1,137 research outputs found

    ZnO Quasi-1D Nanostructures: Synthesis, Modeling, and Properties for Applications in Conductometric Chemical Sensors

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    One-dimensional metal oxide nanostructures such as nanowires, nanorods, nanotubes, and nanobelts gained great attention for applications in sensing devices. ZnO is one of the most studied oxides for sensing applications due to its unique physical and chemical properties. In this paper, we provide a review of the recent research activities focused on the synthesis and sensing properties of pure, doped, and functionalized ZnO quasi-one dimensional nanostructures. We describe the development prospects in the preparation methods and modifications of the surface structure of ZnO, and discuss its sensing mechanism. Next, we analyze the sensing properties of ZnO quasi-one dimensional nanostructures, and summarize perspectives concerning future research on their synthesis and applications in conductometric sensing devices

    Stable and highly sensitive gas sensors based on semiconducting oxide nanobelts

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    ©2002 American Institute of Physics. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: : http://link.aip.org/link/?APPLAB/81/1869/1DOI:10.1063/1.1504867Gas sensors have been fabricated using the single-crystalline SnO₂ nanobelts. Electrical characterization showed that the contacts were ohmic and the nanobelts were sensitive to environmental polluting species like CO and NO₂ , as well as to ethanol for breath analyzers and food control applications. The sensor response, defined as the relative variation in conductance due to the introduction of the gas, is 4160% for 250 ppm of ethanol and 21550% for 0.5 ppm NO₂ at 400 °C. The results demonstrate the potential of fabricating nanosized sensors using the integrity of a single nanobelt with a sensitivity at the level of a few ppb

    Nanostructures of Tungsten Trioxide, Nickel Oxide and Niobium Oxide for Chemical Sensing Applications

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    AbstractTungsten trioxide nanowires, nickel oxide nanowires and niobium oxide nanostructures weresynthesized by thermal oxidation, vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) technique and hydrothermal method,respectively. Alumina (2 · 2 mm2) substrates were used for growth of the different metal oxidesnanostructures. Thin films of tungsten or niobium are used as source material for WO3 and Nb2O5. Anultrathin film of gold was deposited on alumina as catalyst for NiO. All these materials were depositedby RF magnetron sputtering. The morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscope andthe functional properties of these structures were tested towards several gaseous species at differentworking temperatures. The results obtained show that these sensing materials have similarperformances considering the different n- and p-type semiconductors behaviour. Tungstentrioxide (WO3) nanowires, nickel oxide (NiO) nanowires and niobium oxide (Nb2O5) nanostructures were synthesized by thermal oxidation, vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) technique and hydrothermal method, respectively. The morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscope and the functional properties of these structures as gas sensors were tested for several gaseous species at different working temperatures. In this work a comparison between the sensitivity of these devices towards acetone is shown

    A composite structure based on reduced graphene oxide and metal oxide nanomaterials for chemical sensors

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    A hybrid nanostructure based on reduced graphene oxide and ZnO has been obtained for the detection of volatile organic compounds. The sensing properties of the hybrid structure have been studied for different concentrations of ethanol and acetone. The response of the hybrid material is significantly higher compared to pristine ZnO nanostructures. The obtained results have shown that the nanohybrid is a promising structure for the monitoring of environmental pollutants and for the application of breath tests in assessment of exposure to volatile organic compounds

    Self-Dualities and Renormalization Dependence of the Phase Diagram in 3d O(N)O(N) Vector Models

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    In the classically unbroken phase, 3d O(N) symmetric phi (4) vector models admit two equivalent descriptions connected by a strong-weak duality closely related to the one found by Chang and Magruder long ago. We determine the exact analytic renormalization dependence of the critical couplings in the weak and strong branches as a function of the renormalization scheme (parametrized by kappa) and for any N. It is shown that for kappa = kappa the two fixed points merge and then, for kappa < , they move into the complex plane in complex conjugate pairs, making the phase transition no longer visible from the classically unbroken phase. Similar considerations apply in 2d for the N = 1 phi (4) theory, where the role of classically broken and unbroken phases is inverted. We verify all these considerations by computing the perturbative series of the 3d O(N) models for the vacuum energy and for the mass gap up to order eight, and Borel resumming the series. In particular, we provide numerical evidence for the self-duality and verify that in renormalization schemes where the critical couplings are complex the theory is gapped. As a by-product of our analysis, we show how the non-perturbative mass gap at large N in 2d can be seen as the analytic continuation of the perturbative one in the classically unbroken phase

