15 research outputs found

    Jit-Picking: Differential Fuzzing of JavaScript Engines

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    Modern JavaScript engines that power websites and even full applications on the Web are driven by the need for an increasingly fast and snappy user experience. These engines use several complex and potentially error-prone mechanisms to optimize their performance. Unsurprisingly, the inevitable complexity results in a huge attack surface and various types of software vulnerabilities. On the defender’s side, fuzz testing has proven to be an invaluable tool for uncovering different kinds of memory safety violations. Although it is difficult to test interpreters and JIT compilers in an automated way, recent proposals for input generation based on grammars or target-specific intermediate representations helped uncovering many software faults. However, subtle logic bugs and miscomputations that arise from optimization passes in JIT engines continue to elude state-of-the-art testing methods. While such flaws might seem unremarkable at first glance, they are often still exploitable in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel technique for effectively uncovering this class of subtle bugs during fuzzing. The key idea is to take advantage of the tight coupling between a JavaScript engine’s interpreter and its corresponding JIT compiler as a domain-specific and generic bug oracle, which in turn yields a highly sensitive fault detection mechanism. We have designed and implemented a prototype of the proposed approach in a tool called Jit-Picker. In an empirical evaluation, we show that our method enables us to detect subtle software faults that prior work missed. In total, we uncovered 32 bugs that were not publicly known and received a $10.000 bug bounty from Mozilla as a reward for our contributions to JIT engine security

    SoK:Prudent Evaluation Practices for Fuzzing

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    Fuzzing has proven to be a highly effective approach to uncover software bugs over the past decade. After AFL popularized the groundbreaking concept of lightweight coverage feedback, the field of fuzzing has seen a vast amount of scientific work proposing new techniques, improving methodological aspects of existing strategies, or porting existing methods to new domains. All such work must demonstrate its merit by showing its applicability to a problem, measuring its performance, and often showing its superiority over existing works in a thorough, empirical evaluation. Yet, fuzzing is highly sensitive to its target, environment, and circumstances, e.g., randomness in the testing process. After all, relying on randomness is one of the core principles of fuzzing, governing many aspects of a fuzzer's behavior. Combined with the often highly difficult to control environment, the reproducibility of experiments is a crucial concern and requires a prudent evaluation setup. To address these threats to validity, several works, most notably Evaluating Fuzz Testing by Klees et al., have outlined how a carefully designed evaluation setup should be implemented, but it remains unknown to what extent their recommendations have been adopted in practice. In this work, we systematically analyze the evaluation of 150 fuzzing papers published at the top venues between 2018 and 2023. We study how existing guidelines are implemented and observe potential shortcomings and pitfalls. We find a surprising disregard of the existing guidelines regarding statistical tests and systematic errors in fuzzing evaluations. For example, when investigating reported bugs, we find that the search for vulnerabilities in real-world software leads to authors requesting and receiving CVEs of questionable quality. Extending our literature analysis to the practical domain, we attempt to reproduce claims of eight fuzzing papers. These case studies allow us to assess the practical reproducibility of fuzzing research and identify archetypal pitfalls in the evaluation design. Unfortunately, our reproduced results reveal several deficiencies in the studied papers, and we are unable to fully support and reproduce the respective claims. To help the field of fuzzing move toward a scientifically reproducible evaluation strategy, we propose updated guidelines for conducting a fuzzing evaluation that future work should follow

