42 research outputs found

    A comprehensive categorical and bibliometric analysis of published research articles on pediatric pain from 1975 to 2010

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    The field of pediatric pain research began in the mid-1970s and has undergone significant growth and development in recent years as evidenced by the variety of books, conferences, and journals on the topic and also the number of disciplines engaged in work in this area. Using categorical and bibliometric meta-trend analysis, this study offers a synthesis of research on pediatric pain published between 1975 and 2010 in peer-reviewed journals. Abstracts from 4256 articles, retrieved from Web of Science, were coded across 4 categories: article type, article topic, type and age of participants, and pain stimulus. The affiliation of the first author and number of citations were also gathered. The results suggest a significant increase in the number of publications over the time period investigated, with 96% of the included articles published since 1990 and most research being multiauthored publications in pain-focused journals. First authors were most often from the United States and affiliated with a medical department. Most studies were original research articles; the most frequent topics were pain characterization (39.86%), pain intervention (37.49%), and pain assessment (25.00%). Clinical samples were most frequent, with participants most often characterized as children (6-12 years) or adolescents (13-18 years) experiencing chronic or acute pain. The findings provide a comprehensive overview of contributions in the field of pediatric pain research over 35 years and offers recommendations for future research in the area. © 2015 International Association for the Study of Pain

    Strafsache Strohhalm : was Verbote von Einweg-Kunststoffprodukten wirklich bringen ; Fakten, Standpunkte, Analysen

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    Seitdem Einweg-Plastikartikel wie Kunststofftüten und Strohhalme verboten wurden, sind Straßen und Strände sauberer geworden. Zudem wurde auch die öffentliche Diskussion über nachhaltigen Konsum intensiviert. Die Gesamtmenge an Kunststoff-Abfällen ließ sich mit "Plastikverboten" hingegen nicht signifikant reduzieren. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt der vorliegende Polyproblem-Report der gemeinnützigen Röchling Stiftung und des Beratungshauses Wider Sense in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wuppertal Institut. Die Autor*innen haben die Wirkung staatlicher Verbote von Einweg-Plastikprodukten unter die Lupe genommen und die Erfahrungen aus Deutschland, Kenia und Kalifornien analysiert

    Exhausted CD8 T Cells Downregulate the IL-18 Receptor and Become Unresponsive to Inflammatory Cytokines and Bacterial Co-infections

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    During many chronic infections virus-specific CD8 T cells succumb to exhaustion as they lose their ability to respond to antigenic activation. Combinations of IL-12, IL-18, and IL-21 have been shown to induce the antigen-independent production of interferon (IFN)-γ by effector and memory CD8 T cells. In this study we investigated whether exhausted CD8 T cells are sensitive to activation by these cytokines. We show that effector and memory, but not exhausted, CD8 T cells produce IFN-γ and upregulate CD25 following exposure to certain combinations of IL-12, IL-18, and IL-21. The unresponsiveness of exhausted CD8 T cells is associated with downregulation of the IL-18-receptor-α (IL-18Rα). Although IL-18Rα expression is connected with the ability of memory CD8 T cells to self-renew and efflux rhodamine 123, the IL-18Rαlo exhausted cells remained capable of secreting this dye. To further evaluate the consequences of IL-18Rα downregulation, we tracked the fate of IL-18Rα-deficient CD8 T cells in chronically infected mixed bone marrow chimeras and discovered that IL-18Rα affects the initial but not later phases of the response. The antigen-independent responsiveness of exhausted CD8 T cells was also investigated following co-infection with Listeria monocytogenes, which induces the expression of IL-12 and IL-18. Although IL-18Rαhi memory cells upregulated CD25 and produced IFN-γ, the IL-18Rαlo exhausted cells failed to respond. Collectively, these findings indicate that as exhausted T cells adjust to the chronically infected environment, they lose their susceptibility to antigen-independent activation by cytokines, which compromises their ability to detect bacterial co-infections

    Alzheimer's disease - input of vitamin D with mEmantine assay (AD-IDEA trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Current treatments for Alzheimer\u27s disease and related disorders (ADRD) are symptomatic and can only temporarily slow down ADRD. Future possibilities of care rely on multi-target drugs therapies that address simultaneously several pathophysiological processes leading to neurodegeneration. We hypothesized that the combination of memantine with vitamin D could be neuroprotective in ADRD, thereby limiting neuronal loss and cognitive decline. The aim of this trial is to compare the effect after 24 weeks of the oral intake of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) with the effect of a placebo on the change of cognitive performance in patients suffering from moderate ADRD and receiving memantine. METHODS: The AD-IDEA Trial is a unicentre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, intent-to-treat, superiority trial. Patients aged 60 years and older presenting with moderate ADRD (i.e., Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE] score between 10-20), hypovitaminosis D (i.e., serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25OHD] < 30 ng/mL), normocalcemia (i.e., serum calcium < 2.65 mmol/L) and receiving no antidementia treatment at time of inclusion are being recruited. All participants receive memantine 20 mg once daily -titrated in 5 mg increments over 4 weeks- and each one is randomized to one of the two treatment options: either cholecalciferol (one 100,000 IU drinking vial every 4 weeks) or placebo (administered at the same pace). One hundred and twenty participants are being recruited and treatment continues for 24 weeks. Primary outcome measure is change in cognitive performance using Alzheimer\u27s Disease Assessment Scale-cognition score. Secondary outcomes are changes in other cognitive scores (MMSE, Frontal Assessment Battery, Trail Making Test parts A and B), change in functional performance (Activities of Daily Living scale, and 4-item Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale), posture and gait (Timed Up & Go, Five Time Sit-to-Stand, spatio-temporal analysis of walking), as well as the between-groups comparison of compliance to treatment and tolerance. These outcomes are assessed at baseline, 12 and 24 weeks, together with the serum concentrations of 25OHD, calcium and parathyroid hormone. DISCUSSION: The combination of memantine plus vitamin D may represent a new multi-target therapeutic class for the treatment of ADRD. The AD-IDEA Trial seeks to provide evidence on its efficacy in limiting cognitive and functional declines in ADRD. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01409694

    Models of Neuronal Stimulus-Response Functions: Elaboration, Estimation, and Evaluation

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    Rich, dynamic, and dense sensory stimuli are encoded within the nervous system by the time-varying activity of many individual neurons. A fundamental approach to understanding the nature of the encoded representation is to characterize the function that relates the moment-by-moment firing of a neuron to the recent history of a complex sensory input. This review provides a unifying and critical survey of the techniques that have been brought to bear on this effort thus far—ranging from the classical linear receptive field model to modern approaches incorporating normalization and other nonlinearities. We address separately the structure of the models; the criteria and algorithms used to identify the model parameters; and the role of regularizing terms or “priors.” In each case we consider benefits or drawbacks of various proposals, providing examples for when these methods work and when they may fail. Emphasis is placed on key concepts rather than mathematical details, so as to make the discussion accessible to readers from outside the field. Finally, we review ways in which the agreement between an assumed model and the neuron's response may be quantified. Re-implemented and unified code for many of the methods are made freely available

    Review of policy instruments and recommendations for effective food waste prevention

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    Each year, approximately one-third of the food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted worldwide. The waste of resources used for this food has significant environmental impacts in terms of land and water use as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, one of the targets of the UN sustainable development goals is to halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains by 2030. However, sufficient knowledge about the suitability of instruments for food waste prevention is still lacking. The purpose of this paper is therefore threefold: first, it outlines the generation and causes of food losses and waste. Second, it discusses good practices from different countries, such as laws to reduce food waste, voluntary agreements, awareness campaigns and results from behavioural economics. Finally, based on these findings, this paper identifies barriers to as well as requirements for the implementation of effective and efficient instruments

    Prevention of plastic waste in production and consumption by multi-actor partnerships

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    The study sheds light on the background of the prevention of plastic waste from packaging and disposable products by explaining the need for action, the environmental impacts and risks to human health. Experiences of the members of the PREVENT Waste Alliance and their partners in the prevention of plastic waste by multi-actor partnerships are presented by means of 17 best practice examples. Finally, the study gives recommendations for the reduction of plastic waste and the further work of the PREVENT Waste Alliance. These include success factors for waste prevention, necessary next steps and conclusions regarding the necessary political framework conditions

    Research study on holistic indicators for waste prevention

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    Because prevention is closely linked to complex consumption patterns, even cultural changes, such as increasing environmental awareness, changes in the average size of households or changes in the industrial structure of an economy, are relevant factors for the interpretation of changes in the generation of waste - it is more or less impossible to isolate the effect of specific waste prevention measures in this complex system. This must be considered, in particular, in international comparisons of policies and their potential transferability. The guidelines of the European Commission on waste prevention also point to the particular problem of data availability in the area of prevention: as waste statistics focus mainly on the treatment and fate of wastes, they are often of limited value for prevention of waste because they don't give sufficient information about their origins or reasons for their generation. Against this background, this report has the following objectives: Chapter 2 discusses strengths and weaknesses of typical waste-based prevention indicators; Chapter 3 analyses possible indicators that consider an upstream perspective and take into account the ecological rucksacks of products and components that have become waste; Chapter 4 focuses on specific product groups that could be targeted by waste prevention indicators. In general, the report describes the complexity of measuring waste prevention and outlines pros and cons of possible approaches. The final chapter aims to draw rather pragmatic conclusions on possibly most preferable options for future policy-making