1,460 research outputs found

    On the fragility of nuclear stellar discs against galaxy mergers: surviving photometric and kinematic signatures of nuclear discs

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2015 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.Nuclear stellar discs (NSDs) can help to constrain the assembly history of their host galaxies, as long as we can assume them to be fragile structures that are disrupted during merger events. In this work we investigate the fragility of NSDs by means of N-body simulations reproducing the last phases of a galaxy encounter, when the nuclear regions of the two galaxies merge. For this, we exposed an NSD set in the gravitational potential of the bulge and supermassive black hole of a primary galaxy to the impact of the supermassive black hole from a secondary galaxy. We explored merger events of different mass ratios, from major mergers with a 1:1 mass ratio to intermediate and minor interactions with 1:5 and 1:10 ratios, while considering various impact geometries. We analyse the end results of such mergers from different viewing angles and look for possible photometric and kinematic signatures of the presence of a disc in the remnant surface density and velocity maps, while adopting detection limits from real observations. Our simulations show that indeed NSDs are fragile against major mergers, which leave little trace of NSDs both in images and velocity maps, while signatures of a disc can be found in the majority of the intermediate to minor-merger remnants and in particular when looking at their kinematics. These results show that NSDs could allow us to distinguish between these two modes of galaxy assembly, which may indeed pertain to different kinds of galaxies or galactic environments.Peer reviewe

    Star formation in the central regions of galaxies

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    Massive star formation in the central regions of spiral galaxies plays an important role in the dynamical and secular evolution of their hosts. Here, we summarise a number of recent investigations of the star formation history and the physical conditions of the gas in circumnuclear regions, to illustrate not only the detailed results one can achieve, but also the potential of using state-of-the-art spectroscopic and analysis techniques in researching the central regions of galaxies in general. We review how the star formation history of nuclear rings confirms that they are long-lived and stable configurations. Gas flows in from the disk, through the bar, and into the ring, where successive episodes of massive star formation occur. Analysing the ring in NGC 7742 in particular, we determine the physical conditions of the line emitting gas using a combination of ionisation and stellar population modelling, concluding that the origin of the nuclear ring in this non-barred galaxy lies in a recent minor merger with a small gas-rich galaxy.Comment: Invited contribution, to appear in "Mapping the Galaxy and other galaxies", Eds. K. Wada and F. Combes, Springer, in pres

    The V_c-sigma_c relation in high and low surface brightness galaxies

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    We investigate the relation between the asymptotic circular velocity, V_c, and the central stellar velocity dispersion, sigma_c, in galaxies. We consider a new sample of high surface brightness spiral galaxies (HSB), low surface brightness spiral galaxies (LSB), and elliptical galaxies with HI-based V_c measurements. We find that: 1) elliptical galaxies with HI measurements fit well within the relation; 2) a linear law can reproduce the data as well as a power law (used in previous works) even for galaxies with sigma_c < 70 km/s; 3) LSB galaxies, considered for the first time with this respect, seem to behave differently, showing either larger V_c values or smaller sigma_c values.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proc. IAU Symp. 222, "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei" eds. Th. Storchi Bergmann, L.C. Ho & H.R. Schmitt (Cambridge University Press

    The bulge-disk orthogonal decoupling in galaxies: NGC 4698 and NGC 4672

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    We report the case of the geometrical and kinematical decoupling between the bulge and the disk of the Sa galaxy NGC 4698. The R-band isophotal map of this spiral shows that the bulge structure is elongated perpendicularly to the major axis of the disk. At the same time a central stellar velocity gradient is found along the major axis of the bulge. We also present the Sa NGC 4672 as good candidate of a spiral hosting a bulge and a disk orthogonally decoupled with respect to one other. This decoupling of the two fundamental components of a visible galaxy suggests that the disk could represent a second event in the history of early-type spirals.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (LaTeX, cupconf.sty). To appear in "The Formation of Bulges" C. M. Carollo, H. C. Ferguson, R. F. G. Wyse (eds.), Cambridge University Pres

    Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole in the S0 Galaxy NGC 3245

