114 research outputs found

    Thermal-stress behaviour of RCC gravity dams

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    Beton zbijen valjanjem ('valjani beton' ili 'RCC' - Roller Compacted Concrete) je vrsta betona sa niskim sadržajem cementa koja se često koristi kod betonskih gravitacionih brana. U radu je razmatran prostorni model za neustaljenu faznu termičko- naponsku analizu brana od valjanog betona. Kalibracija i verifikacija modela uređeni su na osnovu terenskih merenja na brani Platanovrisi. Istraživanje je urađeno uzimajući u obzir stvarnu geometriju brane, dinamiku ugradnje RCC-a i stvarne osobine materijala. Rezultati proračuna pokazuju da razvijeni 3D model omogućava pouzdano predviđanje termičkih napona i određivanje rastojanja između razdelnica kod gravitacionih RCC brana.Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a special concrete mixture with low cement content, frequently used for concrete gravity dams. This paper deals with the 3D finite element model for unsteady phased thermal-stress analysis of RCC dams. Model calibration and verification has been done, based on the in-situ measurements of the Platanovryssi dam. The study has been done using the actual dam shape, RCC time schedule, and material properties. The results prove that the recommended 3D model enables a reliable thermal-stress prediction and transversal joint distance computation for an RCC gravity dam

    Industrial policy in the European Union

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    Industrial policy is among those including a number of contraversies regarding its theoretical foundation and realization in practice. Any role of such a policy is absolutely denied by the supporters of the free market activity. The protagonists of the contemporary and modern industrial policy point to the main reason of its formulation and efficient realization just due to the serious and frequent market failures. The European Community (EC) is an example of a constant disagreement regarding the place and role of the mentioned policy. Serious differences persist among the member countries over since the Union was founded. One group includes those countries traditionally intervening in industry, while the other group consists of those applying, to a higher or lesser extent, the free market principles. The analysis of possible causes of EC competitive position decrease compared to USD and Japan showed that the EC has made an essential error in the past period, because policy makers were not focused enough towards competitive conditions for industrial development. At the meeting in Lisabon in spring 2000 the EC members concluded that competitiveness, i.e. the economy`s capacity to provide a high and increasing standard of living as well as high employment rates is the most important goal in the future period. The achievement of industry competitiveness base on knowledge, innovation and entrerpreneurship is the cornerstone of the EC maintainable development strategy. In accordance with the new tasks of industry, the place, importance and role of the industrial policy underwent considerable changes.The strategic goal of SCG is to join the EC. The admission of ten new members in may 2004 showed that the candidates should previously satisfy a number of requirements. One of those requirements refers to the harmonization of various policies, including the industrial one. The basic aim of this article is to make an objective, normative and empirical analyses of the role and importance of industrial policy in the development of the EC. The industrial policy based on Lisbon Summit will represent the basic framework for making and verifying new industrial policy in Serbia, when we become a candidate for the membership in to EC.Industrijska politika je jedna od onih politika oko čijeg teorijskog utemeljemja i praktičnog sprovodjenja postoje brojne kontroverze. Pristalice slobodnog delovanja tržišta u potpunosti negiraju bilo kakvu ulogu industrijske politike. Protagonisti savremene i moderne industrijske politike upravo u ozbiljnim i čestim otkazima tržišta vide osnovni razlog za njeno formulisanje i efikasno spovodjenje. Evropska unija je praktičan primer trajnog neslaganja u vezi sa mestom i ulogom industrijske politike. Ozbiljne razlike po ovom pitanju, među zemljama članicama, postoje od njenog osnivanja. Jednu grupu čine zemlje, koje tradicionalno intervenišu u industriji, dok su u drugoj grupi zemlje, koje više ili manje primenjuju principe slobodnog delovanja tržišta. Analiza mogućih uzroka slabljenja konkurentske pozicije EU u odnosu na SAD i Japan, je pokazala da je EU napravila suštinsku grešku u proteklom periodu, pošto pažnja kreatora politike nije bila dovoljno usmerena na stvaranje uslova za konkurentan industrijski razvoj. U proleće 2000. godine na skupu u Lisabonu, članice EU su zaključile da je konkurentnost, odnosno sposobnost ekonomije da obezbedi visok i rastući standard života, kao i visoke stope zaposlenosti, najvažniji cilj razvoja u narednom periodu. Dostizanje konkurentnosti industrije utemeljene na znanju, inovacijama i preduzetniđtvu, predstavlja kamen temeljac održive razvojne strategie Evropske unije. U skladu sa novim zadacima industrije, značajno se menja mesto i uloga industrijske politke. Strateški cilj SCG je ulazak u Evropsku uniju. Prijem deset novih članica u maju 2004. godine je pokazao da zemlje kandidati moraju prethodno ispuniti mnogobrojne uslove. Jedan od njih je i harmonizacija raznih politika, među kojima industrijska ima svoje mesto. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je da učini objektivnu, normativnu i empirijsku analizu uloge i značaja industrijske politike u razvoju Evropske Unije. Industrijska politika zasnovana na Lisabonskoj agendi će, kada postanemo zemlja kandidat za članstvo u EU, predstavljati opšti okvir za formulisanje i donošenje buduće industrijske politike u Srbiji.Urednici: Nada Milašin, Nenad Spasić, Miodrag Vujošević, Mila PucarPosebna izdanja 44Rad je rezultat i na naučno-istraživačkom projektu „Planiranje i upravljanje razvojem u uslovima prelaska na tržišnu privredu-institucionalno prilagođavanje praksi i standardima EU”, Ev. br. 1383, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2002.-2005

