83 research outputs found

    ETO lidar studies of cirrostratus altocumulogenitus: Another role for supercooled liquid water in cirrus cloud formation

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    Cirrus clouds have traditionally been viewed as cold, wispy, or stratiform ice clouds, typically displaying optical phenomena such as haloes. A composition entirely of hexagonal ice crystals, of one habit or another could only have a transitory existence in cirrus, since the concentrations of ice nuclei (IN) measured by various techniques (at the surface or in the lower troposphere) indicate an enormous number of IN that should be active at cirrus cloud temperatures. In light of recent instrumental aircraft and polarization lidar studies of cirrus clouds, it is clear that highly supercooled cloud droplets can sometimes be a component of cirrus clouds. It remains to be determined if supercooled liquid water (SLW) is present abundantly enough in cirrus to play a significant role in earth's radiance balance, or is merely a curious, infrequent occurrence. To help evaluate this issue, the UH polarization lidar FIRE Extended Time Observation (ETO) of cirrus clouds are being utilized to compile, among other parameters, a climatological record of SLW clouds associated with and within cirrus

    ETO cloud studies for FIRE 2, part 1

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    This research program in support of Project FIRE (First ISCCP Regional Experiment) involved two efforts. The results of the first effort, which were in direct support of the Extended Time Observations (ETO) component, are described here. Over the period from June 1990 through May 1991, our remote sensing systems were applied to providing ground-truth cirrus cloud observations for a total of 71 NOAA polar orbiting satellite overpasses. (Chronological tables of this effort are provided.) The primary remote sensor was a dual-polarization ruby (0.694 microns wavelength) lidar, although mid-way through the program we added a number of radiometers to assess the surface radiation budget and cirrus cloud infrared emittance, and some supplemental observations from a Ka-band (8.6 mm) radar were also collected. These studies were conducted from the Facility for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (FARS) at 40 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds north latitude and 111 degrees 49 minutes 38 seconds east longitude. We also investigated the unusual characteristics of a subset of ETO case studies involving cirrus that generated solar and lunar corona displays. As we reported recently (reprint attached), these cirrus were atypically high and cold in relation to our total midlatitude cloud sample, and were comprised of unexpectedly small ice crystals from 10 to 30 microns in dimension. This finding lends some credence to the so-called cirrus small particle radiative anomaly, but only for very cold (less than -60 C) cirrus clouds. In a supplement, we will describe the design and testing of a prototype cirrus cloud polar nephelometer, which we constructed as part of our second research effort, to allow scattering phase functions to be obtained in future in situ cirrus research

    Regional conditions during the 25 October 1986 FIRE cirrus/altocumulus case study

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    The regional cloud and meteorological conditions are described for this case using satellite imagery (GOES), dual polarization lidar data, NWS radar, NMC analyses, rawinsonde data including special soundings, and analyzed vertical motions. These observations are interpreted with respect to relationships between the observed cloud characteristics and corresponding atmospheric structure. Similarities with the 27 to 28 Oct. FIRE Cirrus Case Study are noted

    CRYSTAL-FACE Polarization Lidar Research

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    The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Polarization Diversity Lidar (PDL, Sassen 1994) participated in the July 2002 CRYSTAL-FACE field campaign, shortly after the PI moved from the University of Utah to UAF. The truck-mounted PDL is an advanced dual wavelength (1.06 and 0.532 micron), high resolution (0.1-s by 1.5-m), scanning lidar system designed as a testbed for evaluating laser backscatter depolarization techniques for the study of clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere. The main goals identified in our proposal for the CRYSTAL-FACE experiment were, i) the characterization of Florida thunderstorm anvil macrophysical and microphysical properties from lidar backscattering and depolarization, ii) the study of thin to subvisual tropopause-topped subtropical cirrus, iii) the search for indirect cloud effects of trans- Atlantic advected Saharan dust storm aerosols on clouds, and iv) the investigation of melting layer effects on lidar and multi-wavelength Doppler radar measurements in precipitation. Although we experienced adversity in the field during the campaign, sufficient data was collected to begin addressing these topics, and several conference presentations, three journal articles, and one book chapter have resulted from the data analysis effort supported by this grant. (PDL operations were delayed by FAA concerns over the initial sighting at the Kendall-Tamiami Airport, and a brief but major laser breakdown was experienced during the re- setup at the remote Ochopee Everglades site that also supported the N-POL radar.) All lidar data collected by the PDL system were processed and quality checked, and submitted to the CRYSTAL-FACE data archive in a timely manner

    Microphysical fundamentals governing cirrus cloud growth: Modeling studies

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    For application to Global Climate Models, large scale numerical models of cirrus cloud formation and maintenance need to be refined to more reliably simulate the effects and feedbacks of high level clouds. A key aspect is how ice crystal growth is initiated in cirrus, which has started a cloud microphysical controversy between camps either believing that heterogeneous or homogeneous drop freezing is predominantly responsible for cold cirrus ice crystal nucleation. In view of convincing evidence for the existence of highly supercooled cloud droplets in the middle and upper troposphere, however, it is concluded that active ice nuclei are rather scarce at cirrus cloud altitudes, and so a new understanding of cirrus cloud formation is needed. This understanding is sought through an examination of cirrus cloud growth models

    Backscatter laser depolarization studies of simulated stratospheric aerosols: Crystallized sulfuric acid droplets