    Fuzzware: Using Precise MMIO Modeling for Effective Firmware Fuzzing

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    As embedded devices are becoming more pervasive in our everyday lives, they turn into an attractive target for adversaries. Despite their high value and large attack surface, applying automated testing techniques such as fuzzing is not straightforward for such devices. As fuzz testing firmware on constrained embedded devices is inefficient, state-of-the-art approaches instead opt to run the firmware in an emulator (through a process called re-hosting). However, existing approaches either use coarse-grained static models of hardware behavior or require manual effort to re-host the firmware. We propose a novel combination of lightweight program analysis, re-hosting, and fuzz testing to tackle these challenges. We present the design and implementation of Fuzzware, a software-only system to fuzz test unmodified monolithic firmware in a scalable way. By determining how hardware-generated values are actually used by the firmware logic, Fuzzware can automatically generate models that help focusing the fuzzing process on mutating the inputs that matter, which drastically improves its effectiveness. We evaluate our approach on synthetic and real-world targets comprising a total of 19 hardware platforms and 77 firmware images. Compared to state-of-the-art work, Fuzzware achieves up to 3.25 times the code coverage and our modeling approach reduces the size of the input space by up to 95.5%. The synthetic samples contain 66 unit tests for various hardware interactions, and we find that our approach is the first generic re-hosting solution to automatically pass all of them. Fuzzware discovered 15 completely new bugs including bugs in targets which were previously analyzed by other works; a total of 12 CVEs were assigned

    Non-Standard Errors

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    In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data-generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncertainty in estimates of population parameters. In science, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence-generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty: Non-standard errors (NSEs). We study NSEs by letting 164 teams test the same hypotheses on the same data. NSEs turn out to be sizable, but smaller for better reproducible or higher rated research. Adding peer-review stages reduces NSEs. We further find that this type of uncertainty is underestimated by participants

    Fuzztruction: Using Fault Injection-based Fuzzing to Leverage Implicit Domain Knowledge

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    Today’s digital communication relies on complex protocols and specifications for exchanging structured messages and data. Communication naturally involves two endpoints: One generating data and one consuming it. Traditional fuzz testing approaches replace one endpoint, the generator, with a fuzzer and rapidly test many mutated inputs on the target program under test. While this fully automated approach works well for loosely structured formats, this does not hold for highly structured formats, especially those that go through complex transformations such as compression or encryption. In this work, we propose a novel perspective on generating inputs in highly complex formats without relying on heavy-weight program analysis techniques, coarse-grained grammar approximation, or a human domain expert. Instead of mutating the inputs for a target program, we inject faults into the data generation program so that this data is almost of the expected format. Such data bypasses the initial parsing stages in the consumer program and exercises deeper program states, where it triggers more interesting program behavior. To realize this concept, we propose a set of compile-time and run-time analyses to mutate the generator in a targeted manner, so that it remains intact and produces semi-valid outputs that satisfy the constraints of the complex format. We have implemented this approach in a prototype called Fuzztruction and show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art fuzzers AFL++, SymCC, and Weizz. Fuzztruction finds significantly more coverage than existing methods, especially on targets that use cryptographic primitives. During our evaluation, Fuzztruction uncovered 151 unique crashes (after automated deduplication). So far, we manually triaged and reported 27 bugs that have been acknowledged and 4 CVEs were assigne

    Two-Pulse STB investigation of shock wave boundary layer interaction flow over fluttering OAT15A wing

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    A two-pulse two-cameras particle tracking investigation of the transonic flow over an OAT15A fluttering wing model has been carried out in the framework of HOMER work package 5 (WP5, Task 5.2). The objective of the investigation is to gain insight in the fluid dynamic of the shock wave boundary layer interaction and to generate an experimental database suitable for the validation of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) codes. The measurement is carried out in the Trisonic Wind Tunnel Munich (TWM); a 2D rigid wing model (150 mm chordwise, 298 mm spanwise) is mounted on a spring to allow one torsional degree of freedom (Fig 1-top-left). The Mach number of the incoming flow is 0.74 and the angle of attack in wind-off condition 7.2°