    The Transition and Territory

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    This paper analyses the influence of processes of transition, privatization, and foreign investments on space; the implications for industrial and regional politics, as well as influence on change in methodology and content of strategical spatial planning. Possible changes and spatial adjustments have been analyzed from the standpoint of: companies; localities; and regional development. The most important (potential) spatial changes and adjustments have been identified as: transfer of administrative and operational functions; growth in production; close-down of plants and implications for employment; changes in offer of products; changes in technology, etc. The two type of spatial changes are pointed to: explicit and implicit ones. It is observed that there are three ways of comprehending the regional implications of transition and privatization of companies: though changes inprivatization of companies; though "competition" effects in other development activities; and though so-called "intangible effects". It is also observed that mergers and acquisitions (in form of direct foreign investments)can cause the fall in development of regions - targets for privatization, and this fall is connected to the: loss of resources (finances etc.); close-down of plants, and decreased level of development. By their characte, these changes belong to the so-called "transitional recession". Finding of theoretical examinations refer to the role of "target" for privatization, which assumingly belongs to small open economies of East and South-East Europe, and which happens thoghthe continual process of transffering the capital within current directions of direct foreign investments in lines that spread North-South, and West - East. In this process the key factor is the geographical and cultural proximity of an area, which is already elaborated and proven with most of the FDIs between bordering countries that are in the EU. The paper examines the methodological framework, approach, and basics of strategical planning of territorial development in the transition process. This involves: planning; managing the changes and creating the changes in a domain of restructuring of development process; changing the roles of territories, location and development factors, environment factors; new spatial organization, etc. The paper assesses the changes are needed in the strategical planning of territory, and it pinpoints the need for concrete investigations on influences that transition process and privatization may have on Serbian territory.Urednici: Nada Milašin, Nenad Spasić, Miodrag Vujošević, Mila PucarPosebna izdanja 44Rad je rezultat i na naučno-istraživačkom projektu „Planiranje i upravljanje razvojem u uslovima prelaska na tržišnu privredu-institucionalno prilagođavanje praksi i standardima EU”, ev. br. 1383, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2002.-2005

    Numeričko modeliranje brzotoka u krivini

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    Two-dimensional (2D) open-channel flow models for a steep chute with curvature in plane are developed. TVD McCormack and TVD MUSCL method have been used to facilitate an easy-to-use code. The performances of the numerical models have been assessed, and compared with experimental results.Prikazan je ravanski (2D) numerički model nejednolikog ustaljenog tečenja u brzotoku sa horizontalnom krivinom trase korita. Primenjene su metode McCormack i MUSCL, poboljšane sa TVD članom. Dobijeni rezultati numeričkih modela su upoređeni sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima

    Industrial policy in the European Union

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    Industrial policy is among those including a number of contraversies regarding its theoretical foundation and realization in practice. Any role of such a policy is absolutely denied by the supporters of the free market activity. The protagonists of the contemporary and modern industrial policy point to the main reason of its formulation and efficient realization just due to the serious and frequent market failures. The European Community (EC) is an example of a constant disagreement regarding the place and role of the mentioned policy. Serious differences persist among the member countries over since the Union was founded. One group includes those countries traditionally intervening in industry, while the other group consists of those applying, to a higher or lesser extent, the free market principles. The analysis of possible causes of EC competitive position decrease compared to USD and Japan showed that the EC has made an essential error in the past period, because policy makers were not focused enough towards competitive conditions for industrial development. At the meeting in Lisabon in spring 2000 the EC members concluded that competitiveness, i.e. the economy`s capacity to provide a high and increasing standard of living as well as high employment rates is the most important goal in the future period. The achievement of industry competitiveness base on knowledge, innovation and entrerpreneurship is the cornerstone of the EC maintainable development strategy. In accordance with the new tasks of industry, the place, importance and role of the industrial policy underwent considerable changes.The strategic goal of SCG is to join the EC. The admission of ten new members in may 2004 showed that the candidates should previously satisfy a number of requirements. One of those requirements refers to the harmonization of various policies, including the industrial one. The basic aim of this article is to make an objective, normative and empirical analyses of the role and importance of industrial policy in the development of the EC. The industrial policy based on Lisbon Summit will represent the basic framework for making and verifying new industrial policy in Serbia, when we become a candidate for the membership in to EC.Industrijska politika je jedna od onih politika oko čijeg teorijskog utemeljemja i praktičnog sprovodjenja postoje brojne kontroverze. Pristalice slobodnog delovanja tržišta u potpunosti negiraju bilo kakvu ulogu industrijske politike. Protagonisti savremene i moderne industrijske politike upravo u ozbiljnim i čestim otkazima tržišta vide osnovni razlog za njeno formulisanje i efikasno spovodjenje. Evropska unija je praktičan primer trajnog neslaganja u vezi sa mestom i ulogom industrijske politike. Ozbiljne razlike po ovom pitanju, među zemljama članicama, postoje od njenog osnivanja. Jednu grupu čine zemlje, koje tradicionalno intervenišu u industriji, dok su u drugoj grupi zemlje, koje više ili manje primenjuju principe slobodnog delovanja tržišta. Analiza mogućih uzroka slabljenja konkurentske pozicije EU u odnosu na SAD i Japan, je pokazala da je EU napravila suštinsku grešku u proteklom periodu, pošto pažnja kreatora politike nije bila dovoljno usmerena na stvaranje uslova za konkurentan industrijski razvoj. U proleće 2000. godine na skupu u Lisabonu, članice EU su zaključile da je konkurentnost, odnosno sposobnost ekonomije da obezbedi visok i rastući standard života, kao i visoke stope zaposlenosti, najvažniji cilj razvoja u narednom periodu. Dostizanje konkurentnosti industrije utemeljene na znanju, inovacijama i preduzetniđtvu, predstavlja kamen temeljac održive razvojne strategie Evropske unije. U skladu sa novim zadacima industrije, značajno se menja mesto i uloga industrijske politke. Strateški cilj SCG je ulazak u Evropsku uniju. Prijem deset novih članica u maju 2004. godine je pokazao da zemlje kandidati moraju prethodno ispuniti mnogobrojne uslove. Jedan od njih je i harmonizacija raznih politika, među kojima industrijska ima svoje mesto. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je da učini objektivnu, normativnu i empirijsku analizu uloge i značaja industrijske politike u razvoju Evropske Unije. Industrijska politika zasnovana na Lisabonskoj agendi će, kada postanemo zemlja kandidat za članstvo u EU, predstavljati opšti okvir za formulisanje i donošenje buduće industrijske politike u Srbiji.Urednici: Nada Milašin, Nenad Spasić, Miodrag Vujošević, Mila PucarPosebna izdanja 44Rad je rezultat i na naučno-istraživačkom projektu „Planiranje i upravljanje razvojem u uslovima prelaska na tržišnu privredu-institucionalno prilagođavanje praksi i standardima EU”, Ev. br. 1383, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2002.-2005