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    The S0 galaxy NGC 3245 contains a circumnuclear disk of ionized gas and dust with a radius of 1.1" (110 pc), making it an ideal target for dynamical studies with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We have obtained spectra of the nuclear disk with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, using a 0.2" wide slit at five parallel positions. Measurements of the Hα and [N II] emission lines are used to map out the kinematic structure of the disk in unprecedented detail. The data reveal a rotational velocity field with a steep velocity gradient across the innermost 0.4". We construct dynamical models for a thin gas disk in circular rotation, using HST optical images to map out the gravitational potential due to stars. Our modeling code includes the blurring due to the telescope point-spread function and the nonzero slit width, as well as the instrumental shift in measured wavelength for light entering the slit off-center, so as to simulate the data as closely as possible. The Hα+[N II] surface brightness measured from an HST narrowband image is folded into the models, and we demonstrate that many of the apparent small-scale irregularities in the observed velocity curves are the result of the patchy distribution of emission-line surface brightness. Over most of the disk, the models are able to fit the observed radial velocity curves closely, although there are localized regions within the disk that appear to be kinematically disturbed relative to the overall rotational pattern. The velocity dispersion of [N II] λ6584 rises from σ~50 km/s in the outer disk to ~160 km/s at the nucleus, and most of this line width cannot be attributed to rotational or instrumental broadening. To account for the possible dynamical effect of the intrinsic velocity dispersion in the gas, we also calculate models that include a correction for asymmetric drift. This correction increases the derived black hole mass by 12% but leads to slightly poorer fits to the data. A central dark mass of (2.1+/-0.5)×10^8 Msolar is required for the models to reproduce the steep central velocity gradient. This value for the central mass is consistent with recently discovered correlations between black hole mass and bulge velocity dispersion.Peer reviewe

    Upper limits on the mass of supermassive black holes from HST/STIS archival data

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    The growth of supermassive black holes (SBHs) appears to be closely linked with the formation of spheroids. There is a pressing need to acquire better statistics on SBH masses, since the existing samples are preferentially weighted toward early-type galaxies with very massive SBHs. With this motivation we started a project aimed at measuring upper limits on the mass of the SBHs in the center of all the nearby galaxies (D<100 Mpc) for which STIS/G750M spectra are available in the HST archive. These upper limits will be derived by modeling the central emission-line widths observed in the Halpha region over an aperture of ~0.1''. Here we present our results for a subsample of 20 S0-Sb galaxies within 20 Mpc.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of "Black Holes: from Stars to Galaxies", IAU Symp. No. 238, V. Karas & G. Matt (eds.), Cambridge University Pres

    The pseudobulge of NGC 1292

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    The photometric and kinematic properties of Sb NGC 1292 suggest it hosts a pseudobulge. The properties of the stellar population of such a pseudobulge are consistent with a slow buildup within a scenario of secular evolution.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure to appear in the proceedings of "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks", Rome, October 2007, Eds. J. Funes and E. M. Corsin

    On the Origin of [OII] Emission in Red Sequence and Post-starburst Galaxies

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    We investigate the emission-line properties of galaxies with red rest-frame colors using spectra from SDSS DR4. Emission lines are detected in more than half of the red galaxies. We focus on the relationship between two emission lines commonly used as star formation rate indicators: Ha 6563 and [OII] 3727. There is a strong bimodality in [OII]/Ha ratio in the full SDSS sample which closely corresponds to the bimodality in rest-frame color. Nearly all of the line-emitting red galaxies have line ratios typical of various types of AGN -- most commonly LINERs, a small fraction of transition objects and, more rarely, Seyferts. Only ~6% of red galaxies display star-forming line ratios. A straight line in the [OII]-Ha equivalent width plane separates LINER-like galaxies from other categories. Quiescent galaxies with no detectable emission lines and LINER-like galaxies combine to form a single, tight red sequence in color-magnitude-concentration space. [OII] EWs in LINER- and AGN-like galaxies can be as large as in star-forming galaxies. Thus, unless objects with AGN/LINER-like line ratios are excluded, [OII] emission cannot be used directly as a proxy for star formation rate. Lack of [OII] emission is generally used to indicate lack of star formation when post-starburst galaxies are selected at high redshift. Our results imply, however, that these samples have been cut on AGN properties as well as star formation, and therefore may provide seriously incomplete sets of post-starburst galaxies. Furthermore, post-starburst galaxies identifed in SDSS by requiring minimal Ha EW generally exhibit weak but nonzero line emission with ratios typical of AGNs; few of them show residual star formation. This suggests that most post-starbursts may harbor AGNs/LINERs.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. v2: Added 4 new figures and updated many; extended text. No conclusions change. v3: minor modifications and figure updates to match version accepted by Ap
