som bildar toxinerna. För att sĂ€kert komma under det nya grĂ€nsvĂ€rde för T2+HT2, som frĂ„n och med 2024 gĂ€ller för skalad havre till barnmat, bör man ha halter Inköp av spannmĂ„l med sĂ€rskilda kvalitetskrav Ă€r en kritisk process som i grova drag innebĂ€r att man utifrĂ„n stĂ€llda krav hittar de volymer som Ă€r bĂ€st lĂ€mpade. LantmĂ€nnen utvecklar nu sina interna strategier och system för inköp och logistik av spannmĂ„l med specialkvaliteter. Genom att nyttja bl.a. framtagna riskkartor och riskmodeller frĂ„n projektet som underlag, kan man fĂ„ en sĂ€krare urvalsbas och bli effektivare. I processen kan man samtidigt stĂ€lla krav pĂ„ att rĂ„varan Ă€r hĂ„llbart odlad. Det Ă€r denna levande infrastuktur av data, metoder och rutiner som utgör Baby Grain Passport

    Artificial Intelligence Supports Automated Characterization of Differentiated Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Revolutionary advances in AI and deep learning in recent years have resulted in an upsurge of papers exploring applications within the biomedical field. Within stem cell research, promising results have been reported from analyses of microscopy images to, that is, distinguish between pluripotent stem cells and differentiated cell types derived from stem cells. In this work, we investigated the possibility of using a deep learning model to predict the differentiation stage of pluripotent stem cells undergoing differentiation toward hepatocytes, based on morphological features of cell cultures. We were able to achieve close to perfect classification of images from early and late time points during differentiation, and this aligned very well with the experimental validation of cell identity and function. Our results suggest that deep learning models can distinguish between different cell morphologies, and provide alternative means of semi-automated functional characterization of stem cell cultures
