11 research outputs found

    Towards Flipped Learning in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education

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    Challenges for students in the 21st century, such as acquiring technology, problem-solving, and cooperation skills, also necessitate changes in mathematics education to be able to respond to changing educational needs. One way to respond to these challenges is by utilizing recent educational innovations in schools, for instance, among others are flipped learning (FL) approaches. In this paper, we outline our explorative educational experiment that investigates vital elements of mathematics learning in FL approaches in upper secondary education. We describe the methodologies and findings of our qualitative study based on design-based research to discover key elements of FL approaches in upper secondary education. Analyzing the oral and written data collected over ten months using grounded theory approaches suggested categories (a) confidence when learning; (b) learning by working, and, and (c) flexibility when learning could be essential to understand FL approaches practices in mathematics classrooms. These categories indicate that when using FL approaches in mathematics learning, it could be essential for students to acquire knowledge in a confident and adaptable environment actively

    "Das umgedrehte Klassenzimmer - Traum oder Wirklichkeit?"

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    Diese Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit dem Konzept des umgedrehten Unterrichts und besteht aus einem theoretischen und praktischen Teil. Im einführenden Kapitel wird zunächst der Begriff des Flipped Classroom erklärt und die Geschichte des Modells sowie die Anwendung in der Hochschullehre erläutert. Anschließend folgt der Hauptteil, der sich mit dem Unterrichten nach dem Modell beschäftigt, wobei im Speziellen auf die Anwendung im Mathematikunterricht eingegangen wird. Hierfür werden verschiedene Methoden und Anregungen für das Umdrehen des Unterrichts beschrieben. Im Weiteren geht es um die medialen Inhalte, die Voraussetzung für das Unterrichten nach dem Flipped Classroom-Konzept sind. Im Zuge dessen wird beschrieben, wie diese erstellt und verwendet werden können. Anschließend folgt die didaktische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Modell des umgedrehten Unterrichts. Unter anderem werden in diesem Abschnitt die aktive Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten und die Lernmotivation behandelt. Abschließend wird ein Praxisbeispiel angeführt, indem über drei hospitierte Unterrichtsstunden berichtet wird.This diploma thesis is dealing with the flipped classroom model and is divided into a theoretical and practical part. In the introductory chapter the term flipped classroom is explained and the history of the model, as well as its application in universities is outlined. The main part of the thesis deals with teaching according to this model, in particular in math school. Various methods are described, which can be combined with the concept of the flipped classroom. Furthermore the thesis deals with the material essential to implement the flipped classroom model, such as videos, podcasts, and readings. Thus it is described how such material is prepared, and used. This is followed by the basics of how to teach within the model. Among other things this chapter discusses the aspects of students’ active involvement and their motivation. Finally an empirical example of three teaching lessons observed by the author is given

    Exploring critical aspects of students’ mathematics learning in technology-enhanced and student-led flipped learning environments

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    International audienceAlthough teaching according to a flipped classroom approach is being increasingly used in schools, it is still the case that this type of education is often teacher-driven, and that teachers play a dominant role in terms of determining learning objectives and materials. Recently, the definition of flipped classrooms is being changed, accordingly the approach is becoming more student-driven and teachers mostly start to play supportive roles. Thus, this new approach is currently referred to as the flipped learning approach. The aim of our research is to identify central elements for students when learning mathematics in flipped learning environments. Therefore, teaching scenarios were developed, applied at a higher secondary level and written feedback from pupils were obtained. The grounded theory based analysis of feedback suggests that it is crucial for students to work together, jointly generate knowledge, become active in determining learning paths and selecting materials

    Flipped classroom and language in mathematics teaching

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    International audienceWe present an action research project of a young secondary mathematics teacher introducing the “flipped classroom” approach into her teaching. The project was implemented and evaluated within the context of a larger initiative where teachers were supported by experienced teacher educators. During the project, the issue of language arose. The poster, written by the teacher and supported by the initiative leader, documents the teachers’ struggle in critically reflecting her project and finding ways to improve her teaching, in particular focusing on the issue of language

    Flipped classroom and language in mathematics teaching

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    International audienceWe present an action research project of a young secondary mathematics teacher introducing the “flipped classroom” approach into her teaching. The project was implemented and evaluated within the context of a larger initiative where teachers were supported by experienced teacher educators. During the project, the issue of language arose. The poster, written by the teacher and supported by the initiative leader, documents the teachers’ struggle in critically reflecting her project and finding ways to improve her teaching, in particular focusing on the issue of language

    Gelingendes und motivierendes Mikrolernen mit CoffeeCupLearning

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    Die Autorinnen beschreiben, wie das mobile Mikrolernen mit dem Format „CoffeeCupLearning“ aktiviert werden kann. Dieses Angebot, bestehend aus Lerneinheiten mit Lernvideo, Online-Skript und Selbstüberprüfungsquiz mit Feedback, wird an der Virtuellen Pädagogischen Hochschule in Österreich vollständig online durchgeführt. Evaluationsergebnisse werden berichtet. (DIPF/Orig.

    Exploring critical aspects of students’ mathematics learning in technology-enhanced and student-led flipped learning environments

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    International audienceAlthough teaching according to a flipped classroom approach is being increasingly used in schools, it is still the case that this type of education is often teacher-driven, and that teachers play a dominant role in terms of determining learning objectives and materials. Recently, the definition of flipped classrooms is being changed, accordingly the approach is becoming more student-driven and teachers mostly start to play supportive roles. Thus, this new approach is currently referred to as the flipped learning approach. The aim of our research is to identify central elements for students when learning mathematics in flipped learning environments. Therefore, teaching scenarios were developed, applied at a higher secondary level and written feedback from pupils were obtained. The grounded theory based analysis of feedback suggests that it is crucial for students to work together, jointly generate knowledge, become active in determining learning paths and selecting materials

    Systemic lipopolysaccharide plus MPTP as a model of dopamine loss and gait instability in C57Bl/6J mice

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    In most environmental models of Parkinson's disease (PD), a single neurodegenerative agent is introduced to cause nigrostriatal clopamine depletion. However, cell loss in human PD often might derive, at least in part. from multiple toxins or vulnerabilities, any one of which alone does not inevitably lead to chronic dopamine depletion. In the present research, male C57BL/6J mice were systemically administered the inflammatory bacterial endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) alone or in combination and the behavior as well as striatal dopamine levels were compared to saline-treated mice. Mice in the combination (LPS + MPTP) group, but not in the single-factor groups, showed both dopamine depletion and parkinsonian symptoms, i.e., reduced stride length, at 4 months post-injection. MPTP alone acutely reduced striatal dopamine levels but this effect was transient as striatal dopamine recovered to normal levels after time (4 months). The LPS-only group showed no dopamine depletion or reduced stride length. These data are consistent with the view that nigrostriatal dopamine neurons might succumb after time to multiple toxic agents that independently may have only a transient, adverse effect. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved