21 research outputs found

    Reliability of the modified Rankin Scale applied by telephone

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    We aimed to evaluate the reliability of the modified Rankin Scale applied telephonically compared with face-to-face assessment in clinically stable hospitalized patients with acute stroke. One hundred and thirty-one patients were interviewed twice by 2 certified nurses (unstructured interview). Half of the patients were randomized to be interviewed by telephone followed by the face-to-face assessment, and half in the reverse order. The median value of the modified Rankin Scale score was 4 (first to third interquartile range 3-5) by telephone as well as by face-to-face assessment (P=0.8). The weighted kappa between the two methods was 0.82 (95% confidence interval: 0.77-0.88). Sensitivity of the telephone assessment was lower for scores 2 and 3 (17% and 46%, respectively) than for the other scores (range 67-90%). Telephone assessment of stroke disability with the modified Rankin Scale is reliable in comparison to direct face- to-face assessment

    Laboratori di “Collaborative Knowledge”: sperimentazioni itineranti per il recupero e la manutenzione dell’ambiente costruito

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    The architectural rehabilitation project is traditionally based on a wide involvement of experts in the informationdecisional process. Recent studies report the uptake of collaborative knowledge-management tools, involving researchers, businesses, public authorities, non-profit associations and citizens. These tools are the result of a critical reframing of the territorial intervention strategies, in line with the new roles assigned to the local community, according to the objectives of resilience and sustainability. The paper discusses the experience of the Collaborative Knowledge Labs promoted by a research group involving three Italian universities, focusing on the “slow territories”. The Labs are intended as “itinerant” experiments, aimed at re-empowering people and stakeholders, by rebuilding collaboration among local communities and cooperation with public authorities. The goal is to define models for adaptive management of urban areas, according to co design and co-creation strategies

    Laboratori di “Collaborative Knowledge”: sperimentazioni itineranti per il recupero e la manutenzione dell’ambiente costruito

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    The architectural rehabilitation project is traditionally based on a wide involvement of experts in the informationdecisional process. Recent studies report the uptake of collaborative knowledge-management tools, involving researchers, businesses, public authorities, non-profit associations and citizens. These tools are the result of a critical reframing of the territorial intervention strategies, in line with the new roles assigned to the local community, according to the objectives of resilience and sustainability. The paper discusses the experience of the Collaborative Knowledge Labs promoted by a research group involving three Italian universities, focusing on the “slow territories”. The Labs are intended as “itinerant” experiments, aimed at re-empowering people and stakeholders, by rebuilding collaboration among local communities and cooperation with public authorities. The goal is to define models for adaptive management of urban areas, according to codesign and co-creation strategies

    Information Resources for Pancreatobiliary Cancer Survivors: A Review of Australian Online Resources

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    Pancreatobiliary cancer survivors experience a range of disease and treatment related symptoms including weight loss, sarcopenia, digestive complications, fatigue, pain, functional limitations and jaundice. Psychological health is particularly impacted. Around 96% of Australians with pancreatic cancer have unmet needs. Online resources can potentially meet informational and knowledge needs, provide access to appropriate services and assist with the navigation process. It is first important to understand the online resources that are currently available in order to identify gaps and guide improvements. This project will conduct a review of current Australian online resources developed for pancreatobiliary cancer survivors

    Laboratori di Collaborative Knowledge: sperimentazioni itineranti per il Recupero e la Manutenzione dell’ambiente costruito

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    The architectural recovery design, which has always been qualified by a wide involvement of experts in the information-decision process, is characterized by recent experiences in the promotion of collaborative knowledge management tools, based on the cooperation between Researchers, Entrepreneurship, Public Administrations, NGOs and Citizens. These tools start from a critical reformulation of territorial intervention strategies, in line with the new roles of the local community towards objectives of resilience and sustainability. The paper presents the Collaborative Knowledge Laboratories experience promoted by the SITdA Cluster Recovery and Maintenance of the Built Environment, with a specific reference to the so-called slow territories. The Laboratories are intended as ‘itinerant’ experiences, aimed at re-empowering the population and stakeholders to collaborate as local communities, interacting with the public administrations in adopting management and adaptive settlement governance forms, with a co-planning and co-creation concept

    Laboratori di Collaborative Knowledge: sperimentazioni itineranti per il Recupero e la Manutenzione dell’ambiente costruito

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    La diffusione della cultura del recupero e della manutenzione sul territorio costituisce oggi una strategia per la conservazione e la cura dell’ambiente costruito, fondata su obiettivi di miglioramento nella gestione delle risorse e di supporto dei soggetti coinvolti (PINTO, TALAMO, 2016). La sostenibilità degli interventi dovrebbe essere fondata sulla capacità di promuovere sviluppo locale beneficiando delle qualità di molti edifici abbandonati o in cattivo stato di conservazione, del loro valore culturale, della loro ubicazione in aree urbane centrali o in zone turistiche. Il recupero e la manutenzione costituiscono strategie di azione sostenibili poiché considerano il patrimonio architettonico come risorsa. La conservazione e la fruizione dell’ambiente costruito è dunque una questione economica, oltre che culturale, da perseguire attraverso nuovi modelli di gestione in grado di ottimizzare le risorse finanziarie disponibili e rafforzare i legami esistenti tra patrimonio culturale e persone (PINTO, DE MEDICI E CECERE, 2016)

    Ontogenetic Variation in Biological Activities of Venoms from Hybrids between Bothrops erythromelas and Bothrops neuwiedi Snakes.

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    Lance-headed snakes are found in Central and South America, and they account for most snakebites in Brazil. The phylogeny of South American pitvipers has been reviewed, and the presence of natural and non-natural hybrids between different species of Bothrops snakes demonstrates that reproductive isolation of several species is still incomplete. The present study aimed to analyze the biological features, particularly the thrombin-like activity, of venoms from hybrids born in captivity, from the mating of a female Bothrops erythromelas and a male Bothrops neuwiedi, two species whose venoms are known to display ontogenetic variation. Proteolytic activity on azocoll and amidolytic activity on N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide hydrochloride (BAPNA) were lowest when hybrids were 3 months old, and increased over body growth, reaching values similar to those of the father when hybrids were 12 months old. The clotting activity on plasma diminished as hybrids grew; venoms from 3- and 6-months old hybrids showed low clotting activity on fibrinogen (i.e., thrombin-like activity), like the mother venom, and such activity was detected only when hybrids were older than 1 year of age. Altogether, these results point out that venom features in hybrid snakes are genetically controlled during the ontogenetic development. Despite the presence of the thrombin-like enzyme gene(s) in hybrid snakes, they are silenced during the first six months of life

    Severe dyspnoea with alteration of the diffusion capacity of the lung associated with fingolimod treatment

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    In phase II clinical trial, fingolimod at a dose of 5.0 mg (ten times higher than the currently approved dose) induced dyspnoea and decreased forced expiratory flow in some patients, probably trought an airways constriction S1P4-mediated. In phase III trials, respiratory adverse events associated with fingolimod treatment as dyspnoea, cough, oropharingeal pain and nasal congestion are reported with the same incidence of placebo. Here we report two cases of severe dyspnoea with alteration of the diffusion capacity of the lung associated with fingolimod treatment, which led to permanent treatment withdrawal