8 research outputs found

    Van Strydonck (Guillaume)

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    Effet de la familiarisation sur l’évolution des perceptions d’utilitĂ© et d’utilisabilitĂ© d’une plateforme web de dermatologie

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    Dans cette Ă©tude, nous proposons d’étudier dans quelle mesure une familiarisation prĂ©alable Ă  un usage d’un outil basĂ© sur les Technologies de l’information et la communication (TIC) favorise ou non une Ă©volution positive de la qualitĂ© des perceptions (utilitĂ© et utilisabilitĂ©) de l’utilisateur. Ces perceptions dĂ©terminent selon le modĂšle d’acceptation des technologies (TAM) de Davis (1989) les intentions d’usage et l’usage rĂ©el de l’outil. Cette recherche menĂ©e sur une pĂ©riode de 5 mois auprĂšs de 103 mĂ©decins en formation est basĂ©e sur l’usage de la plateforme on-line en dermatologie pour peaux noires « Black-Skin6 ». Deux groupes ont Ă©tĂ© constituĂ©s. Lors de la premiĂšre phase, le groupe 1 participait Ă  des tests en laboratoire d’utilisabilitĂ©. Au cours de la deuxiĂšme phase, les deux groupes avaient Ă  se prĂ©parer Ă  un test de connaissance en dermatologie sur peaux noires via la plateforme Black-Skin. Enfin, lors de la phase 3, les 2 groupes passaient le test de connaissance. À chaque phase a Ă©tĂ© associĂ© un questionnaire mesurant l’utilitĂ© et l’utilisabilitĂ© perçue sur base des items proposĂ©s par Davis (1989). Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude nous permettent de montrer que la familiarisation avec l’outil (par le biais des tests d’utilisabilitĂ©) constitue un moteur Ă  l’évolution de la facilitĂ© d’utilisation perçue ainsi qu’à son utilitĂ© perçue et qu’elle a un effet significatif sur la performance au test de connaissance. DĂšs lors, une premiĂšre phase de familiarisation contribuerait Ă  amĂ©liorer l’intention d’usage et l’usage rĂ©el d’outils de formation et d’aide au diagnostic dans les milieux mĂ©dicaux ainsi que la qualitĂ© des apprentissages en ligne.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Approche diffĂ©rentielle des performances lors de tests d’utilisabilitĂ© :Ă©tude de l’influence de variables culturelles et contextuelles

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    L’étude de la variabilitĂ© dans l’analyse des performances de tests d’utilisabilitĂ© amĂšne Ă  prendre en compte l’influence de variables culturelles et contextuelles. Lors de l’étude de l’utilisabilitĂ© d’une plateforme web en dermatologie « peaux noires », cinquante tests ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s auprĂšs de 2 groupes "Ă©quivalents" de mĂ©decins en formation provenant de deux universitĂ©s belges. Des analyses de l’efficacitĂ© et de l’efficience globales font apparaĂźtre des diffĂ©rences significatives entre les deux groupes. Cette communication vise Ă  apprĂ©hender les facteurs explicatifs de cette variabilitĂ© Ă  partir d’une analyse approfondie des donnĂ©es recueillies (donnĂ©es d’observations et rĂ©ponses Ă  un questionnaire post-test).info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Black-Skin Online: Library of medicine as operator for an open access atlas

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    Background: Teledermatology is a developing field which has the potential to provide remote dermatology services. Up to now there is no teledermatology service specifically dedicated to black skins whereas, on the one hand, Africa suffers a substantial lack of skin care and, on the other hand, there is an increasing number of dark-skinned patients in Western European countries. A few years ago this lack was identified by the Library of Medicine (of UniversitĂ© Libre de Bruxelles) and the dermatology service of the academic hospital Erasme; together, they launched the project BlackSkin Dermatology Online with the support of federal grants.Methods: BlackSkin Dermatology Online is a project funded by the Belgian Federal Government that takes place in two phases, each phase lasting two years. During the first phase, images have been collected from Belgium (existing slides collections owned by Belgian university hospitals) and from Senegal (new photographs collected with the help of a local partner). Simultaneously, a web prototype has been built using open source technology. During the second phase, the specific needs of the target users (medical students, dermatologists, medical practitioners) have been studied. Thus, usability tests have been performed within a usability laboratory and further information has been collected by means of specific questionnaires in order to customize the web interfaces.Results: A high quality image bank has been built. Each image is described along specific parameters (morphologic description, ICD10 classification,). This image bank is the core of an open access web prototype which aims to offer retrieval and viewing tools as well as remote services such as image submission or “ask for a diagnosis”. In parallel, users can submit images which go through a peer review process as in any other scientific publication system. Moreover, specific plugins have been developed with an open source content system management. Finally, user testing has lead to the conception of specific validated test protocols. Representative tasks were identified thanks to observations of the usage of the web interface by groups of users and to interviews (search of image, learning, check diagnostic, etc.).Discussion: This teledermatology project could be a very helpful tool in providing skin care in Southern regions where populations suffer from a substantial lack of medical services as well as limited means of transportation. At the same time, dermatology relies on the visual inspection of the skin and teledermatology offers such an opportunity for North and South practitioners. User testing has enabled tasks scenarios to be validated, offering the basic framework for similar projects in telemedicine, as retrieval of relevant visual information is of prime importance in medicine. One limitation in our study is linked to the use of open source technology, as this is time consuming and involves the creation of specific plugins at each step of the process. Nevertheless, the originality of our approach resides in the use of usability methods in order to optimize the user-friendliness of the web interface.info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Current and future directions in Belgian medical and health sciences librarianship: a user-tailored approach

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    This article is part of a new series in this regular feature. The series intend to serve as a road map by sharing expertise and drawing together trends that are relevant to both health science librarians and health informatics professionals. The present article is a collaboration of six medical and health sciences libraries in Belgium and the Flemish library and archive association (VVBAD, n.d., https://www.vvbad.be/). It aims to elucidate the extended, user‐tailored approach provided by medical and health sciences libraries in Belgium motivated by the recent changes in user expectations and behaviour