320 research outputs found

    Geometric Modeling of Cellular Materials for Additive Manufacturing in Biomedical Field: A Review

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    Advances in additive manufacturing technologies facilitate the fabrication of cellular materials that have tailored functional characteristics. The application of solid freeform fabrication techniques is especially exploited in designing scaffolds for tissue engineering. In this review, firstly, a classification of cellular materials from a geometric point of view is proposed; then, the main approaches on geometric modeling of cellular materials are discussed. Finally, an investigation on porous scaffolds fabricated by additive manufacturing technologies is pointed out. Perspectives in geometric modeling of scaffolds for tissue engineering are also proposed

    Use of rod compactors for high voltage overhead power lines magnetic field mitigation

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    In the last decades, strengthening the high voltage transmission system through the installation of new overhead power lines has become critical, especially in highly developed areas. Present laws concerning the human exposure to electric and magnetic fields introduce constraints to be considered in both new line construction and existing systems. In the paper, a technique for passive magnetic field mitigation in areas close to overhead power lines is introduced, fully modelled and discussed through a parametric analysis. The investigated solution, which basically consists in approaching line conductors along the span making use of rod insulators, is applicable on both existing and under-design overhead lines as an alternative to other mitigating actions. Making use of a 3-dimensional representation, the procedure computes both positions of phase conductors and forces acting on insulators, towers, conductors and compactors, with the aim of evaluating the additional mechanical stress introduced by the compactors. Finally, a real case study is reported to demonstrate and quantify the benefits in terms of ground magnetic field reduction achievable by applying the proposed solution, in comparison to a traditional configuration. Furthermore, using compactors to passively reduce the magnetic field is simple to be applied, minimally invasive and quite inexpensive as regards to alternative mitigating actions

    Effects of energy storage systems grid code requirements on interface protection performances in low voltage networks

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    The ever-growing penetration of local generation in distribution networks and the large diffusion of energy storage systems (ESSs) foreseen in the near future are bound to affect the effectiveness of interface protection systems (IPSs), with negative impact on the safety of medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) systems. With the scope of preserving the main network stability, international and national grid connection codes have been updated recently. Consequently, distributed generators (DGs) and storage units are increasingly called to provide stabilizing functions according to local voltage and frequency. This can be achieved by suitably controlling the electronic power converters interfacing small-scale generators and storage units to the network. The paper focuses on the regulating functions required to storage units by grid codes currently in force in the European area. Indeed, even if such regulating actions would enable local units in participating to network stability under normal steady-state operating conditions, it is shown through dynamic simulations that they may increase the risk of unintentional islanding occurrence. This means that dangerous operating conditions may arise in LV networks in case dispersed generators and storage systems are present, even if all the end-users are compliant with currently applied connection standards

    Progetto locale ecocompatibile di filiera di prodotto:pannelli isolanti innovativi in lana di pecora. A sustainable building product: advanced insulation panels obtained by recycling regional sheep's wool

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    The article deal with an ongoing research aimed at developing an advanced self-bearing panel, fitted for thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings, derived from the reuse and recycling of local sheep wool. The development of a supply chain of environmentally friendly products (a self bearing panel made of 100% wool) encourages, on the one hand, the use of a material so far classified in Italy as special waste and, on the one other, provides new opportunities for a sheep farming that it is now going through an economic recession, with positive effects on the mountain and the hill landscap


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    Objective: To evaluate participants' perception of design satisfaction and self-confidence in learning through clinical simulation in cardiac arrest.Method: This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a quantitative approach, a quasi-experiment of a single group, before and after type, carried out in 2022 in the greater São Paulo area, Brazil. The study was carried out with 24 participants who were nursing professionals and undergraduate trainees at two basic health units.Results: There was a significant increase (p<0.05) in the level of knowledge after the simulation. When evaluating the design scale, an average of 4.55 was found for agreement and 4.55 for importance with the clinical simulation. There was an average score of 4.56 on the scale of satisfaction and self-confidence perceived by the participants in the clinical simulation.Conclusion: Clinical simulation enhances participants' learning, promotes satisfaction and self-confidence, and using instruments to evaluate and apply the scenario are guidelines for effective clinical simulation


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    Urban pilot project is transforming micro-communities in the heart of Italy’s Piedmont region. Concerto AL Piano is a European project aimed to demon- strate the economic and social benefits in investing in energy saving and re- newable energy in the process of urban regeneration. Thanks to the co-operation of the many players in this effort, as well as the support from the region, a previous project of a Photovoltaic Village was a success, and Alessandria became the largest PV village in Italy. Alessandria further promoted energy saving concepts, including encouraging sustainable construction under the banner of Concerto AL Piano. The project includes a mix of interventions: the recovery of existing social hous- ing, the construction of new eco-buildings and the provision of a district heat- ing system in cogeneration. The project has been governed by a partnership be- tween the local authority, public housing agencies, private building companies, universities and research centres. An urban regeneration process has been set-up to become a key action in the Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP). Concerto AL Piano in Alessandria has motivated many of the local residents to play a part in eco-construction and energy retrofit projects. Getting citizens involved in energy projects is proving to be the key to success for a region’s effort to promote sustainable construction and energy saving systems

    Gobernabilidad mundial y valores comunes: el debate ineludible

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    Más los conflictos se multiplican en el mundo, más se hace evidente que estamos en un momento de la historia marcado por la falta de una gobernabilidad mundial. Y se multiplican las llamadas, los encuentros; las siglas, fruto de las tentativas de lograr un nuevo equilibrio se van multiplicando. Del G7 al G8, al 20, el BRICS, el G2, la Chindia (China+India), sin hablar de todos los bloques regionales asiáticos, africanos y latinoamericanos.Sección Reflexiones.Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI

    Gobernabilidad mundial y valores comunes: el debate ineludible

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    Más los conflictos se multiplican en el mundo, más se hace evidente que estamos en un momento de la historia marcado por la falta de una gobernabilidad mundial. Y se multiplican las llamadas, los encuentros; las siglas, fruto de las tentativas de lograr un nuevo equilibrio se van multiplicando. Del G7 al G8, al 20, el BRICS, el G2, la Chindia (China+India), sin hablar de todos los bloques regionales asiáticos, africanos y latinoamericanos.Sección Reflexiones.Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI
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