176 research outputs found

    Supercurrent in Nb/InAs-Nanowire/Nb Josephson junctions

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    We report on the fabrication and measurements of planar mesoscopic Josephson junctions formed by InAs nanowires coupled to superconducting Nb terminals. The use of Si-doped InAs-nanowires with different bulk carrier concentrations allowed to tune the properties of the junctions. We have studied the junction characteristics as a function of temperature, gate voltage, and magnetic field. In junctions with high doping concentrations in the nanowire Josephson supercurrent values up to 100\,nA are found. Owing to the use of Nb as superconductor the Josephson coupling persists at temperatures up to 4K. In all junctions the critical current monotonously decreased with the magnetic field, which can be explained by a recently developed theoretical model for the proximity effect in ultra-small Josephson junctions. For the low-doped Josephson junctions a control of the critical current by varying the gate voltage has been demonstrated. We have studied conductance fluctuations in nanowires coupled to superconducting and normal metal terminals. The conductance fluctuation amplitude is found to be about 6 times larger in superconducting contacted nanowires. The enhancement of the conductance fluctuations is attributed to phase-coherent Andreev reflection as well as to the large number of phase-coherent channels due to the large superconducting gap of the Nb electrodes.Comment: 5 Figure, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Carrier relaxation in GaAs v-groove quantum wires and the effects of localization

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    Carrier relaxation processes have been investigated in GaAs/AlGaAs v-groove quantum wires (QWRs) with a large subband separation (46 meV). Signatures of inhibited carrier relaxation mechanisms are seen in temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence-excitation (PLE) measurements; we observe strong emission from the first excited state of the QWR below ~50 K. This is attributed to reduced inter-subband relaxation via phonon scattering between localized states. Theoretical calculations and experimental results indicate that the pinch-off regions, which provide additional two-dimensional confinement for the QWR structure, have a blocking effect on relaxation mechanisms for certain structures within the v-groove. Time-resolved PL measurements show that efficient carrier relaxation from excited QWR states into the ground state, occurs only at temperatures > 30 K. Values for the low temperature radiative lifetimes of the ground- and first excited-state excitons have been obtained (340 ps and 160 ps respectively), and their corresponding localization lengths along the wire estimated.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B Attempted to correct corrupt figure

    The Fano-Rashba effect

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    We analyze the linear conductance of a semiconductor quantum wire containing a region where a local Rashba spin-orbit interaction is present. We show that Fano lineshapes appear in the conductance due to the formation of quasi bound states which interfere with the direct transmission along the wire, a mechanism that we term the Fano-Rashba effect. We obtain the numerical solution of the full Schr\"odinger equation using the quantum-transmitting-boundary method. The theoretical analysis is performed using the coupled-channel model, finding an analytical solution by ansatz. The complete numerical solution of the coupled-channel equations is also discussed, showing the validity of the ansatz approach.Comment: 5 pages, proceedings of ICN+T 2006 (Basel, Switzerland, 30/7-4/9), accepted, to appear in J. Phys.: Conf. Se

    Spin-orbit coupling and phase-coherence in InAs nanowires

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    We investigated the magnetotransport of InAs nanowires grown by selective area metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. In the temperature range between 0.5 and 30 K reproducible fluctuations in the conductance upon variation of the magnetic field or the back-gate voltage are observed, which are attributed to electron interference effects in small disordered conductors. From the correlation field of the magnetoconductance fluctuations the phase-coherence length l_phi is determined. At the lowest temperatures l_phi is found to be at least 300 nm, while for temperatures exceeding 2 K a monotonous decrease of l_phi with temperature is observed. A direct observation of the weak antilocalization effect indicating the presence of spin-orbit coupling is masked by the strong magnetoconductance fluctuations. However, by averaging the magnetoconductance over a range of gate voltages a clear peak in the magnetoconductance due to the weak antilocalization effect was resolved. By comparison of the experimental data to simulations based on a recursive two-dimensional Green's function approach a spin-orbit scattering length of approximately 70 nm was extracted, indicating the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Andreev reflection at high magnetic fields: Evidence for electron and hole transport in edge states

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    We have studied magnetotransport in arrays of niobium filled grooves in an InAs/AlGaSb heterostructure. The critical field of up to 2.6 T permits to enter the quantum Hall regime. In the superconducting state, we observe strong magnetoresistance oscillations, whose amplitude exceeds the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations by a factor of about two, when normalized to the background. Additionally, we find that above a geometry-dependent magnetic field value the sample in the superconducting state has a higher longitudinal resistance than in the normal state. Both observations can be explained with edge channels populated with electrons and Andreev reflected holes.Comment: accepted for Phys Rev Lett, some changes to tex

    Longitudinal photocurrent spectroscopy of a single GaAs/AlGaAs v-groove quantum wire

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    Modulation-doped GaAs v-groove quantum wires (QWRs) have been fabricated with novel electrical contacts made to two-dimensional electron-gas (2DEG) reservoirs. Here, we present longitudinal photocurrent (photoconductivity/PC) spectroscopy measurements of a single QWR. We clearly observe conductance in the ground-state one-dimensional subbands; in addition, a highly temperature-dependent response is seen from other structures within the v-groove. The latter phenomenon is attributed to the effects of structural topography and localization on carrier relaxation. The results of power-dependent PC measurements suggest that the QWR behaves as a series of weakly interacting localized states, at low temperatures

    Doppler Shift in Andreev Reflection from a Moving Superconducting Condensate in Nb/InAs Josephson Junctions

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    We study narrow ballistic Josephson weak links in a InAs quantum wells contacted by Nb electrodes and find a dramatic magnetic-field suppression of the Andreev reflection amplitude, which occurs even for in-plane field orientation with essentially no magnetic flux through the junction. Our observations demonstrate the presence of a Doppler shift in the energy of the Andreev levels, which results from diamagnetic screening currents in the hybrid Nb/InAs-banks. The data for conductance, excess and critical currents can be consistently explained in terms of the sample geometry and the McMillan energy, characterizing the transparency of the Nb/InAs-interface.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, title modifie

    In-plane anisotropy of electrical transport in Y0.85_{0.85}Tb0.15_{0.15}Ba2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x} films

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    We fabricate high-quality c-axis oriented epitaxial YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x} films with 15% of yttrium atoms replaced by terbium (YTBCO) and study their electrical properties. The Tb substitution reduces the charge carrier density resulting in increased resistivity and decreased critical current density compared to the pure YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x} films. The electrical properties of the YTBCO films show an in-plane anisotropy in both the superconducting and normal state providing evidence for the twin-free film. Unexpectedly, the resistive transition of the bridges also demonstrates the in-plane anisotropy that can be explained within the framework of Tinkham's model of the resistive transition and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) model depending on the sample parameters. We consider YTBCO films to be a promising platform for both the fundamental research on the BKT transition in the cuprate superconductors and for the fabrication of devices with high kinetic inductance

    Control of Josephson current by Aharonov-Casher Phase in a Rashba Ring

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    We study the interference effect induced by the Aharonov-Casher phase on the Josephson current through a semiconducting ring attached to superconducting leads. Using a 1D model that incorporates spin-orbit coupling in the semiconducting ring, we calculate the Andreev levels analytically and numerically, and predict oscillations of the Josephson current due to the AC phase. This result is valid from the point contact limit to the long channel length limit, as defined by the ratio of the junction length and the BCS healing length. We show in the long channel length limit that the impurity scattering has no effect on the oscillation of the Josephson current, in contrast to the case of conductivity oscillations in a spin-orbit coupled ring system attached to normal leads where impurity scattering reduces the amplitude of oscillations. Our results suggest a new scheme to measure the AC phase with, in principle, higher sensitivity. In addition, this effect allows for control of the Josephson current through the gate voltage tuned AC phase.Comment: 12pages, 8 figure

    Spin relaxation: From 2D to 1D

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    In inversion asymmetric semiconductors, spin-orbit interactions give rise to very effective relaxation mechanisms of the electron spin. Recent work, based on the dimensionally constrained D'yakonov Perel' mechanism, describes increasing electron-spin relaxation times for two-dimensional conducting layers with decreasing channel width. The slow-down of the spin relaxation can be understood as a precursor of the one-dimensional limit
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