4,471 research outputs found

    Looking before leaping: Creating a software registry

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    What lessons can be learned from examining numerous efforts to create a repository or directory of scientist-written software for a discipline? Astronomy has seen a number of efforts to build such a resource, one of which is the Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL). The ASCL (ascl.net) was founded in 1999, had a period of dormancy, and was restarted in 2010. When taking over responsibility for the ASCL in 2010, the new editor sought to answer the opening question, hoping this would better inform the work to be done. We also provide specific steps the ASCL is taking to try to improve code sharing and discovery in astronomy and share recent improvements to the resource.Comment: 11 pages; submission for WSSSPE2. Revised after review for publication in the Journal of Open Research Softwar

    Mobile Learning Innovation in Information Literacy Skills Training

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    The Mobile Information Literacy (MIL) tool is a user-friendly literacy app to help university students hone their information literacy skills through mobile technology


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    A current gap in the literature exists with regard to formulating a holistic view of contextual factors involved in school-based prevention programming implementation. The purpose of this grounded theory study is to further explore how multilevel ecological and cross-system factors influence prevention program implementation. This study builds on development of a theory to guide the practices for preventive program implementation with fidelity. The Integrated Program (IP) conceptual framework, initiated in an earlier paper (Schmidt Hanbidge, 2009) identified key program contextual and motivational factors that critically influence prevention program implementation. Taken from an ecological perspective, the IP framework incorporates multi-levels of systems from the individual, to organization, to the community contexts. Twenty-four interviews were conducted in two stages with school program facilitators, school principals, and program administrators delivering a prevention program, STEAM (Skills & Tools for Emotion Awareness and Management) in elementary schools in southern Ontario, Canada. Theoretical sampling was utilized and data was analyzed and coded, aided by the program, QSR Nvivo. Grounded theory was the research methodology used in this study to refine the IP conceptual framework for implementation of school-based emotion regulation programs. The study determined several contextual and motivational factors that facilitated program implementation, such as: open communication/support from key stakeholders, adequate program resources (including time and space), knowledgeable, experienced training and skilled supervision for program facilitators. The study identified how several contextual factors were considered to be barriers to the implementation process and could threaten the fidelity of the program. The study adds to the prevention literature by identifying how the program facilitators progress through an evolutionary process as they become more experienced. They typically start out as program facilitators, thereafter becoming role models, then mentors, then finally experts. This study identifies ways to integrate the specific contextual and motivational factors in the implementation process of the school-based prevention programs. The IP framework was refined, based on the study data, to recognize the effect of differentiated program delivery. During implementation, study participants identified and adapted the prevention program to fit the specific school environment which aided in the sustainability of their program

    Aide internationale dans la santé : tonneau des Danaïdes ou peau de chagrin ?

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    A la veille du sommet des huit pays les plus riches de la planète qui se tiendra en juillet prochain à Hokkaido au japon, un certain pessimisme règne. A mi-parcours avant l’échéance de 2015, bilan des Objectifs de Développement du Millénaire

    The EU Global Strategy: going beyond effective multilateralism? EPC Discussion Paper, June 2016

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    The ongoing consultation process on the European Union Global Strategy (EUGS) presents an occasion for the European Union (EU) to redress the European Security Strategy’s (ESS) shortcomings and update its stance on multilateralism. As rule-based multilateralism remains deeply entrenched in the Union’s DNA, the EUGS is unlikely to represent ground-breaking innovations as to how the EU should act in international affairs. The key challenge in respect of the EU’s multilateralism is twofold. The first challenge lies in setting out clear priorities for the EU’s multilateral action to be pursued collectively by the member states; and the second in determining the form of multilateralism that would best suit the promotion of the priorities concerned. In this collection of six essays, policy analysts and academics are presented with the question: Over a five year horizon, what do you think should be the focus of the EU’s multilateral agenda? The answers dwell on the EU playing a proactive role in relation to emerging powers especially China, and Latin America as a whole; furthering the EU’s soft power through ‘science diplomacy’; and EU leadership in building a global energy and climate community, and counter terrorism measures

    Learning-based approaches for reconstructions with inexact operators in nanoCT applications

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    Imaging problems such as the one in nanoCT require the solution of an inverse problem, where it is often taken for granted that the forward operator, i.e., the underlying physical model, is properly known. In the present work we address the problem where the forward model is inexact due to stochastic or deterministic deviations during the measurement process. We particularly investigate the performance of non-learned iterative reconstruction methods dealing with inexactness and learned reconstruction schemes, which are based on U-Nets and conditional invertible neural networks. The latter also provide the opportunity for uncertainty quantification. A synthetic large data set in line with a typical nanoCT setting is provided and extensive numerical experiments are conducted evaluating the proposed methods

