351 research outputs found

    Radar images - Meteor Crater, Arizona

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    Aerial radar imagery of Meteor Crater, Arizon

    Quantitative analysis of terrain units mapped in the northern quarter of Venus from Venera 15/16 data

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    The contacts between 34 geological/geomorphic terrain units in the northern quarter of Venus mapped from Venera 15/16 data were digitized and converted to a Sinusoidal Equal-Area projection. The result was then registered with a merged Pioneer Venus/Venera 15/16 altimetric database, root mean square (rms) slope values, and radar reflectivity values derived from Pioneer Venus. The resulting information includes comparisons among individual terrain units and terrain groups to which they are assigned in regard to percentage of map area covered, elevation, rms slopes, distribution of suspected craters greater than 10 km in diameter

    Comments on the tectonism of Venus

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    Preliminary tectonic mapping of Venus from Venera 15/16 images shows unquestionable evidence of at least limited horizontal tectonism. The majority of tectonic features on Venus have no relation to topography. In fact, many axes of disruption interconnect, and cross sharp topographic boundaries at large angles, thereby discounting gravity as the driving force. Compressional zones (CZ's), unlike Extensional zones (EZ's), tend to be discontinuous, and, whereas EZ's cross tectonic and topographic boundaries at various angles, many CZ's on Venus are subparallel to these boundaries. Strike-like faulting is curiously lacking from the mapping, possible due to the steep incidence angle of the radar, which is far from optimal for detecting faults of small throw. A chronology of horizontal crustal movements, and hence the analysis of Venus' thermal development, is large dependent on understanding the crater form features. Regardless of their uncertain origin, the craters still could hold the answer to whether, and to what extent, crustal shuffling is occurring on Venus

    Can a time-stratigraphic classification system be developed for Venus?

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    Magellan radar images reveal that Venus' exposed geologic record covers a relatively short and recent time span, as indicated by the low density of impact craters across the planet. Therefore, because impact cratering in itself will not be a useful tool to define geologic ages on Venus, it was questioned whether a useful stratigraphic scheme can be developed for the planet. We believe that a venusian stratigraphy is possible and that it can be based on the following: (1) an examination of the rationale and methods that have been used to develop such schemes for the other planets; and (2) what can be gleaned from Magellan and other datasets of Venus

    Monte Carlo computer simulations of Venus equilibrium and global resurfacing models

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    Two models have been proposed for the resurfacing history of Venus: (1) equilibrium resurfacing and (2) global resurfacing. The equilibrium model consists of two cases: in case 1, areas less than or equal to 0.03 percent of the planet are spatially randomly resurfaced at intervals of less than or greater than 150,000 yr to produce the observed spatially random distribution of impact craters and average surface age of about 500 m.y.; and in case 2, areas greater than or equal to 10 percent of the planet are resurfaced at intervals of greater than or equal to 50 m.y. The global resurfacing model proposes that the entire planet was resurfaced about 500 m.y. ago, destroying the preexisting crater population and followed by significantly reduced volcanism and tectonism. The present crater population has accumulated since then with only 4 percent of the observed craters having been embayed by more recent lavas. To test the equilibrium resurfacing model we have run several Monte Carlo computer simulations for the two proposed cases. It is shown that the equilibrium resurfacing model is not a valid model for an explanation of the observed crater population characteristics or Venus' resurfacing history. The global resurfacing model is the most likely explanation for the characteristics of Venus' cratering record. The amount of resurfacing since that event, some 500 m.y. ago, can be estimated by a different type of Monte Carolo simulation. To date, our initial simulation has only considered the easiest case to implement. In this case, the volcanic events are randomly distributed across the entire planet and, therefore, contrary to observation, the flooded craters are also randomly distributed across the planet

    Constraints on the thermal evolution of Venus inferred from Magellan data

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    The impact craters with diameters from 1.5 to 280 km compiled from Magellan observations indicate that the crater population on Venus has a completely spatially random distribution and the size/density distribution of craters with diameters greater than or equal to 35 km is consistent with a 'production' population with an age of 500 plus or minus 250 m.y. The similarity in size distribution from area to area indicates that the crater distribution is independent of crater size. Also, the forms of the modified craters are virtually identical to those of the pristine craters. These observations imply that Venus reset its cratering record by global resurfacing 500 m.y. ago, and resurfacing declined relatively fast. The fact that less than 40 percent of all craters have been modified and that the few volcanically embayed craters are located on localized tectonic regions indicate that only minor and localized volcanism and tectonism have occurred since the latest vigorous resurfacing event approximately 500 m.y. ago and the interior of Venus has been solid and possibly colder than Earth's. This is because the high-temperature lithosphere of Venus would facilitate upward ascending of mantle plumes and result in extensive volcanism if the venusian upper mantle were as hot as or hotter than Earth's. Therefore, the present surface morphology of Venus may provide useful constraints on the pattern of that vigorous convection, and possibly on the thermal state of the venusian mantle. We examine this possibility through numerical calculations of three-dimensional thermal convection models in a spherical shell with temperature- and pressure-dependent Newtonian viscosity, temperature-dependent thermal diffusivity, pressure-dependent thermal expansion coefficient, and time-dependent internal heat production rate solar magnitude