    The Transition and Territory

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    This paper analyses the influence of processes of transition, privatization, and foreign investments on space; the implications for industrial and regional politics, as well as influence on change in methodology and content of strategical spatial planning. Possible changes and spatial adjustments have been analyzed from the standpoint of: companies; localities; and regional development. The most important (potential) spatial changes and adjustments have been identified as: transfer of administrative and operational functions; growth in production; close-down of plants and implications for employment; changes in offer of products; changes in technology, etc. The two type of spatial changes are pointed to: explicit and implicit ones. It is observed that there are three ways of comprehending the regional implications of transition and privatization of companies: though changes inprivatization of companies; though "competition" effects in other development activities; and though so-called "intangible effects". It is also observed that mergers and acquisitions (in form of direct foreign investments)can cause the fall in development of regions - targets for privatization, and this fall is connected to the: loss of resources (finances etc.); close-down of plants, and decreased level of development. By their characte, these changes belong to the so-called "transitional recession". Finding of theoretical examinations refer to the role of "target" for privatization, which assumingly belongs to small open economies of East and South-East Europe, and which happens thoghthe continual process of transffering the capital within current directions of direct foreign investments in lines that spread North-South, and West - East. In this process the key factor is the geographical and cultural proximity of an area, which is already elaborated and proven with most of the FDIs between bordering countries that are in the EU. The paper examines the methodological framework, approach, and basics of strategical planning of territorial development in the transition process. This involves: planning; managing the changes and creating the changes in a domain of restructuring of development process; changing the roles of territories, location and development factors, environment factors; new spatial organization, etc. The paper assesses the changes are needed in the strategical planning of territory, and it pinpoints the need for concrete investigations on influences that transition process and privatization may have on Serbian territory.Urednici: Nada Milašin, Nenad Spasić, Miodrag Vujošević, Mila PucarPosebna izdanja 44Rad je rezultat i na naučno-istraživačkom projektu „Planiranje i upravljanje razvojem u uslovima prelaska na tržišnu privredu-institucionalno prilagođavanje praksi i standardima EU”, ev. br. 1383, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2002.-2005

    Numeričko modeliranje brzotoka pri promeni pravca zida kanala

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    Two-dimensional (2D) open-channel flow models for contracting and expanding chutes are developed. TVD McCormack and TVD MUSCL method have been used to facilitate an easy-to-use code. The performances of the numerical models have been assessed, and the results compared with the analytical solutions.Razvijen je ravanski (2D) numerički model nejednolikog ustaljenog tečenja u brzotoku sa suženjem i proširenjem korita. Primenjene su metode MacCormack i MUSCL, poboljšane sa TVD članom. Dobijeni rezultati numeričkih modela su upoređeni sa analitičkim rešenjima

    Numeričko modeliranje brzotoka pri promeni pravca zida kanala

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    Two-dimensional (2D) open-channel flow models for contracting and expanding chutes are developed. TVD McCormack and TVD MUSCL method have been used to facilitate an easy-to-use code. The performances of the numerical models have been assessed, and the results compared with the analytical solutions.Razvijen je ravanski (2D) numerički model nejednolikog ustaljenog tečenja u brzotoku sa suženjem i proširenjem korita. Primenjene su metode MacCormack i MUSCL, poboljšane sa TVD članom. Dobijeni rezultati numeričkih modela su upoređeni sa analitičkim rešenjima

    Numeričko modeliranje brzotoka u krivini

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    Two-dimensional (2D) open-channel flow models for a steep chute with curvature in plane are developed. TVD McCormack and TVD MUSCL method have been used to facilitate an easy-to-use code. The performances of the numerical models have been assessed, and compared with experimental results.Prikazan je ravanski (2D) numerički model nejednolikog ustaljenog tečenja u brzotoku sa horizontalnom krivinom trase korita. Primenjene su metode McCormack i MUSCL, poboljšane sa TVD članom. Dobijeni rezultati numeričkih modela su upoređeni sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima

    Supercritical flow in circular-conduit bends

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    Analizirano je složeno strujanje koje nastaje u krivini kružnog provodnika pri burnom toku. Ispitivanja su urađena na hidrauličkom fizičkom modelu, kao i na numeričkom modelu, zasnovanom na programskom paketu ANSYS (Fluent). Prikazani su rezultati dobijeni na pomenuta dva modela, sa komentarima i preporukama za njihovu primenu. Predložene su jednostavne zavisnosti kojima se opisuje uticaj zakrivljenosti, skretnog ugla i prilaznih uslova tečenja (dubina i Frudov broj uzvodno od krivine) na razmatrano tečenje.Complex flow pattern occurring in a circular conduit bend with supercritical flow is analyzed. The research was done by a scale (physical hydraulic) model, and a numerical model developed in ANSYS (Fluent) surrounding. The results obtained by physical (scale) and numerical models are presented, with comments and recommendations for their application. Simple empirical relationships were developed, describing the effects of the bend curvature, bend deflection angle and approaching flow conditions (depth and Froude number upstream from the bend) on the considered flow