757 research outputs found

    Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations

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    This paper introduces a novel approach for modeling visual relations between pairs of objects. We call relation a triplet of the form (subject, predicate, object) where the predicate is typically a preposition (eg. 'under', 'in front of') or a verb ('hold', 'ride') that links a pair of objects (subject, object). Learning such relations is challenging as the objects have different spatial configurations and appearances depending on the relation in which they occur. Another major challenge comes from the difficulty to get annotations, especially at box-level, for all possible triplets, which makes both learning and evaluation difficult. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we design strong yet flexible visual features that encode the appearance and spatial configuration for pairs of objects. Second, we propose a weakly-supervised discriminative clustering model to learn relations from image-level labels only. Third we introduce a new challenging dataset of unusual relations (UnRel) together with an exhaustive annotation, that enables accurate evaluation of visual relation retrieval. We show experimentally that our model results in state-of-the-art results on the visual relationship dataset significantly improving performance on previously unseen relations (zero-shot learning), and confirm this observation on our newly introduced UnRel dataset

    Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations

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    This paper introduces a novel approach for modeling visual relations between pairs of objects. We call relation a triplet of the form (subject, predicate, object) where the predicate is typically a preposition (eg. 'under', 'in front of') or a verb ('hold', 'ride') that links a pair of objects (subject, object). Learning such relations is challenging as the objects have different spatial configurations and appearances depending on the relation in which they occur. Another major challenge comes from the difficulty to get annotations, especially at box-level, for all possible triplets, which makes both learning and evaluation difficult. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we design strong yet flexible visual features that encode the appearance and spatial configuration for pairs of objects. Second, we propose a weakly-supervised discriminative clustering model to learn relations from image-level labels only. Third we introduce a new challenging dataset of unusual relations (UnRel) together with an exhaustive annotation, that enables accurate evaluation of visual relation retrieval. We show experimentally that our model results in state-of-the-art results on the visual relationship dataset significantly improving performance on previously unseen relations (zero-shot learning), and confirm this observation on our newly introduced UnRel dataset

    Bevölkerungsentwicklung in der Abwärtsspirale und die steigende Rolle der Familienpolitik

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    Vor allem die Sorge um die langfristige Entwicklung der Sozialversicherungssysteme hat die Familienpolitik in den Vordergrund der politischen Diskussion gerückt. Wie ist die Faktenlage? Was ist das Ziel der Familienpolitik? Worauf sollte eine explizite Familienpolitik gerichtet sein? Was können wir von den europäischen Nachbarn lernen? --

    Reformen in Deutschland: Ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit?

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    Reformblockaden werden derzeit in Deutschland in vielen Bereichen diagnostiziert. Wie können diese Blockaden überwunden werden? Können andere Länder als Vorbild dienen? Wie muss sich der politische Prozess wandeln, um mehr Reformkompetenz zu ermöglichen? --

    Counter Attack on Byzantine Generals: Parameterized Model Checking of Fault-tolerant Distributed Algorithms

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    We introduce an automated parameterized verification method for fault-tolerant distributed algorithms (FTDA). FTDAs are parameterized by both the number of processes and the assumed maximum number of Byzantine faulty processes. At the center of our technique is a parametric interval abstraction (PIA) where the interval boundaries are arithmetic expressions over parameters. Using PIA for both data abstraction and a new form of counter abstraction, we reduce the parameterized problem to finite-state model checking. We demonstrate the practical feasibility of our method by verifying several variants of the well-known distributed algorithm by Srikanth and Toueg. Our semi-decision procedures are complemented and motivated by an undecidability proof for FTDA verification which holds even in the absence of interprocess communication. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to achieve parameterized automated verification of Byzantine FTDA

    The Putative Role of Human Peritoneal Adipocytes in the Fight against Bacteria: Synthesis of the Antimicrobial Active Peptide DEFA1-3

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    Background: Spontaneous peritonitis is a rather rare event, even in peritoneal dialysis (PD). As defensins are natural antimicrobial peptides, we hypothesized that adipocytes as the major constituents of the omentum could play an important role in protecting against infection by generating defensin (DEFA1-3). Methods: We isolated adipocytes from the omentum majus and conducted qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analyses. Results: For the first time described, we were able to detect DEFA1-3 mRNA in highly purified isolated omental adipocytes. The expression of DEFA1-3 in adipocytes was confirmed on the protein level by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: Our report of DEFA1-3 expression by human omental adipocytes adds to the role of adipocytes in the primary defense against bacterial infection. This may include PD, where the presence of the catheter as a foreign body and the nonphysiological dialysis solution may require constant defense measures to prevent peritonitis, a hypothesis that will require further testing. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    An Accurate Hybrid Delay Model for Multi-Input Gates

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    Accurately modeling the delay of multi-input gates is challenging due to variations caused by switching different inputs in close temporal proximity. This paper introduces a hybrid model for a CMOS NOR gate, which is based on replacing transistors with time-variant resistors. We analytically solve the resulting non-constant coefficient differential equations and derive expressions for the gate delays, which also paved the way to an empirical parametrization procedure. By comparison with Spice simulation data, we show that our model indeed faithfully represents all relevant multi-input switching effects. Using an implementation in the Involution Tool, we also demonstrate that it surpasses the few alternative models known so far in terms of accuracy

    Der Machtwechsel und die Strategie des konservativ-liberealen BĂĽndnisses

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    Die 80er Jahre gelten als eine der drei politischen Wasserscheiden in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik: Neben den Wahlen von Konrad Adenauer und Willy Brandt zu Bundeskanzlern steht die von Helmut Kohl und leitet eine neue politische Phase ein. Daß die hier genannten Zeitpunkte nicht trennscharf sind und mehr gemeint ist als die Besetzung einer Führungsrolle innerhalb des politischen Systems, versteht sich von selbst. Jenseits dieses common sense beginnt jedoch eine politisch-praktische wie politiktheoretische Unsicherheitszone, in der je nach Definition des Phänomens und des konzeptionellen Zugriffs das Ergebnis variiert
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