60 research outputs found

    Mobility in a Globalised World 2013

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    The term mobility has different meanings in the following science disciplines. In economics, mobility is the ability of an individual or a group to improve their economic status in relation to income and wealth within their lifetime or between generations. In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile computing, in which a computer is transported by a person during normal use. Logistics creates by the design of logistics networks the infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods. Electric mobility is one of today‘s solutions from engineering perspective to reduce the need of energy resources and environmental impact. Moreover, for urban planning, mobility is the crunch question about how to optimise the different needs for mobility and how to link different transportation systems. In this publication we collected the ideas of practitioners, researchers, and government officials regarding the different modes of mobility in a globalised world, focusing on both domestic and international issues. We are grateful for the academic hospitality at the Stuttgart Media University for our conference 2013 "Mobility in a globalised world" in September 2013. We would like to thank Prof. Dr Johannes Maucher and Dr. Heiko Roßnagel for their technical support during our sojourn in Stuttgart

    Mobility in a Globalised World 2014

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    The term mobility has different meanings in the following science disciplines. In economics, mobility is the ability of an individual or a group to improve their economic status in relation to income and wealth within their lifetime or between generations. In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile computing, in which a computer is transported by a person during normal use. Logistics creates by the design of logistics networks the infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods. Electric mobility is one of today’s solutions from engineering perspective to reduce the need of energy resources and environmental impact. Moreover, for urban planning, mobility is the crunch question about how to optimise the different needs for mobility and how to link different transportation systems. In this publication we collected the ideas of practitioners, researchers, and government officials regarding the different modes of mobility in a globalised world, focusing on both domestic and international issues

    Mobility in a Globalised World 2016

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    The term mobility has different meanings in the following science disciplines. In economics, mobility is the ability of an individual or a group to improve their economic status in relation to income and wealth within their lifetime or between generations. In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile computing, in which a computer is transported by a person during normal use. Logistics creates by the design of logistics networks the infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods. Electric mobility is one of today’s solutions from engineering perspective to reduce the need of energy resources and environmental impact. Moreover, for urban planning, mobility is the crunch question about how to optimise the different needs for mobility and how to link different transportation systems. In this publication we collected the ideas of practitioners, researchers, and government officials regarding the different modes of mobility in a globalised world, focusing on both domestic and international issues

    Mobility in a Globalised World 2012

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    The term mobility has different meanings in the following science disciplines. In economics, mobility is the ability of an individual or a group to improve their economic status in relation to income and wealth within their lifetime or between generations. In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile computing, in which a computer is transported by a person during normal use. By designing logistics networks, logistics creates the infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods. Electric mobility is one of today’s solutions from an engineering perspective to the problem of reducing the need for energy resources and environmental impact. Finally, for urban planning, mobility is the crunch question as to how to optimise the different needs for mobility and how to link different transportation systems. In this publication we have collected the ideas of practitioners, researchers, and government officials about the different modes of mobility in a globalised world, focusing on both domestic and international issues

    Tourism, neoliberal policy and competitiveness in the developing world: the case of the Master Plan of Marrakech

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    Political economy, in its various guises and transfigurations, is a research philosophy that presents both social commentary and theoretical progress and is concerned with a number of different topics: politics, regulation and governance, production systems, social relations, inequality and development amongst many others. As a critical theory, political economy seeks to provide an understanding of societies – and of the structures and social relations that form them – in order to evoke social change toward more equitable conditions. Despite the early influence of critical development studies and political economy on tourism research, political economy has received relatively little attention in tourism research. Political Economy and Tourism the first volume to bring together different theoretical perspectives and discourse in political economy related to tourism. Written by leading scholars, the text is organised into three sequential Parts, linked by the principle that ‘the political’ and ‘the economic’ are intimately connected. Part one presents different approaches to political economy, including Marxist political economy, regulation, comparative political economy, commodity chain research and alternative political economies; Part two links key themes of political economy, such as class, gender, labour, development and consumption, to tourism; and Part three examines the political economy at various geographical scales and focuses on the outcomes and processes of the political act of planning and managing tourism production. This engaging volume provides insights and alternative critical perspectives on political economy theory to expand discussions of tourism development and policy in the future. Political Economy and Tourism is a valuable text for students, researchers and academics interested in Tourism and related disciplines

    Die Perzeption eines orientalischen Staates in einem touristischen Massenmedium: Das Fallbeispiel Marokko