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    The optical depolarizing properties of simulated stratospheric aerosols were studied in laboratory laser (0.633 micrometer) backscattering experiments for application to polarization lidar observations. Clouds composed of sulfuric acid solution droplets, some treated with ammonia gas, were observed during evaporation. The results indicate that the formation of minute ammonium sulfate particles from the evaporation of acid droplets produces linear depolarization ratios of beta equivalent to 0.02, but beta equivalent to 0.10 to 0.15 are generated from aged acid cloud aerosols and acid droplet crystallization effects following the introduction of ammonia gas into the chamber. It is concluded that partially crystallized sulfuric acid droplets are a likely candidate for explaining the lidar beta equivalent to 0.10 values that have been observed in the lower stratosphere in the absence of the relatively strong backscattering from homogeneous sulfuric acid droplet (beta equivalent to 0) or ice crystal (beta equivalent to 0.5) clouds

    Optical scattering and microphysical properties of subvisual cirrus clouds, and climatic implications

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    The optical and microphysical properties of subvisual cirrus clouds are derived from ground-based polarization lidar, shortwave radiation flux, and solar corona measurements of two approximately 0.75 km deep cirrus located near the tropopause. The first cloud produced no visual manifestations under excellent viewing conditions, and the second appeared to be a persistent aircraft contrail that was generally visible except in the zenith direction. Average lidar linear depolarization ratios and volume backscatter coefficients for the two clouds were 0.19 and 0.35, and 0.6x10 to the -3 and 1.4x10 to the -3 /km sr, respectively. It is estimated that the zenith-subvisual cirrus contained ice crystals of 25 micron effective diameter at a mean concentration of 25/l and ice mass content of 0.2 mg/cu m. The threshold cloud optical thickness for visual-versus-invisible cirrus, derived from both broadband shortwave flux and 0.694 micrometer lidar data, is found to be tau sub c approx equal 0.03. Such tau values are comparable to those of 5 to 10 km deep stratospheric aerosol clouds of volcanic origin and polar stratospheric clouds, which are episodic in nature. Hence, we conclude that if these clouds are a fairly common feature of the upper troposphere, as recent SAGE satellite measurements would suggest, then the impact of natural and contrail subvisual cirrus on the planet's radiation balance may be relatively significant

    Cirrus cloud model parameterizations: Incorporating realistic ice particle generation

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    Recent cirrus cloud modeling studies have involved the application of a time-dependent, two dimensional Eulerian model, with generalized cloud microphysical parameterizations drawn from experimental findings. For computing the ice versus vapor phase changes, the ice mass content is linked to the maintenance of a relative humidity with respect to ice (RHI) of 105 percent; ice growth occurs both with regard to the introduction of new particles and the growth of existing particles. In a simplified cloud model designed to investigate the basic role of various physical processes in the growth and maintenance of cirrus clouds, these parametric relations are justifiable. In comparison, the one dimensional cloud microphysical model recently applied to evaluating the nucleation and growth of ice crystals in cirrus clouds explicitly treated populations of haze and cloud droplets, and ice crystals. Although these two modeling approaches are clearly incompatible, the goal of the present numerical study is to develop a parametric treatment of new ice particle generation, on the basis of detailed microphysical model findings, for incorporation into improved cirrus growth models. For example, the relation between temperature and the relative humidity required to generate ice crystals from ammonium sulfate haze droplets, whose probability of freezing through the homogeneous nucleation mode are a combined function of time and droplet molality, volume, and temperature. As an example of this approach, the results of cloud microphysical simulations are presented showing the rather narrow domain in the temperature/humidity field where new ice crystals can be generated. The microphysical simulations point out the need for detailed CCN studies at cirrus altitudes and haze droplet measurements within cirrus clouds, but also suggest that a relatively simple treatment of ice particle generation, which includes cloud chemistry, can be incorporated into cirrus cloud growth

    Hydrometeor development in cold clouds in FIRE

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    The role of cirrus clouds, particularly in weather and climate processes, has been increasingly investigated. Numerical models have demonstrated the importance of the solar reflectivity and infrared radiation of cirrus clouds in the Earth's radiation budget and climate. These properties depend upon the cloud microphysical characteristics, density, and altitude and hence justify investigation. The results reported were obtained from cold clouds (-20 to -46 C) in the mid to upper troposphere during ten flights of the NCAR King Air as part of the First ISCCP Research Experiment (FIRE) in Wisconsin

    Lidar and aircraft studies of deep Cirrus systems from the 1986 FIRE IFO

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    Several NCAR King Air flight missions were conducted during the Wisconsin FIRE IFO experiment in support of the University of Utah polarization lidar observations of deep cirrus cloud systems at the Wausau ground site. Data collected from four cirrus systems are included in this analysis, including those of 22 and 28 October, and 1 and 2 November. Lidar data were generally obtained at 2 min intervals in the zenith direction over observation periods that ranged from approximately 4 to 10 h, bracketing the aircraft missions. The data were processed to yield height-time (HTI) displays of lidar linear depolarization ratio sigma and relative range-normalized return power P. King Air operations consisted of a combination of rapid profiling and Lagrangian spiral descents and stacked racetrack patterns in the vicinity of the field site. From the spiral descents are constructed vertical profiles of ice particle concentration N(sub i) and ice mass content IWC derived from PMS 2-D probe imagery and, when detected, FSSP cloud droplet concentration N(sub W) and liquid water content, LWC. Aircraft flight leg data are presented for the vertical velocity W and the same ice and water cloud content parameters. In addition, aerosol particle concentrations obtained with the ASAS probe are examined, and photographs of ice particles collected in-situ on oil-coated slides are presented to illustrate ice particle habit