169 research outputs found

    CO2FIX at the landscape level - an application for the Veluwe area, the Netherlands

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    The carbon fixation model CO2FIX was adapted to run on landscape scale, and was applied to the Veluwe area, a forested region in the Netherlands. After a simulation of 500 years, the average carbon stock per hectare in the forest products compartment is about 10 Mg C per ha, the carbon stock in the soil about 125 and the carbon stock in the biomass about 100, in total 235 Mg C per ha. The proceeding average sink for the whole of the Veluwe area (73 180 ha) amounts to 0.037 Mt C in 2020, 0.034 Mt in 2032, and 0.009 Mt C in 2482. The actual annual sink saturates much earlier, around 2050, but continues to fluctuate. The spatial variability in the results is large and is a reflection of the temporal variability occurring in a rotation. The report discusses the accuracy of CO2FIX simulations, and compares results with other studies

    Spatial distribution of regional whole tree carbon stocks and fluxes of forests in Europe

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    This report presents carbon stocks and fluxes of the whole-tree biomass of European forests and other wooded land, distinguished into coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. The results are presented at the European, the national and (where possible)the regional level. Results concerning carbon stock, net ecosystem production and net biome production for the whole-tree biomass were derived from a detailed European forest resource database and converted to carbon using biomass expansion factors. Uncertainties and differences from other estimates are discussed

    Modelling bark beetle disturbances in a large scale forest scenario model to assess climate change impacts and evaluate adaptive management strategies

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    To study potential consequences of climate-induced changes in the biotic disturbance regime at regional to national scale we integrated a model of Ips typographus (L. Scol. Col.) damages into the large-scale forest scenario model EFISCEN. A two-stage multivariate statistical meta-model was used to upscale stand level damages by bark beetles as simulated in the hybrid forest patch model PICUS v1.41. Comparing EFISCEN simulations including the new bark beetle disturbance module against a 15-year damage time series for Austria showed good agreement at province level (R² between 0.496 and 0.802). A scenario analysis of climate change impacts on bark beetle-induced damages in Austria¿s Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] forests resulted in a strong increase in damages (from 1.33 Mm³ a¿1, period 1990¿2004, to 4.46 Mm³ a¿1, period 2095¿2099). Studying two adaptive management strategies (species change) revealed a considerable time-lag between the start of adaptation measures and a decrease in simulated damages by bark beetle

    Vraag en aanbod van rondhout 2005-2025. Kansen en knelpunten voor de bos-en houtsector

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    Alterra voerde in opdracht van het Ministerie van LNV een verkennende studie uit naar mogelijke knelpunten en kansen bij vraag en aanbod van rondhout in Nederland en aanliggend grensgebied in de komende twintig jaar. Hieruit is gebleken dat de vraag naar rondhout veel groter is dan het aanbod. De grootste tekorten worden voorzien in het aanbod van sparren- en populierenhout. Moeilijk in te schatten is hoe het toenemende gebruik van hout voor het opwekken van energie door zal werken in de rondhoutmark

    Bosbrand en klimaatverandering

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    Elke zomer zijn er meldingen van bosbranden in Zuid-Europa. Vooral de branden in Griekenland kregen afgelopen jaar veel media aandacht. Het weer heeft duidelijk effect op het risico op (bos)branden en het gevaar ervan. In welke mate klimaatverandering zal bijdragen is niet te zeggen. Andere factoren zijn daarbij van belang, zoals o.a. terreinomstandigheden. De terreinbeheerder kan maatregelen nemen in de sfeer van brandsingels en soortensamenstellin

    Survey of technical and management-based mitigation measures in forestry

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    Forests contribute considerably to the terrestrial carbon sink. Although the speed of uptake is generally low, the stocks in both biomass and soil are high. Within the Kyoto Protocol, active forest management can be used to reach the goals for emission reduction. In this report, an extensive list of measures is compiled detailing the ways in which forestry could contribute to an enhanced sink, or could reduce emissions. Most measures in forest management will have small effects, and these effects will generally only become visible in the long term. Effective measures can be divided into three categories; firstly, those that protect existing carbon stocks. Such measures include avoiding deforestation, not harvesting stands with high carbon contents, increased fire prevention and minimising site preparation. Secondly, those that aim to increase average carbon stocks, such as afforestation, conversion to continuous cover forestry and changes in rotation length. The third category are measures that aim at harvesting biomass to create bioenergy. Such measures could be the use of logging residues, increasing the amount of fellings aimed at bioenergy wood, the (re)introduction of pre-commercial thinnings, and the establishment of short rotation coppice

    Door de bomen het bos weer zien, 6e Nederlandse bosinventarisatie levert schat aan informatie

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    Binnen een jaar tijd doen zes veldwerkers metingen aan zo’n 70.000 bomen op 3.745 steekproefpunten in heel Nederland. Dat gebeurt in het kader van de 6e Nederlandse Bosinventarisatie, die Alterra in opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken coördineert. Begin 2014 komen de data beschikbaar voor de bos- en natuursector. Wat gebeurt er eigenlijk met de data en wat kan de sector met de resultaten

    Greenhouse gas reporting for the LULUCF sector in the Netherlands : methodological background, update 2016

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    This report provides a complete methodological description and background information of the DutchNational System for Greenhouse gas Reporting of the LULUCF sector. It provides detailed description of themethodologies, activity data and emission factors that were used. Additionally it gives a table-by-tableelaboration of the choices and motivations for filling the CRF tables for KP-LULUC