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    Am 9. September 2001 endete der Kongreß der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient fĂŒr gegenwartsbezogene Orientforschung und Dokumentation in Göttingen. Zwei Tage spĂ€ter war mit dem Angriff auf das World-Trade-Center eine neue Lage geschaffen, die das Denken vieler Orientwissenschaftler auf den PrĂŒfstand stellte. Die hier wiedergegebenen BeitrĂ€ge der Wissenschaftler zeugen in einmaliger Weise von dem Bewußtseinsstand direkt vor dem Ereignis, beziehen sich aber dem Anlaß entsprechend auf den gesamten Orient (etwa auch auf die TĂŒrkei und deren möglichen EU-Beitritt oder dem seither ebenfalls eskalierenden PalkĂ€stinakonflikt). Keine andere Veranstaltung dieser GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung dokumentiert so deutlich das Denken der Fachwissenschaftler zu diesem besonderen Zeitpunkt. Schon darum verdient der Band die Aufmerksamkeit einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit. Dabei kann der Band auch ganz unabhĂ€ngig von dieser spektakulĂ€ren Sonderstellung Interessierten zu vielfĂ€ltigsten Sachinformationen ĂŒber die Gegenwartslage im Orient verhelfen (zu Genderthematik ebenso wie zur Frage der Migration aus Nordafrika oder der Benutzung des Internets). Die hier gesammelten Einzelstudien verdienen das Interesse derer, die sich auch ĂŒber die kurzfristigen Notwendigkeiten der Tagespolitik hinaus grundlegend zur Gegenwartslage im Orient anhand teilweise fundierter Einzelstudien informieren wollen

    Bilaterale Unternehmenskooperationen im Tourismussektor : ausgewÀhlte Erfolgsfaktoren

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    Herausforderungen und Ziele internationaler UnternehmenstÀtigkeit im Globalisierungszeitalter Internationalisierung mittels bilateraler Kooperationen in der Tourismusbranche Interkulturelle Kompetenz als Ressource im internationalen Management Strategische Erfolgsfaktoren im interkulturellen Kooperationsalltag InterkulturalitÀt im Kontext von Vertrauen, Konfliktmanagement und Kundenorientierung Interkultureller Kooperationsalltag deutscher und marokkanischer Tourismusunternehmen

    Nichts Fremdes ist mir fremd : ReisefĂŒhrer im Kontext von Raum und der systemimmanenten Dialektik des VerstĂ€ndnisses von Eigenem und Fremden

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    ReisefĂŒhrer eröffnen den Kulturwissenschaften ein vielfĂ€ltiges Spektrum möglicher Beobachtungsfelder: Kulturtransfer, Eigen- und Fremdwahrnehmung, populĂ€re Geschichtsbilder lassen sich an Hand dieses Mediums ebenso untersuchen wie die Differenzierung der angesprochenen Zielgruppen, der Wandel von Reisegewohnheiten oder die wechselnde AttraktivitĂ€t von Reisezielen. Von wenigen Einzelstudien abgesehen hat diese variantenreiche und kulturgeschichtlich ĂŒberaus ergiebige Textsorte in der historischen Forschung bislang kaum die ihr gebĂŒhrende Beachtung gefunden. Nahezu gĂ€nzlich fehlen einschlĂ€gige Untersuchungen zum ostmitteleuropĂ€ischen Raum, obwohl gerade dieser Teil unseres Kontinents zu vielfĂ€ltigen Beobachtungen Anlass geben kann: Kulturelle PluralitĂ€t, Überschneidung und Diffusion bei wechselnder Dominanz verschiedener Ethnien sowie hĂ€ufig verĂ€nderte Grenzen hatten hier komplexe beziehungsgeschichtliche Fundamente gelegt, die sich einfachen Deutungsmustern von vornherein entzogen haben und zu einer Normierung touristischer Beschreibungen verleiteten und verleiten. Der Sammelband "Der genormte Blick aufs Fremde" prĂ€sentiert als Ergebnis einer wissenschaftlichen Tagung eine breite Palette von Themen und Beobachtungsfeldern zu ReisefĂŒhrern in und ĂŒber Ostmitteleuropa, und zwar sowohl in geographischer wie in chronologischer Hinsicht: von Riga bis nach Prag, von frĂŒhen ReisefĂŒhrern aus dem 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zum ReisefĂŒhrer der Zukunft, der ohne Papier auskommen wird
