Urban pilot project is transforming micro-communities in the heart of Italy’s Piedmont region. Concerto AL Piano is a European project aimed to demon- strate the economic and social benefits in investing in energy saving and re- newable energy in the process of urban regeneration.
Thanks to the co-operation of the many players in this effort, as well as the support from the region, a previous project of a Photovoltaic Village was a success, and Alessandria became the largest PV village in Italy. Alessandria further promoted energy saving concepts, including encouraging sustainable construction under the banner of Concerto AL Piano.
The project includes a mix of interventions: the recovery of existing social hous- ing, the construction of new eco-buildings and the provision of a district heat- ing system in cogeneration. The project has been governed by a partnership be- tween the local authority, public housing agencies, private building companies, universities and research centres. An urban regeneration process has been set-up to become a key action in the Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP). Concerto AL Piano in Alessandria has motivated many of the local residents to play a part in eco-construction and energy retrofit projects. Getting citizens involved in energy projects is proving to be the key to success for a region’s effort to promote sustainable construction and energy saving systems