    Drone Security and the Mysterious Case of DJI's DroneID

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    Consumer drones enable high-class aerial video photography, promise to reform the logistics industry, and are already used for humanitarian rescue operations and during armed conflicts. Contrasting their widespread adoption and high popularity, the low entry barrier for air mobility - a traditionally heavily regulated sector - poses many risks to safety, security, and privacy. Malicious parties could, for example, (mis-)use drones for surveillance, transportation of illegal goods, or cause economic damage by intruding the closed airspace over airports. To prevent harm, drone manufacturers employ several countermeasures to enforce safe and secure use of drones, e.g., they impose software limits regarding speed and altitude, or use geofencing to implement no-fly zones around airports or prisons. Complementing traditional countermeasures, drones from the market leader DJI implement a protocol called DroneID, which is designed to transmit the position of both the drone and its operator to authorized entities such as law enforcement or operators of critical infrastructures. In this paper, we analyze security and privacy claims for drones, focusing on the leading manufacturer DJI with a market share of 94%. We first systemize the drone attack surface and investigate an attacker capable of eavesdropping on the drone's over-the-air data traffic. Based on reverse engineering of DJI firmware, we design and implement a decoder for DJI's proprietary tracking protocol DroneID using only cheap COTS hardware. We show that the transmitted data is not encrypted, but accessible to anyone, compromising the drone operator's privacy. Second, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of drone security: Using a combination of reverse engineering, a novel fuzzing approach tailored to DJI's communication protocol, and hardware analysis, we uncover several critical flaws in drone firmware that allow attackers to gain elevated privileges on two different DJI drones and their remote control. Such root access paves the way to disable or bypass countermeasures and abuse drones. These vulnerabilities have the potential to be triggered remotely, causing the drone to crash mid-flight

    Fuzzware: Using Precise MMIO Modeling for Effective Firmware Fuzzing

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    As embedded devices are becoming more pervasive in our everyday lives, they turn into an attractive target for adversaries. Despite their high value and large attack surface, applying automated testing techniques such as fuzzing is not straightforward for such devices. As fuzz testing firmware on constrained embedded devices is inefficient, state-of-the-art approaches instead opt to run the firmware in an emulator (through a process called re-hosting). However, existing approaches either use coarse-grained static models of hardware behavior or require manual effort to re-host the firmware. We propose a novel combination of lightweight program analysis, re-hosting, and fuzz testing to tackle these challenges. We present the design and implementation of FUZZWARE, a software-only system to fuzz test unmodified monolithic firmware in a scalable way. By determining how hardware-generated values are actually used by the firmware logic, FUZZWARE can automatically generate models that help focusing the fuzzing process on mutating the inputs that matter, which drastically improves its effectiveness. We evaluate our approach on synthetic and real-world targets comprising a total of 19 hardware platforms and 77 firmware images. Compared to state-of-the-art work, FUZZWARE achieves up to 3.25 times the code coverage and our modeling approach reduces the size of the input space by up to 95.5%. The synthetic samples contain 66 unit tests for various hardware interactions, and we find that our approach is the first generic re-hosting solution to automatically pass all of them. FUZZWARE discovered 15 completely new bugs including bugs in targets which were previously analyzed by other works; a total of 12 CVEs were assigned

    Molecular Surface Maps

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    HALucinator: Firmware Re-hosting through Abstraction Layer Emulation

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    Given the increasing ubiquity of online embedded devices, analyzing their firmware is important to security, privacy, and safety. The tight coupling between hardware and firmware and the diversity found in embedded systems makes it hard to perform dynamic analysis on firmware. However, firmware developers regularly develop code using abstractions, such as Hardware Abstraction Layers (HALs), to simplify their job. We leverage such abstractions as the basis for the re-hosting and analysis of firmware. By providing high-level replacements for HAL functions (a process termed High-Level Emulation - HLE), we decouple the hardware from the firmware. This approach works by first locating the library functions in a firmware sample, through binary analysis, and then providing generic implementations of these functions in a full-system emulator.We present these ideas in a prototype system, HALucinator, able to re-host firmware, and allow the virtual device to be used normally. First, we introduce extensions to existing library matching techniques that are needed to identify library functions in binary firmware, to reduce collisions, and for inferring additional function names. Next, we demonstrate the re-hosting process, through the use of simplified handlers and peripheral models, which make the process fast, flexible, and portable between firmware samples and chip vendors. Finally, we demonstrate the practicality of HLE for security analysis, by supplementing HALucinator with the American Fuzzy Lop fuzzer, to locate multiple previously-unknown vulnerabilities in firmware middleware libraries