The Transition and Territory


This paper analyses the influence of processes of transition, privatization, and foreign investments on space; the implications for industrial and regional politics, as well as influence on change in methodology and content of strategical spatial planning. Possible changes and spatial adjustments have been analyzed from the standpoint of: companies; localities; and regional development. The most important (potential) spatial changes and adjustments have been identified as: transfer of administrative and operational functions; growth in production; close-down of plants and implications for employment; changes in offer of products; changes in technology, etc. The two type of spatial changes are pointed to: explicit and implicit ones. It is observed that there are three ways of comprehending the regional implications of transition and privatization of companies: though changes inprivatization of companies; though "competition" effects in other development activities; and though so-called "intangible effects". It is also observed that mergers and acquisitions (in form of direct foreign investments)can cause the fall in development of regions - targets for privatization, and this fall is connected to the: loss of resources (finances etc.); close-down of plants, and decreased level of development. By their characte, these changes belong to the so-called "transitional recession". Finding of theoretical examinations refer to the role of "target" for privatization, which assumingly belongs to small open economies of East and South-East Europe, and which happens thoghthe continual process of transffering the capital within current directions of direct foreign investments in lines that spread North-South, and West - East. In this process the key factor is the geographical and cultural proximity of an area, which is already elaborated and proven with most of the FDIs between bordering countries that are in the EU. The paper examines the methodological framework, approach, and basics of strategical planning of territorial development in the transition process. This involves: planning; managing the changes and creating the changes in a domain of restructuring of development process; changing the roles of territories, location and development factors, environment factors; new spatial organization, etc. The paper assesses the changes are needed in the strategical planning of territory, and it pinpoints the need for concrete investigations on influences that transition process and privatization may have on Serbian territory.Urednici: Nada Milašin, Nenad Spasić, Miodrag Vujošević, Mila PucarPosebna izdanja 44Rad je rezultat i na naučno-istraživačkom projektu „Planiranje i upravljanje razvojem u uslovima prelaska na tržišnu privredu-institucionalno prilagođavanje praksi i standardima EU”, ev. br. 1383, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2002.-2005

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