7 research outputs found

    Belastungen mit chlororganischen Schadstoffen und Metallen bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose

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    Bei der Multiplen Sklerose (MS, Encephalomyelitis disseminata) handelt es sich um eine chronische, multilokulĂ€re demyelinisierende Erkrankung des Zentralen Nervensystems, deren Ursachen bisher nicht exakt geklĂ€rt werden konnten. Die im ZNS disseminiert auftretenden EntzĂŒndungs- und Entmarkungsherde sind Ursache der sehr unterschiedlich verlaufenden klinischen Symptomatik u.a. mit multifokalen sensiblen AusfĂ€llen, Paresen, Hirnnervenbefall, zerebellĂ€ren Störungen, Blasenstörungen sowie neuropsychologischen Defiziten (z.B. hirnorganisches Psychosyndrom). Bei einer PrĂ€valenz von etwa 50-100/100.000 und einer Inzidenz von 4-6/100.000 in Deutschland betrĂ€gt das VerhĂ€ltnis von Frauen zu MĂ€nnern etwa 2:1. Ätiologisch werden u.a. T-Zell-vermittelte Autoimmunmechanismen, Virusinfektionen, genetische Dispositionen und der Einfluß verschiedener Umweltfaktoren diskutiert. Es stellt sich auch die Frage nach erhöhten Belastungen mit chlororganischen Schadstoffen und Metallen

    Belastungen mit chlororganischen Schadstoffen und Metallen bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose

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    Bei der Multiplen Sklerose (MS, Encephalomyelitis disseminata) handelt es sich um eine chronische, multilokulĂ€re demyelinisierende Erkrankung des Zentralen Nervensystems, deren Ursachen bisher nicht exakt geklĂ€rt werden konnten. Die im ZNS disseminiert auftretenden EntzĂŒndungs- und Entmarkungsherde sind Ursache der sehr unterschiedlich verlaufenden klinischen Symptomatik u.a. mit multifokalen sensiblen AusfĂ€llen, Paresen, Hirnnervenbefall, zerebellĂ€ren Störungen, Blasenstörungen sowie neuropsychologischen Defiziten (z.B. hirnorganisches Psychosyndrom). Bei einer PrĂ€valenz von etwa 50-100/100.000 und einer Inzidenz von 4-6/100.000 in Deutschland betrĂ€gt das VerhĂ€ltnis von Frauen zu MĂ€nnern etwa 2:1. Ätiologisch werden u.a. T-Zell-vermittelte Autoimmunmechanismen, Virusinfektionen, genetische Dispositionen und der Einfluß verschiedener Umweltfaktoren diskutiert. Es stellt sich auch die Frage nach erhöhten Belastungen mit chlororganischen Schadstoffen und Metallen

    Experience of gratitude, awe and beauty in life among patients with multiple sclerosis and psychiatric disorders

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    Background: Feelings of gratitude and awe facilitate perceptions and cognitions that go beyond the focus of illness and include positive aspects of one's personal and interpersonal reality, even in the face of disease. We intended to measure feelings of gratitude, awe, and experiences of beauty in life among patients with multiple sclerosis and psychiatric disorders, particularly with respect to their engagement in specific spiritual/religious practices and their life satisfaction. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey with standardized questionnaires to measure engagement in various spiritual practices (SpREUK-P) and their relation to experiences of Gratitude, Awe and Beauty in Life and life satisfaction (BMLSS-10). In total, 461 individuals (41 +/- 13 years; 68% women) with multiple sclerosis (46%) and depressive (22%) or other psychiatric disorders (32%) participated. Results: Among participants, 23% never, 43% rarely, 24% often, and 10% frequently experienced Gratitude. In contrast, 41% never, 37% rarely, 17% often, and 6% frequently experienced Awe. Beauty in Life was never experienced by 8% of the sample, and 28% rarely, 46% often, and 18% frequently experienced it. Gratitude (F=9.2; p=.003) and Beauty in Life (F=6.0; p=.015) were experienced significantly more often by women than men. However, the experience of Awe did not differ between women and men (F=2.2; n.s.). In contrast to our hypothesis, Gratitude/Awe cannot explain any relevant variance in patients' life satisfaction (R-2=.04). Regression analyses (R-2=.42) revealed that Gratitude/Awe can be predicted best by a person's engagement in religious practices, followed by other forms of spiritual practices and life satisfaction. Female gender was a weak predictor and underlying disease showed no effect. Conclusions: Gratitude/Awe could be regarded as a life orientation towards noticing and appreciating the positive in life - despite the symptoms of disease. Positive spirituality/religiosity seems to be a source of gratitude and appreciation in life, whereas patients with neither spiritual nor religious sentiments (R-S-) seem to have a lower awareness for these feelings

    Faith as a Resource in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Is Associated with a Positive Interpretation of Illness and Experience of Gratitude/Awe

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    The aim of this cross-sectional anonymous survey with standardized questionnaires was to investigate which resources to cope were used by patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). We focussed on patients' conviction that their faith might be a strong hold in difficult times and on their engagement in different forms of spirituality. Consecutively 213 German patients (75% women; mean age 43 ± 11 years) were enrolled. Fifty-five percent regarded themselves as neither religious nor spiritual (R−S−), while 31% describe themselves as religious. For 29%, faith was a strong hold in difficult times. This resource was neither related to patients' EDSS scores, and life affections, fatigue, negative mood states, life satisfaction nor to Positive attitudes. Instead it was moderately associated with a Reappraisal strategy (i.e., and positive interpretation of illness) and experience of gratitude/awe. Compared to spiritual/religious patients, R−S− individuals had significantly (P<.0001) lower Reappraisal scores and lower engagement in specific forms of spiritual practices. The ability to reflect on what is essential in life, to appreciate and value life, and also the conviction that illness may have meaning and could be regarded as a chance for development was low in R−S− individuals which either may have no specific interest or are less willing to reflect these issues

    Experience of gratitude, awe and beauty in life among patients with multiple sclerosis and psychiatric disorders

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    Background: Feelings of gratitude and awe facilitate perceptions and cognitions that go beyond the focus of illness and include positive aspects of one's personal and interpersonal reality, even in the face of disease. We intended to measure feelings of gratitude, awe, and experiences of beauty in life among patients with multiple sclerosis and psychiatric disorders, particularly with respect to their engagement in specific spiritual/religious practices and their life satisfaction. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey with standardized questionnaires to measure engagement in various spiritual practices (SpREUK-P) and their relation to experiences of Gratitude, Awe and Beauty in Life and life satisfaction (BMLSS-10). In total, 461 individuals (41 +/- 13 years; 68% women) with multiple sclerosis (46%) and depressive (22%) or other psychiatric disorders (32%) participated. Results: Among participants, 23% never, 43% rarely, 24% often, and 10% frequently experienced Gratitude. In contrast, 41% never, 37% rarely, 17% often, and 6% frequently experienced Awe. Beauty in Life was never experienced by 8% of the sample, and 28% rarely, 46% often, and 18% frequently experienced it. Gratitude (F=9.2; p=.003) and Beauty in Life (F=6.0; p=.015) were experienced significantly more often by women than men. However, the experience of Awe did not differ between women and men (F=2.2; n.s.). In contrast to our hypothesis, Gratitude/Awe cannot explain any relevant variance in patients' life satisfaction (R-2=.04). Regression analyses (R-2=.42) revealed that Gratitude/Awe can be predicted best by a person's engagement in religious practices, followed by other forms of spiritual practices and life satisfaction. Female gender was a weak predictor and underlying disease showed no effect. Conclusions: Gratitude/Awe could be regarded as a life orientation towards noticing and appreciating the positive in life - despite the symptoms of disease. Positive spirituality/religiosity seems to be a source of gratitude and appreciation in life, whereas patients with neither spiritual nor religious sentiments (R-S-) seem to have a lower awareness for these feelings