26 research outputs found

    An Efficient and Lightweight Illumination model for Planetary Bodies including Direct and Diffuse Radiation

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    We present a numerical illumination model to calculate direct as well as diffuse or Hapke scattered radiation scenarios on arbitrary planetary surfaces. This includes small body surfaces such as main belt asteroids as well as e.g. the lunar surface. The model is based on the raytracing method. This method is not restricted to spherical or ellipsiodal shapes but digital terrain data of arbitrary spatial resolution can be fed into the model. Solar radiation is the source of direct radiation, wavelength-dependent effects (e.g. albedo) can be accounted for. Mutual illumination of individual bodies in implemented (e.g. in binary or multiple systems) as well as self-illumination (e.g. crater floors by crater walls) by diffuse or Hapke radiation. The model is validated by statistical methods. A chi-square test is undertaken to compare simnulated images with DAWN images acquired during the survey phase at small body 4 Vesta

    Penetration and performance testing of the HP³ Mole for the InSight Mars mission

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    During the development and the qualification of the Heat Flow Physical Properties Package (HP³) instrument (developed by the German Aerospace Center), which is part of the NASA Mars mission InSight, its self-propelling subsurface probe, the HP³ Mole was used in several penetration tests. Here, the performance of the Mole to reach the target depth, to avoid or overcome obstacles on its path, and its directional stability in the subsurface is elaborated. The different test beds and set ups are described and the results are presented. The deep penetration tests (DPT), with the purpose to reach the target depth, are the most important performance tests and therefore the results are investigated in more detail in section 2. Full functional tests (FFT), which showed the performance and degradation of the mechanism inside the Mole, are presented in section 3. Additional penetration and life cycle tests are described in section 4. The testing has demonstrated that the HP³ Mole meets all of its penetration requirements with margin

    Untersuchung mesosphärischer und thermosphärischer Magnesiumspezies aus dem Weltraum

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    The scope of this study is the investigation of mesospheric and thermospheric metallic species.The methodology used in this work provides results in the mesosphere/lower thermosphereregion (MLT) extending from approximately 70 to 500 km altitude.The major source of metal species in the upper atmosphere is influx from cosmic dust. Alongwith Earth, a variety of celestial bodies orbit the Sun. The asteroid belt between Earth and Marsand the Kuiper belt outside the orbit of Neptune are well-known regions of high abundance ofthose objects. In addition, a number of regularly returning cometary objects present sources ofcosmic material. The origin of these comets is believed to be the Oort cloud surrounding thesolar system. After entering the atmosphere, particles from either source are then subject tofrictional heating. This leads to sublimation of metallic species from the surface of the particles.The impact of metal species on the chemistry and physics of the upper and middle (and,eventually, the lower) atmosphere is still a field of intense research. The total influx of meteoriccosmic material into the atmosphere is highly uncertain. Metal species are suggested to impactthe removal of ozone in the upper stratosphere and the formation of water vapour in themesosphere. Additionally, the role of meteoric particles in the formation of stratospheric cloudsis of scientific interest.Space-borne measurements present the most powerful method to investigate global distributionsof metal species with moderate vertical and horizontal resolution. The SCIAMACHYinstrument is capable to observe emission signals from mesospheric and thermospheric magnesiumspecies on a global scale with good spatial and temporal coverage. This work comprisesresults from the first six years of measurement (2002 - 2007) of the SCIAMACHY instrument.The results presented here represent the first vertically resolved satellite measurementsof mesospheric magnesium species on a global scale and a long period of time.A comprehensive review of the distribution and variability of the two major atomic mesosphericmagnesium species (Mg and Mg ) in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere isprovided. Seasonal variations are investigated. In the northern hemisphere, a pronounced seasonalvariation with summer maxima has been found for the ionized species Mg . The neutralspecies does not exhibit such variation.An estimation of the total influx of meteoric material has been derived from the total contentof Mg. A total amount of approximately 55 t enters the atmosphere per day.A long-term study has been carried out to analyze the impact of meteor showers on the totalcontent of magnesium species in the upper atmosphere. The impact of meteoric showers on thetotal content has been found to be undetectable. It can thus be concluded that the additionalmass influx of meteor showers is negligible compared to the average background flux.The correlation between the abundance of magnesium species and the solar activity is investigated.This includes a general long-term consideration over all six years of measurement aswell as short-term observations made during a large outburst of solar particles in October andNovember 2003. No impact of variations in the solar activity on the total content of either Mg or Mg has been observed. During the October/November 2003 period of high solar particleflux, however, strong enhancements in both magnesium species have been observed

