8 research outputs found

    Sancta simplicitas. Figuras de simpleza y cordura en Los jueves, milagro

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    Siguiendo las variaciones motívicas de la figura del ‘santo inocente’ en Los jueves, milagro, la contribución indaga en la cuestión de cómo interactúan ahí simpleza y cordura, principios que suelen regir la lógica de los textos del género picaresco. Se analiza, por ende, una fórmula característica de la comedia temprana berlanguiana: una crítica social perspicaz que se da cara de inocencia. Following the variations of the 'santo inocente’ motif in Los jueves, milagro, the contribution explores the question of how simplicity and wits, the principles that often govern the logic of picaresque texts, interact there. It thus analyses a formula characteristic of early Berlanguian comedy: an insightful social critique that masquerades as innocence

    Narrativa joven en crisis. De la novela apocalíptica de la Generación X a la distopía de David Llorente

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    The current “narrative of the crisis” has a precursor: the Generation X’s “dirty realism”. Both in the dystopia Tokio ya no nos quiere (1999) by Ray Loriga and in Madrid: frontera (2016) by David Llorente, the trauma of precarity leads to oblivion and loss of identity. In Loriga’s work, the atmosphere of the Transición and the postmodern discourses of globalized capitalism, drug abuse and media simulations form the critical basis. Currently, the “Spanish crisis” forms the predominant analytical horizon.La actual “narrativa de la crisis” tiene un precedente en el “realismo sucio” de la Generación X de los años noventa del siglo pasado. Tanto en la distopía Tokio ya no nos quiere (1999) de Ray Loriga como en Madrid: frontera (2016) de David Llorente, el trauma de la precariedad conlleva la desmemoria y la pérdida de identidad. En Loriga son el clima de la Transición y los discursos posmodernos de un capitalismo consumista, junto con el abuso de drogas y los simulacros mediáticos, los elementos que establecen las bases críticas. En la actualidad, la “crisis española” sirve de horizonte analítico. The current “narrative of the crisis” has a precursor: the Generation X’s “dirty realism”. Both in the dystopia Tokio ya no nos quiere (1999) by Ray Loriga and in Madrid: frontera (2016) by David Llorente, the trauma of precarity leads to oblivion and loss of identity. In Loriga’s work, the atmosphere of the Transición and the postmodern discourses of globalized capitalism, drug abuse and media simulations form the critical basis. Currently, the “Spanish crisis” forms the predominant analytical horizon

    Narrativa joven en crisis. De la novela apocalíptica de la Generación X a la distopía de David Llorente

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    The current “narrative of the crisis” has a precursor: the Generation X’s “dirty realism”. Both in the dystopia Tokio ya no nos quiere (1999) by Ray Loriga and in Madrid: frontera (2016) by David Llorente, the trauma of precarity leads to oblivion and loss of identity. In Loriga’s work, the atmosphere of the Transición and the postmodern discourses of globalized capitalism, drug abuse and media simulations form the critical basis. Currently, the “Spanish crisis” forms the predominant analytical horizon

    La crisis española diez años después: balance y perspectivas

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    Just over a decade ago, the great financial crisis shook the foundations of economies virtually everywhere. Within the European Union, Spain was one of the countries most affected by the crisis and its consequences. The economic recession has had serious consequences for both political culture and the Spanish political system, for the social security systems, the prospects of young people and, therefore, for social, the legal system and, of course, for the cultural sector. A decade after the great economic recession, it is time for an initial assessment that explores whether European societies, and Spanish society in particular, are now prepared to better face the current and future crises.Hace poco más de una década, la gran crisis financiera sacudió los fundamentos de las economías en prácticamente todo el mundo. Dentro de la Unión Europea, España fue uno de los países más afectados por la crisis y sus consecuencias. La recesión económica ha tenido graves consecuencias tanto para la cultura política como para el sistema político español, para los sistemas de seguridad social, las perspectivas de los jóvenes y, por ende, la cohesión de la sociedad, para el sistema jurídico y, como es de esperar, para el sector cultural. Una década después de la gran recesión económica, es tiempo para un primer balance para poder preguntar si las sociedades europeas, y especialmente la española, están preparadas para afrontar mejor las actuales y futuras crisis. Just over a decade ago, the great financial crisis shook the foundations of economies virtually everywhere. Within the European Union, Spain was one of the countries most affected by the crisis and its consequences. The economic recession has had serious consequences for both political culture and the Spanish political system, for the social security systems, the prospects of young people and, therefore, for social, the legal system and, of course, for the cultural sector. A decade after the great economic recession, it is time for an initial assessment that explores whether European societies, and Spanish society in particular, are now prepared to better face the current and future crises

    La crisis española diez años después: balance y perspectivas

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    Just over a decade ago, the great financial crisis shook the foundations of economies virtually everywhere. Within the European Union, Spain was one of the countries most affected by the crisis and its consequences. The economic recession has had serious consequences for both political culture and the Spanish political system, for the social security systems, the prospects of young people and, therefore, for social, the legal system and, of course, for the cultural sector. A decade after the great economic recession, it is time for an initial assessment that explores whether European societies, and Spanish society in particular, are now prepared to better face the current and future crises

    Estudios culturales hispánicos: enfoques teóricos, retos metodológicos y ejes temáticos

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    Introduction to the monographic issue publishing the first part of the contri­butions of the international symposium on Hispanic Cultural Studies, organised by the Centre for Hispanic Studies of the University of Regensburg and held virtually 2021 in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic