8 research outputs found

    MoMo-Längsschnittstudie "Physical Fitness and Physical Activity as Determinants of Health Development in Children and Adolescents" : Testmanual zu den motorischen Tests und den anthropometrischen Messungen (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7700)

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    Im Rahmen der Motorik-Modulstudie (Teilmodul de bundesweiten, repräsentativen KiGGS-Studie des Robert Koch-Instituts in Berlin) werden Daten zur motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit und zur körperlich-sportlichen Aktivität von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland erhoben. Der vorliegende Leitfaden soll Sportwissenschaftlern/innen, Lehrern/innen, Übungsleitern/innen und weiteren Fachkräften die Möglichkeit geben, die im Motorik-Modul verwendeten Tests im Rahmen eigener Studie einzusetzen

    Analysis of distribution in the fashion industry with a special focus on the short-term distribution model

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    Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit richtet sich an alle Akteure der Modebranche und an jeden, der sich über die modischen Trends hinweg, für die Entwicklungen in der Branche interessiert. Es handelt sich um eine explorative theoretische Arbeit. Wissenschaftliche qualitative Quellen wurden für die Literaturauswertung verwendet. Die Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über den kurzfristigen Vertrieb in der Modebranche. Es werden dafür die aktuelle Entwicklung der Branche sowie die traditionellen Prozesse der Hersteller herangezogen. Der Fokus bei der Analyse liegt auf den Chancen und Risiken, die sich durch das Modell ergeben. Sowohl für den Hersteller als auch für den Händler. Geklärt werden soll dabei die Frage, ob das Modell für die Zukunft Potenzial hat. Eine der wichtigsten Erkenntnisse dieser Bachelorarbeit ist, dass das kurzfristige Vertriebsmodell viele Chancen bietet, aber auch, vor allem für die Hersteller, Risiken birgt

    IT-Sicherheit in der vernetzten Produktion. Wertschöpfungssteigerung in der Produktion dank sicherer cyberphysischer Systeme

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    Nowadays digitalization comes along with information security. However, the topic of IT security still leads to uncertainties in companies. Despite numerous attacks on enterprises and public authorities, the majority sees IT security as a cost factor instead of a competitive factor. This perception quickly leads to a loss in turnover due to production downtime, data and knowledge leakage or financial penalties. This article shows, which aspects of information security have to be considered in order to use information and communication technologies profitably and above all securely

    Centrifugal Microfluidic Integration of 4-Plex ddPCR Demonstrated by the Quantification of Cancer-Associated Point Mutations

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    We present the centrifugal microfluidic implementation of a four-plex digital droplet polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR). The platform features 12 identical ddPCR units on a LabDisk cartridge, each capable of generating droplets with a diameter of 82.7 ± 9 µm. By investigating different oil–surfactant concentrations, we identified a robust process for droplet generation and stabilization. We observed high droplet stability during thermocycling and endpoint fluorescence imaging, as is required for ddPCRs. Furthermore, we introduce an automated process for four-color fluorescence imaging using a commercial cell analysis microscope, including a customized software pipeline for ddPCR image evaluation. The applicability of ddPCRs is demonstrated by the quantification of three cancer-associated KRAS point mutations (G12D, G12V and G12A) in a diagnostically relevant wild type DNA background. The four-plex assay showed high sensitivity (3.5–35 mutant DNA copies in 15,000 wild type DNA copies) and linear performance (R² = 0.99) across all targets in the LabDisk

    Cohort Profile: The Motorik-Modul Longitudinal Study : physical fitness and physical activity as determinants of health development in German children and adolescents

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    The Motorik-Modul (MoMo) Longitudinal Study aims to contribute to long-term improvement in the health of German children and adolescents by focusing on: (i) the development of physical fitness and physical activity (including period effects); (ii) the individual and physical/social environmental determinants of the development of physical fitness and physical activity; and (iii) the impact of physical fitness and physical activity on the development of physical and mental health. The MoMo Longitudinal Study began with a nationwide representative sample of 4529 children and adolescents who ranged in age from 4–17 years at the study baseline (2003–2006). The first survey wave of the MoMo Longitudinal Study was conducted between 2009 and 2012, with two subsequent survey waves to be conducted between 2014 and 2016 and 2018 and 2020, respectively. The MoMo Longitudinal Study includes a physical fitness test profile, a physical activity questionnaire, and subjective and objective measures of health from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (KiGGS). Data access is provided on request ([email protected]). For further information, including a complete list of publications please visit www.motorik-modul.de

    Microfluidic One-Pot Digital Droplet FISH Using LNA/DNA Molecular Beacons for Bacteria Detection and Absolute Quantification

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    We demonstrate detection and quantification of bacterial load with a novel microfluidic one-pot wash-free fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay in droplets. The method offers minimal manual workload by only requiring mixing of the sample with reagents and loading it into a microfluidic cartridge. By centrifugal microfluidic step emulsification, our method partitioned the sample into 210 pL (73 µm in diameter) droplets for bacterial encapsulation followed by in situ permeabilization, hybridization, and signal detection. Employing locked nucleic acid (LNA)/DNA molecular beacons (LNA/DNA MBs) and NaCl-urea based hybridization buffer, the assay was characterized with Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Proteus mirabilis. The assay performed with single-cell sensitivity, a 4-log dynamic range from a lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) at ~3 × 103 bacteria/mL to an upper limit of quantification (ULOQ) at ~3 × 107 bacteria/mL, anda linearity R2 = 0.976. The total time-to-results for detection and quantification was around 1.5 hours

    Stringent Base Specific and Optimization-Free Multiplex Mediator Probe ddPCR for the Quantification of Point Mutations in Circulating Tumor DNA

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    There is an increasing demand for optimization-free multiplex assays to rapidly establish comprehensive target panels for cancer monitoring by liquid biopsy. We present the mediator probe (MP) PCR for the quantification of the seven most frequent point mutations and corresponding wild types (KRAS and BRAF) in colorectal carcinoma. Standardized parameters for the digital assay were derived using design of experiments. Without further optimization, the limit of detection (LoD) was determined through spiking experiments with synthetic mutant DNA in human genomic DNA. The limit of blank (LoB) was measured in cfDNA plasma eluates from healthy volunteers. The 2-plex and 4-plex MP ddPCR assays showed a LoB of 0 copies/mL except for 4-plex KRAS G13D (9.82 copies/mL) and 4-plex BRAF V600E (16.29 copies/mL) and allele frequencies of 0.004% ≤ LoD ≤ 0.38% with R2 ≥ 0.98. The quantification of point mutations in patient plasma eluates (18 patients) during follow-up using the 4-plex MP ddPCR showed a comparable performance to the reference assays. The presented multiplex assays need no laborious optimization, as they use the same concentrations and cycling conditions for all targets. This facilitates assay certification, allows a fast and flexible design process, and is thus easily adaptable for individual patient monitoring