    Investigation of Mesospheric and Thermospheric Magnesium Species from Space

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    The scope of this study is the investigation of mesospheric and thermospheric metallic species.The methodology used in this work provides results in the mesosphere/lower thermosphereregion (MLT) extending from approximately 70 to 500 km altitude.The major source of metal species in the upper atmosphere is influx from cosmic dust. Alongwith Earth, a variety of celestial bodies orbit the Sun. The asteroid belt between Earth and Marsand the Kuiper belt outside the orbit of Neptune are well-known regions of high abundance ofthose objects. In addition, a number of regularly returning cometary objects present sources ofcosmic material. The origin of these comets is believed to be the Oort cloud surrounding thesolar system. After entering the atmosphere, particles from either source are then subject tofrictional heating. This leads to sublimation of metallic species from the surface of the particles.The impact of metal species on the chemistry and physics of the upper and middle (and,eventually, the lower) atmosphere is still a field of intense research. The total influx of meteoriccosmic material into the atmosphere is highly uncertain. Metal species are suggested to impactthe removal of ozone in the upper stratosphere and the formation of water vapour in themesosphere. Additionally, the role of meteoric particles in the formation of stratospheric cloudsis of scientific interest.Space-borne measurements present the most powerful method to investigate global distributionsof metal species with moderate vertical and horizontal resolution. The SCIAMACHYinstrument is capable to observe emission signals from mesospheric and thermospheric magnesiumspecies on a global scale with good spatial and temporal coverage. This work comprisesresults from the first six years of measurement (2002 - 2007) of the SCIAMACHY instrument.The results presented here represent the first vertically resolved satellite measurementsof mesospheric magnesium species on a global scale and a long period of time.A comprehensive review of the distribution and variability of the two major atomic mesosphericmagnesium species (Mg and Mg ) in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere isprovided. Seasonal variations are investigated. In the northern hemisphere, a pronounced seasonalvariation with summer maxima has been found for the ionized species Mg . The neutralspecies does not exhibit such variation.An estimation of the total influx of meteoric material has been derived from the total contentof Mg. A total amount of approximately 55 t enters the atmosphere per day.A long-term study has been carried out to analyze the impact of meteor showers on the totalcontent of magnesium species in the upper atmosphere. The impact of meteoric showers on thetotal content has been found to be undetectable. It can thus be concluded that the additionalmass influx of meteor showers is negligible compared to the average background flux.The correlation between the abundance of magnesium species and the solar activity is investigated.This includes a general long-term consideration over all six years of measurement aswell as short-term observations made during a large outburst of solar particles in October andNovember 2003. No impact of variations in the solar activity on the total content of either Mg or Mg has been observed. During the October/November 2003 period of high solar particleflux, however, strong enhancements in both magnesium species have been observed

    An Efficient and Leightweight Illumination model for Planetary Bodies including Direct and Diffuse Radiation

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    We present a numerical illumination model to calculate direct as well as diffuse or Hapke scattered radiation scenarios on arbitrary planetary surfaces. This includes small body surfaces such as main belt asteroids as well as e.g. the lunar surface. The model is based on the raytracing method. This method is not restricted to spherical or ellipsiodal shapes but digital terrain data of arbitrary spatial resolution can be fed into the model. Solar radiation is the source of direct radiation, wavelength-dependent effects (e.g. albedo) can be accounted for. Mutual illumination of individual bodies in implemented (e.g. in binary or multiple systems) as well as self-illumination (e.g. crater floors by crater walls) by diffuse or Hapke radiation. The model is validated by statistical methods. A chi-square test is undertaken to compare simnulated images with DAWN images acquired during the survey phase at small body 4 Vesta


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    The MAIUS-1 experiment is a high precision quantum optics experiment about to fly on a VSB30 sounding rocket in spring 2016. To perform the quantum optics experiments a vacuum chamber with a pressure below 5E-10 mbar is essential. This pressure has to be reached 45 s after motor burn-out. The detailed design and the components of the MAIUS vacuum system will be presented in this paper. This design and the used components have been qualified for operation under vibrational loads of up 8.1 g RMS. A pressure rise has been observed in all test runs, which is caused by temporary leaks at the seals. It was proven that the pressure rise is depending on the level of vibrations applied. The design presented herein is capable of regaining a pressure of 5E-10 mbar in less than 40 s when tested at 5.4 g RMS

    DLR Institute of Space Systems: Status Report 2007--2016, Part I

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    This status report describes DLR’s Institute of Space Systems (Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme) and its work, results, and success stories since its foundation in 2007. Furthermore, its objectives and plans for the future five to ten years are outlined. This report serves as documentation for the review of the Institute in December 2016 and consists of two parts. Part I is also used to inform external partners, while Part II contains information for internal purposes. The report contains an overview of the Institute as a whole, describes results achieved with respect to both, the methods developed and contributions to the research programs, and documents the various activities performed