175 research outputs found
Pembangunan Aplikasi Dan Implementasi SMS Gateway Pada Apotek Thehok Jambi
Pada saat sekarang ini dalam pelayanan USAha bisnis berbagai Perusahaan menggunakan teknologi sebagai media promosi dan memberikan informasi kepada konsumennya. Teknologi tersebut salah satunya adalah SMS (Short Messaging System) yang merupakan salah satu komunikasi yang cukup bagus untuk melakukan transaksi bahkan dapat membantu dalam penyimpanan data digital menggunakan teknologi SMS gateway. Di mana dengan SMS gateway pelaku bisnis seperti apotek dapat memberikan layanan mengirim dan juga menerima pesan sms secara otomatis kepada konsumennya. Dimana konsumen dapat memperoleh informasi berupa ketersediaan obat, harga obat dan melakukan pemesanan obat terlebih dahulu kemudian baru mendatangi apotek tersebut serta memperoleh informasi lainnya melalui SMS yang dikirm dari apotek tersebut dengan menggunakan key word tertentu dan mengirimnya ke nomor disediakan oleh apotek tersebut
Perbaikan Faktor Daya Menggunakan Motor Sinkron dengan Metode Fuzzy Logic Control
In many industry most of the load USAge in the inductive characteristic condition. This condition getting lower power factor of system. If a low power factor will cause a decrease in the ability and officiency of the power system and affect the level of voltage. The use of synchronous motor in this paper is to produce reactive power to the optimal point power factor of system. The paper proposes is to improve power factor of the system using a synchronous motor. The addition of a fuzzy logic control method as the power factor controller so is always in good condition. Fuzzy logic giving command automatically to the synchronous motor to provide current to the system. Synchronous motor and fuzzy logic able to improve power factor of the system with a high of accuracy
Faktor-faktor Penentu Tarif Biaya Audit Eksternal pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Studi Empiris terhadap Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)
This study aims to determine the effect of political connection, CEO\u27s gender, external auditor\u27s reliance on internal auditor and firm size towards the audit fees. The population in this study is the all companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2010 to 2014. Sampling technique used is purposive random sampling. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis.Based on the results of tests performed can be concluded that: political connection does not affect and insignificant toward the audit fee. CEO\u27s gender negatively affect and significant toward the audit fee. External auditor\u27s reliance on internal auditor does not affect and insignificant toward the audit fee. Firm size positively affect and significant toward the audit fee
Kualitas Telur Puyuh yang Diberikan Ransum dengan Penambahan Silase Tepung Daun Ubi Kayu
Telur adalah produk unggas yang mempunyai nilai gizi tinggi dan mudah dicerna. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan silase tepung daun ubi kayu dalam ransum berbentuk mash terhadap kualitas telur puyuh. Penelitian menggunakan metode Eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari: 4 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan, dan setiap ulangan terdiri dari 4 ekor burung puyuh. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu T0 (Ransum + silase tepung daun ubi kayu 0%), T1 (Ransum + silase tepung daun ubi kayu 3%), T2 (Ransum + silase tepung daun ubi kayu 6%), T3 (Ransum + silase tepung daun ubi kayu 9%). Parameter yang diamati indeks putih telur, indeks kuning telur, bobot telur, dan nilai haugh unit. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan silase tepung daun ubi kayu dalam formulasi burung puyuh sampai 9% belum mampu meningkatkan indeks putih telur, indeks kuning telur dan nilai haugh unit tetapi dapat meningkatkan bobot telur puyuh. Perlakuan terbaik pada taraf 3% karena dapat meningkatkan indeks putih telur, indeks kuning telur, dan nilai haugh unit
Fenomena Hubungan Mamak dan Kemenakan di Minangkabau dalam Film Fiksi Drama Komedi “Lah Ka Jodoh”
His comedy-Drama Lah ka jodoh was inspired by the phenomenon of Mate Ka culture society Minang, about the relationship between Kemanakan and Mamak. In the comedy-drama Lah Ka Jodoh, which Mak Jala was long gone to wander down to the ground and the female Lord of Java. Mak Jala had a son named Rina, as long-stay in other cities, Mak Jala immediately returned to the village to introduce his son Rina to nephew named Khairul, but because it doesn't know to fix her Mak Jala with her niece's own maid, so here there is a polemic in his life when it was in vilage. Great themes in this movie is how when the film was screened to get empathy that can be taken home by the audience that the conflict could momentarily nieces mamak forgotten. His comedy-drama Lah Ka Jodoh in building Hoerijah Adam Performances shown ISI Padangpanjang in the face with the main building. With the show one scene that exists in the fictional Film Comedy Lah Ka Jodoh was on stage as the opening towards the film screenings.The process of designing is done through several stages. The first phase, the search script and story ideas, the second phase do the casting, forming the third stage crew, stage four hunting locations, the fifth stage of the exercises, the sixth phase of the preparation of the seventh set stage equipment, and location shooting, the eighth stage of the ninth stage of the preview, editing, tenth stage of film screenings
