25,987 research outputs found

    Obstetric Nurses’ Perceived Barriers to Immediate Skin to Skin Contact after Cesarean Birth

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    Despite the strong evidence supporting immediate skin to skin contact (SSC) after birth, research suggests that patients who undergo cesarean births do not have the same opportunities for SSC as patients who undergo vaginal births. There are limited studies regarding provider attitudes surrounding the practice of immediate SSC after cesarean birth. The aim of this research was to understand obstetric nurses’ perceived barriers to immediate SSC after cesarean section. An exploratory qualitative design was used for the project. The semi-structured, open-ended interviews were conducted via video conferencing. Conventional content analysis methods were used to analyze the data, which yielded the primary overarching theme of “performing safe and effective skin to skin contact after cesarean birth”. The participants identified both barriers and facilitators to SSC after cesarean. It was evident from the interviews that nurses strongly believe in the benefits of SSC after cesarean and try to implement it as often as possible, but various factors prevented SSC in the OR from occurring on a regular basis. This research can be used as a starting point for refining the practice of SSC after cesarean births

    Binary Neutron Star Merger Rates. Predictions from Observations of Dwarf Galaxies and Observable Rates with Ground-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    Binary Neutron Star (BNS) mergers are interesting events in the field of multi-messenger astronomy since they are sources of detectable gravitational wave signals and electromagnetic transients. Here I introduce a new method to calculate a conservative, lower-limit for the rate of BNS merger events that is proportional to the stellar mass and is based on evidence of an r-process event in the dwarf galaxy Reticulum II. Two estimates of the stellar mass in the nearby universe were made using a Schechter Mass Function and a modified version of the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (2MASS XSC). The BNS merger event rates were calculated to be 285.88 and 266.77 Gpc-3yr-1 from the Schechter Mass Function and the galaxy catalog mass estimates, respectively. Predictions of observed rates with LIGO were made considering that ground-based gravitational-wave detectors have preferential sensitivity dependent on right ascension and declination. The predicted observed rate for a 200 Mpc volume was estimated at 6.30 yr-1. Additionally, this work explored other uses of the galaxy catalog created to estimate the rate BNS mergers, such as in the identification of the source galaxy during observation campaigns of these events, and in cosmological parameter estimation


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    This paper develops a model of optimal allocation of GM and non-GM crops under contamination risk. The model is used to compare the producer optimal crop allocation at equilibrium to the social efficient crop allocation. From the socially optimum conditions, the paper identifies production environments under which GM crops are more likely to be overplanted.Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Central Bank Economic Research: Output, Demand, Productivity, and Relevance

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    The economic research of 30 central banks in OECD and Latin America countries from 2000 to 2007 is evaluated in this study. An international comparison based on four indexes that measure central bank research output, demand, productivity and relevance is included. From this view, the European Central Bank, the United States Federal Reserve Bank-Board of Governors- and the Bank of Canada showed the best results. The Central Bank of Colombia achieves an important position among the central banks selected for the study and holds that position in most of the indexes. Three aspects of research were examined in depth: i) focus of the research agenda, ii) the way research is organized, and iii) strategies for its development for six leading central banks in the sample, based on the results of the measure, including the Central Bank of Colombia. The study shows a tendency of central banks to develop studies with academic institutions. This practice allows them to broad the range of their analysis, by having an outside perspective, while getting expertise with recent techniques and theories for better economic analysis, which contributes to policy design.Central Banks, economic research. Classification JEL: E59, A11.

    Surface temperature of a magnetized neutron star and interpretation of the ROSAT data. II

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    We complete our study of pulsars' non-uniform surface temperature and of its effects on their soft X-ray thermal emission. Our previous work had shown that, due to gravitational lensing, dipolar fields cannot reproduce the strong pulsations observed in Vela, Geminga, PSR 0656+14, and PSR 1055-52. Assuming a standard neutron star mass of 1.4 Msol, we show here that the inclusion of a quadrupolar component, if it is suitably oriented, is sufficient to increase substantially the pulsed fraction, Pf, up to, or above, the observed values if the stellar radius is 13 km or even 10 km. For models with a radius of 7 km the maximum pulsed fraction obtainable with (isotropic) blackbody emission is of the order of 15% for orthogonal rotators (Vela, Geminga and PSR 1055-52) and only 5% for an inclined rotator as PSR 0656+14. Given the observed values this indicates that the neutron stars in Geminga and PSR 0656+14 have radii significantly larger than 7 km and, given the very specific quadrupole components required to increase Pf, even radii of the order of 10 km may be unlikely in all four cases. We confirm our previous finding that the pulsed fraction always increases with photon energy, below about 1 keV, when blackbody emission is used and show that it is due to the hardenning of the blackbody spectrum with increasing temperature. The observed decrease of pulsed fraction may thus suggest that the emitted spectrum softens with increasing temperature. Finally, we apply our model to reassess the magnetic field effect on the outer boundary condition used in neutron star cooling models and show that, in contradistinction to several previous claims, it is very small and most probably results in a slight reduction of the heat flow through the envelope.Comment: 17 pages with 8 figures. Uses AASTeX v4.0 macro. Submitted to Ap.

    The Multifarious Role of Microglia in Brain Metastasis

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    The immune landscape in brain metastasis is a very heterogeneous framework. Amongst a broad plethora of cells within the tumor microenvironment, the presence of activated microglia has been perfectly described. The innate role of microglial cells is to detect and eliminate any insults that may disturb the regular behavior of the brain. As part of its defensive role, it releases pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines that aim to modulate the inflammatory scenario at the metastatic foci. However, the long term effects that these cells may exert on the metastatic progression is not clear. One of the biggest challenges in the field is to distinguish between brain resident microglial cells and infiltrated bone-marrow derived macrophages. Part of this issue is the fact that both cell types share similar phenotypes. Current studies are based on the modulation of the immune response against cancer cells (immunotherapy). However, most of current clinical trials and newly developed drugs focus on the adaptive immune response (e.g., immune blockade check-points). Additionally, the unique structure of the central nervous system with the presence of the blood-brain barrier have hindered a significant advance in novel therapies against brain metastasis. In this manuscript, we describe current advances in characterization of tumor-associated microglia and macrophages, the importance of microglia during the anti-cancerous response, and the future direction for the development of new strategies against this complex disease

    Breathers and Thermal Relaxation in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Arrays

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    Breather stability and longevity in thermally relaxing nonlinear arrays depend sensitively on their interactions with other excitations. We review the relaxation of breathers in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam arrays, with a specific focus on the different relaxation channels and their dependence on the interparticle interactions, dimensionality, initial condition, and system parameters
