Does sleep intervention for elementary school students improve self-esteem?


小学生の睡眠習慣の改善が自尊感情の向上に影響を及ぼすかを明らかにするため睡眠介入研究を実施した。対象は沖縄県の公立小学校2 校の小学6 年生244 名(介入校149 名、対照校95 名)である。介入校には週1 回の睡眠の授業と毎日の睡眠日誌の記入及び検者によるフィードバックを1 か月間行った。介入の前後に睡眠習慣やその他の生活習慣や自尊感情及び抑うつの質問項目を盛り込んだ質問紙調査を2 度実施した。その結果、事前調査の横断的解析によって、小学生の自尊感情と関連する項目は、睡眠時間、睡眠の質、不眠症、睡眠の満足度、朝食摂取、運動時間であることが明らかとなった。睡眠介入前後の縦断的解析によって、睡眠習慣の改善および自尊感情の向上はみられなかった。しかしながら、抑うつにおいては睡眠介入後有意に改善傾向が見られた。To clarify whether improving sleep habits in elementary school students affects self-esteem, the authors conducted a sleep intervention study. The subjects were 244 sixth grade students (intervention school: 149, control school: 95) at two public elementary schools in Okinawa Prefecture. The intervention school provided weekly sleep lessons, completed daily sleep diaries, and provided weekly examiner’s feedback for one month. Twice questionnaire surveys were conducted before and after the intervention, which included questions about sleep habits, other lifestyles, selfesteem, and depression. As a result, a cross-sectional analysis of the first wave survey revealed that the items related to self-esteem of elementary school students were total sleep time, sleep quality, insomnia, sleep satisfaction, breakfast intake, and exercise duration. Longitudinal analysis before and after sleep intervention did not reveal any improvement in sleep habits or self-esteem. However, there was a significant improvement in depression after sleep intervention

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