Penyidikan Tindak Pidana tanpa Surat Persetujuan Berlayar oleh Kantor Syahbandar dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Rengat Berdasarkan Undang- Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pelayaran
Criminal investigations cruise by investigators civil servants (investigators) showcased in Act No. 17 of 2008 on the voyage later derivative of the regulation is the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 36 of 2012 on the Organization and the Office Kesyahbandaran and the Port Authority, in the regulation that Kesyahbandaran office and Port authority (KSOP) class IV Rengat given authority to conduct patrols under field subsections sailing safety guard and patrol (KBPP). In law enforcement efforts at sea there are few records of the results of marine security and safety patrols, namely the case of vessels that have SPB, but when inspected on the high seas apparently did not have a letter of approval to sail. Not infrequently also found marine transportation accidents caused by the negligence of a harbor master to give consent and letter kelaiklautan cruise ships to ships that are not seaworthy and ships that do not pass the test.From the research there are three main issues that can be inferred. First, the role of civil servant investigators (investigators) in the Office Kesyahbandaran and Port Authority Rengat in dealing with the crime of sailing without a letter of approval to sail in the waters Rengat not optimal due to the lack of quality of Human Resources law enforcement officers (investigators) in the Office Kesyahbandaran and Port Authority Rengat , Second, Obstacle civil servant investigators (investigators) in Kesyahbandaran Office and Port Authority Rengat in criminal cases to sail without the approval letter is sailing in the waters Rengat Factor Facilities and amenities and Weak coordination among law enforcement agencies. Third, efforts made civil servant investigators (investigators) in the Office Kesyahbandaran and Port Authority Rengat against criminal cases to sail without the approval letter sail is to improve the quality of education by investigators, create a budget for the filing of a detention room Saran Writer, hoped that the Servant Investigators civil (investigators) Kesyahbandaran Office and Port Authority Rengat be maximized in handling criminal offenses sail to sail without the approval letter. As well as civil servant investigators (investigators) Kesyahbandaran Office and Port Authority Rengat can send training staff in the investigation that the investigation team can increase knowledge in conducting the investigation
Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen dan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Kinerja Manajerial (Studi Empiris pada Hotel Bintang 4 di Provinsi Riau)
This study Aimed to analyze the effect of management accounting information systems and information technology to managerial performance 4 star hotel company in Riau, And To Obtain empirical evidence about the influence of management accounting information system on managerial performance. Population in this research is the fourth company in Riau, a total of 7 samples tested hotel company. Methods of Data collection using sampling Purposiv. The research of data was acquired seven companies that meet krikteria as this. from research managers and employees at the company\u27s hospitality. The type of the data used is primary. Data collection methods are surveys, questionnaires, this hypothesis using multiple linear regression analysis.The results Showed that the accounting information system management have a significant effect on the performance of managerial, information technology otherwise no effect on managerial performance
Hubungan Derajat Klinis dengan Kadar Feritin Penyandang Thalassemia Β di RSUD Arifin Achmad
Thalassemia is a genetic disorder which there is interference with the synthesis of hemoglobin that causes a decreased of synthesis of α or β chain, If the abnormalities are β chain called β thalassemia. People with thalassemia need transfusion of red blood in rest of their life to maintain sufficient hemoglobin level, but the result in increased level of iron overload in body which can cause complication. This study aims to see the description and the correlation between clinical severity with ferritin level of β thalassemia at Arifin Achmad Hospital in Riau province. The method used is analytic with cross sectional approach. Disease severity assessed by Thailand score whereas ferritin level through laboratory test. Of 59 people with thalassemia there are as many as 49 people (83.1%) with moderate disease severity and 10 people (16.9%) with severe disease severity, whereas ferritin levels 2500 ng/ml as many as 39 people (66.1%). After analysis, there is no correlation between disease severity with ferritin level (p>0.05). The conclusion of this study, the highest data are thalassemia with moderate disease severity and ferritin level >2500 ng/ml, also there is no correlation between disease severity with ferritin level
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