15 research outputs found

    Health status and lifestyle factors as predictors of depression in middle-aged and elderly Japanese adults: a seven-year follow-up of the Komo-Ise cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Depression is a common mental disorder. Several studies suggest that lifestyle and health status are associated with depression. However, only a few large-scale longitudinal studies have been conducted on this topic.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The subjects were middle-aged and elderly Japanese adults between the ages of 40 and 69 years. A total of 9,650 respondents completed questionnaires for the baseline survey and participated in the second wave of the survey, which was conducted 7 years later. We excluded those who complained of depressive symptoms in the baseline survey and analyzed data for the remaining 9,201 individuals. In the second-wave survey, the DSM-12D was used to determine depression. We examined the risks associated with health status and lifestyle factors in the baseline survey using a logistic regression model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An age-adjusted analysis showed an increased risk of depression in those who had poor perceived health and chronic diseases in both sexes. In men, those who were physically inactive also had an increased risk of depression. In women, the analysis also showed an increased risk of depression those with a BMI of 25 or more, in those sleeping 9 hours a day or more and who were current smokers. A multivariate analysis showed that increased risks of depression still existed in men who had chronic diseases and who were physically inactive, and in women who had poor perceived health and who had a BMI of 25 or more.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that lifestyle and health status are risk factors for depression. Having a chronic disease and physical inactivity were distinctive risk factors for depression in men. On the other hand, poor perceived health and a BMI of 25 or more were distinctive risk factors for depression in women. Preventive measures for depression must therefore take gender into account.</p

    Differences in lifestyle and perceived health in different occupations in a community, J Occup Health 40

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    Abstract: Differences in Lifestyle and Perceived Health in Different Occupations in a Community: Akiko OHTA, et al. Department of Public Health, Gunma University School of Medicine-It has been reported that morbidity and mortality vary according to occupation. To clarify factors which account for these differences, lifestyle, social network, job satisfaction and perceived health were measured in 1,165 men 40-59 years old residing in a rural village in Gunma, Japan. Comparisons were made of four occupational groups: agricultural and forestry workers, the self-employed, blue-collar workers, and white-collar workers. Agricultural and forestry workers had less obesity, good social networks with relatives and local community, lower job satisfaction, and less subjective physical symptoms and psychological complaints. The self-employed had higher job satisfaction but felt their jobs were hard. Bluecollar workers had lower job satisfaction, felt that their job was hard, and had the most subjective physical symptoms and psychological complaints. White-collar workers were the most obese, ate more Western-style foods, had more physical exercise, higher job satisfaction, did not feel the job was hard, had stronger marriage ties, and had fewer subjective physical symptoms and psychological complaints. These differences may account for differences in morbidity and mortality by occupation, and will provide useful information for health care planning in the respective occupational group. For example, improved health care will be needed for blue-collar workers who had the poorest perceived health in the community. (J Occup Health 1998; 40: 325-333

    Consideration for sport management in practice of beach soccer school in order to elementary students

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    R 大学の公開講座として行われた、2011年度から2015年度の5年に亘る小学生を対象としたビーチサッカー教室事業について、スポーツ経営学における、エリア・サービス、プログラム・サービス、クラブ・サービスの3つの観点から、事業内容を検討した。沖縄県の中部西に位置する西原きらきらビーチにてビーチサッカー教室は行われ、5年間の延べ400名の児童が参加した。砂浜で裸足にて行うビーチサッカーは、土踏まずの形成や体力向上に結び付き、児童の発育発達にとって大きな可能性のある教材であると考察された。事前事後のアンケート調査の結果からも、海やビーチで遊ぶ動機づけや、海やビーチのことを学びたい意欲や、ビーチスポーツ参加への動機づけや、ビーチサッカーの楽しさが増加するなどの心理面が向上した。ビーチクリーンを行うことで、スポーツの安全教育や、自然保護を養う効果も期待される。しかしながら、内陸での本事業の開催の難しさや、水難事故などの安全面のリスクなどの課題も考察された。概ね、本事業の成功が総括され、学校教育における裸足サッカーの教材化などが提言された

    Models of Aviation Noise Impact in the Context of Operation Decrease at Tan Son Nhat Airport

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    Air traffic bans in response to the spread of the coronavirus have changed the sound situation of urban areas around airports. This study aimed to investigate the effect of this unprecedented event on the community response to noise before and after the international flight operation at Tan Son Nhat Airport (TSN) in March 2020. The “before” survey was conducted in August 2019, and the two “after” surveys were conducted in June and September 2020. Structural equation models (SEMs) for noise annoyance and insomnia were developed by linking the questionnaire items of the social surveys. The first effort aimed to achieve a common model of noise annoyance and insomnia, corresponding to the situation before and after the change, respectively. Approximately, 1200 responses were obtained from surveys conducted in 12 residential areas around TSN in 2019 and 2020. The average daily flight numbers observed in August 2019 during the two surveys conducted in 2020 were 728, 413, and 299, respectively. The sound pressure levels of the 12 sites around TSN decreased from 45–81 dB (mean = 64, SD = 9.8) in 2019 to 41–76 dB (mean = 60, SD = 9.8) and 41–73 dB (mean = 59, SD = 9.3) in June and September 2020, respectively. The SEM indicated that the residents’ health was related to increased annoyance and insomnia

    Does sleep intervention for elementary school students improve self-esteem?

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    小学生の睡眠習慣の改善が自尊感情の向上に影響を及ぼすかを明らかにするため睡眠介入研究を実施した。対象は沖縄県の公立小学校2 校の小学6 年生244 名(介入校149 名、対照校95 名)である。介入校には週1 回の睡眠の授業と毎日の睡眠日誌の記入及び検者によるフィードバックを1 か月間行った。介入の前後に睡眠習慣やその他の生活習慣や自尊感情及び抑うつの質問項目を盛り込んだ質問紙調査を2 度実施した。その結果、事前調査の横断的解析によって、小学生の自尊感情と関連する項目は、睡眠時間、睡眠の質、不眠症、睡眠の満足度、朝食摂取、運動時間であることが明らかとなった。睡眠介入前後の縦断的解析によって、睡眠習慣の改善および自尊感情の向上はみられなかった。しかしながら、抑うつにおいては睡眠介入後有意に改善傾向が見られた。To clarify whether improving sleep habits in elementary school students affects self-esteem, the authors conducted a sleep intervention study. The subjects were 244 sixth grade students (intervention school: 149, control school: 95) at two public elementary schools in Okinawa Prefecture. The intervention school provided weekly sleep lessons, completed daily sleep diaries, and provided weekly examiner’s feedback for one month. Twice questionnaire surveys were conducted before and after the intervention, which included questions about sleep habits, other lifestyles, selfesteem, and depression. As a result, a cross-sectional analysis of the first wave survey revealed that the items related to self-esteem of elementary school students were total sleep time, sleep quality, insomnia, sleep satisfaction, breakfast intake, and exercise duration. Longitudinal analysis before and after sleep intervention did not reveal any improvement in sleep habits or self-esteem. However, there was a significant improvement in depression after sleep intervention