    Anglonubian goat’s udder biometry

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    A conformação do úbere dos caprinos possui relevância, uma vez que seu tamanho e forma estão associados à capacidade de produção de leite. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a relação entre as medidas da glândula mamária e a produção de leite em cabras da raça Anglonubiana. Em 15 cabras em lactação foram determinadas as medidas: circunferência e profundidade de úbere; a circunferência e comprimento de teto. As medidas foram realizadas antes (úbere cheio) e após a ordenha (úbere vazio). Ao final da ordenha matutina foi mensurada a produção de leite (em g). A produção de leite variou de 365 a 1.101,3 g de leite (média 856,21 g) na ordenha matutina. Observou-se grande variabilidade nas medidas de úbere antes e após a ordenha, sendo observada diferença significativa nas medidas médias da profundidade (p<0,05) e circunferência de úbere (p<0,001) e de teto (p<0,05). Foi evidenciado um efeito linear crescente (R2=0,7559) e significativo (p<0,001) do período de lactação sobre a produção diária de leite e a circunferência de úbere cheio. A biometria de úbere se torna significante nos resultados e, por ser um instrumento de fácil execução, é indicada como um dos parâmetros que o produtor pode utilizar no plantel sem demandar custo.The shape of the goat's udder is relevant, since its size and shape are associated with the milk production capacity. In this sense, the aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between the measures of the mammary gland and milk production in Anglonubian goats. In 15 lactating goats the measures were determined: circumference and depth of the udder; the circumference and length of the ceiling. The measurements were performed before (full udder) and after milking (empty udder). At the end of the morning milking, milk production (in g) was measured. Milk production ranged from 365 to 1,101.3 g of milk (average 856.21 g) in the morning milking. There was great variability in udder measurements before and after milking, with a significant difference in mean measures of depth (p <0.05) and udder circumference (p <0.001) and ceiling (p <0.05). A linear (R2 = 0.7555) and significant (p <0.001) linear effect of the lactation period on daily milk production and full udder circumference was evidenced. The udder biometry becomes significant in the results and, as it is an easy to execute instrument, it is indicated as one of the parameters that the producer can use in the squad without demanding cost

    Goat’s weight at birth of the saanen and anglonubian breeds, in Rio Grande do Sul

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    Em criatórios de caprinos, o número de animais nascidos e viáveis ao ano tem influência na viabilidade econômica da atividade, tanto por permitir uma maior pressão de seleção quanto por propiciar maior número de animais para venda. Neste sentido, analisou-se o peso ao nascer de 759 caprinos das raças Saanen e Anglonubiana, nascidos em capris do Rio Grande do Sul. Verificou-se, a parir dos dados dos de registros da Associação de Caprinocultores do Estado (CAPRISUL), que 49% dos partos na raça Saanen foram simples, 45% gemelares, 7% trigemelares e apenas um parto foi quádruplo. O peso ao nascer de caprinos Saanen nascidos vivos variou de 1,2 à 5,0 Kg e dos Anglonubianos de 2,0 a 5,0 Kg. O número de crias nascidas por parto e o sexo influenciaram significativamente (p<0,005) o peso ao nascer. Outras variáveis como peso dos pais, ordem de parto, nutrição, sanidade, ambiente e temperamento da mãe são apontadas como importante na determinação do peso ao nascer de caprinos. Verificou-se que os resultados observados no Estado, tanto para peso médio ao nascer quanto aos fatores que exercem influência sobre estes, são semelhantes no país, independentemente das diferenças nos processos produtivos.In goat breeding farms, the number of animals born and viable per year influences the economic feasibility of the activity, both by allowing a higher selection pressure and by propitiating a higher number of animals for sale. In that sense, we analyzed the birth weight of 759 Saanen and Anglonubian goats born in goat farms in Rio Grande do Sul. It was verified that through the records of the State Goat Farmers Association (CAPRISUL), that 49% of the Saanen goat births were simple, 45% were twins, 7% were triplet and only one was quadruple. The birth weight of Saanen goats which were alive at birth ranged from 1.2 to 5.0 Kg and that of Anglonubian goats ranged from 2.0 to 5.0 Kg. The number of animals yielded per birth, as well as the gender significantly influenced (p<0.005) the birth weight, which also may include important variables like parent's weight, birth order, health, environment and mother's temperament. It was verified that the results observed in the State, both for the average birth weight and the factors that influence such results, are similar throughout the country, regardless of differences in productive processes
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