    An unconventional approach to imaging radar calibration

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    An unconventional approach to imaging radar calibration was considered for the entire system, including the imaging processing as a measurement instrument. The technique made use of a calibrated aircraft scatterometer as a secondary standard to measure the backscatter (sigma zero) of large units of constant roughness. These measured roughness units when viewed by an imaging radar system can be used to provide gray scale level, corresponding to known degrees of roughness. To obtain a calibrated aircraft scatterometer, a homogeneous smooth surface was measured by both the aircraft scatterometer and a sphere calibrated ground system. This provided a measure of the precision and accuracy of the aircraft system. The aircraft system was then used to measure large roughness units in the Death Valley, California area. Transfer of the measured roughness units to radar imagery was demonstrated

    Volcanism on Venus: Large shields and major accumulations of small domes

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    The outer layers of the Venusian lithosphere appear to dissipate heat from the interior through mantle-driven thermal anomalies (hot spots, swells). As a result, Venus exhibits diverse forms of thin-skin tectonism and magmatic transfer to and extrusion from countless numbers of volcanic centers (e.g., shields, paterae, domes) and volcano-tectonic complexes (e.g., coronae, arachnoids). What is known about the distribution and morphologies of major Venusian shields is summarized, and the evidence for possible structural control of major accumulations as long as 5000 km of small volcanic domes is described

    Impact craters on Venus

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    Compared with volcanism and tectonism, impact cratering on Venus has played an overall minor role in sculpting the present-day landscape. The study of Venus impact craters is vital to help place the chronology of the geologic features on the surface in the context of the planet's geological evolution. The degradation of impact craters also provides information on surface and interior processes, particularly alteration by tectonism and volcanism. Through orbit 1422, Magellan mapped about 450 impact craters, with diameters ranging from 2 to 275 km, within an area of about 226 million sq km, or 49 percent of the planet's surface. These craters and their associated deposits show surprisingly little evidence of degradation at the 75 m/pixel resolution of the Magellan SAR. Remarkably few craters in the Magellan images appear to be in the process of being buried by volcanic deposits or destroyed by tectonic activity

    Clotho Tessera, Venus: A fragment of Fortuna Tessera

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    Clotho Tessera, adjacent to southeast Lakshmi Planum, may provide additional evidence for lateral crustal motions, and a model for the origin of small tessera fragments. Clotho Tessera and Lakshmi Planum are so noticeably different, and in such close proximity, it is difficult to derive a reasonable model of their formation in situ. Squeezing of material out from beneath Lakshmi has been suggested as an origin for Moira Tessera, which is also adjacent to Lakshmi and 1400 km west of Clotho. However, a logical model of juxtaposition of the two different terrains, originally from points once distant, can be made for Clotho and Lakshmi (and perhaps other small tesserae as well). It is suggested that Clotho Tessera was once part of Fortuna Tessera, but was cut off by a transcurrent fault zone (the DLZ) striking perpendicular to the Sigrun rift and carried westward where it collided with Lakshmi Planum (forming Danu Montes). A gravity anomaly along the southern border of Lakshmi, in the area of Danu Montes, was interpreted as indicating subduction there, providing additional supporting evidence for the collision hypothesis. Diffusion of the DLZ with proximity to Sigrun Fossae may be due to either higher ductility near the postulated Sigrun rift, or to burial by flows away from the rift nearer to Valkyrie Fossae. Other possible examples of migrating tesserae occur elsewhere: small pieces of Ananke Tessera can be fit back together as though they had rifted apart, and the spreading apart of Ananke and Virilis Tesserae has been suggested because of their symmetric locations about the axis of an inferred spreading zone. Other tessera fragments appear to have been isolated by rifting, with little, if any, significant lateral motion (e.g., Meni and Tellus Tesserae, and Thethus and Fortuna Tesserae). The migrating terrain model for Clotho Tessera supports Sukhanov's interpretation of tesseral fragments as rafts of lighter crustal material