    Geographic origin differentiation of Philippine civet coffee using an Electronic nose

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    An increasing interest in geographical indication of origin has emerged to achieve legal protection of specialty coffee in international market. Civet coffee which is considered as the most expensive and best specialty coffee in the world, is one of the important indigenous export products of the Philippines. Thus, geographical origin differentiation of Philippine civet coffee and their control coffee beans (not eaten by civet) using electronic nose (E-nose) was performed. The E-nose instrument was based on six semiconductor metal oxide (SMO) sensor array. Results showed that the sensors exhibited different responses towards civet coffees and non-civet (control) coffees of different provenance. Principal component analysis (PCA) and Heirarchical cluster analysis (HCA) demonstrated a clearly separated civet coffees from their control beans. The cluster separation among civet coffee samples indicated that geographic origins dictate the aroma and flavor variations in coffee. This remarkable performance of E-nose provides proof that it is an excellent tool for authentication of the provenance of civet coffee and non-civet coffee samples

    Renormalization scheme dependence, RG flow, and Borel summability in phi^4 Theories in d<4

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    Renormalization group (RG) and resummation techniques have been used in N-component.4 theories at fixed dimensions below four to determine the presence of nontrivial IR fixed points and to compute the associated critical properties. Since the coupling constant is relevant in d &lt; 4 dimensions, the RG is entirely governed by renormalization scheme-dependent terms. We show that the known proofs of the Borel summability of observables depend on the renormalization scheme and apply only in "minimal" ones, equivalent in d = 2 to an operatorial normal ordering prescription, where the beta-function is trivial to all orders in perturbation theory. The presence of a nontrivial fixed point can be unambiguously established by considering a physical observable, like the mass gap, with no need of RG techniques. Focusing on the N = 1, d = 2.4 theory, we define a one-parameter family of renormalization schemes where Borel summability is guaranteed and study the accuracy on the determination of the critical exponent. as the scheme is varied. While the critical coupling shows a significant sensitivity on the scheme, the accuracy in. is essentially constant. As a by-product of our analysis, we improve the determination of. obtained with RG methods by computing three more orders in perturbation theory

    Graphene-zinc oxide based nanomaterials for gas sensing devices

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    Herein, we report the preparation of a hybrid material by combination of modified graphene and ZnO. The morphological and compositional analyses of the obtained material have been performed by means of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The functional properties of the prepared structures have been investigated for their application in gas sensor devices. The gas sensing performance of the hybrid material show that the structure can be used for fabrication of chemical sensors, as well as in electronic nose technology. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Self-Dualities and Renormalization Dependence of the Phase Diagram in 3d O(N)O(N) Vector Models

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    In the classically unbroken phase, 3d O(N)O(N) symmetric ϕ4\phi^4 vector models admit two equivalent descriptions connected by a strong-weak duality closely related to the one found by Chang and Magruder long ago. We determine the exact analytic renormalization dependence of the critical couplings in the weak and strong branches as a function of the renormalization scheme (parametrized by κ\kappa) and for any NN. It is shown that for κ=κ\kappa=\kappa_* the two fixed points merge and then, for κ<κ\kappa<\kappa_*, they move into the complex plane in complex conjugate pairs, making the phase transition no longer visible from the classically unbroken phase. Similar considerations apply in 2d for the N=1N=1 ϕ4\phi^4 theory, where the role of classically broken and unbroken phases is inverted. We verify all these considerations by computing the perturbative series of the 3d O(N)O(N) models for the vacuum energy and for the mass gap up to order eight, and Borel resumming the series. In particular, we provide numerical evidence for the self-duality and verify that in renormalization schemes where the critical couplings are complex the theory is gapped. As a by-product of our analysis, we show how the non-perturbative mass gap at large NN in 2d can be seen as the analytic continuation of the perturbative one in the classically unbroken phase.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures; v3: version to appear in JHE