1,011 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepercayaan Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Si Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Tahun 2009/2010 Pengguna Handphone Nokia)

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect, directly or indirectly, from brand trust variables consisting of Characteristics Brand, Company Characteristics, Characteristics of Consumer-Brand and Brand Loyalty for Mobile Nokia on S1 Student Department of Business Administration Faculty of Administrative Science Year Force 2009/2010. This type of research is the study explanation (explanatory research). Data collection method used is to spread out questionnaires to students S1 Department of Business Administration Faculty of Administrative Science Force Year 2009/2010 which uses mobile phones Nokia as much as 102 respondents, the sampling technique is simple random sampling. Based on the results of the study showed that the variables comprising Brand Trust Brand Characteristics (X1), the Company Characteristics (X2), Characteristics of Consumer-Brand (X3) have a positive effect on the variable level of brand loyalty. It can be used as a form of information for PT. Nokia to be able to maintain and develop a brand that has been built Belief, increasing consumer confidence in the brand then the higher the customer loyalty to the brand

    Perancangan Kebijakan Perawatan Dan Penentuan Persediaan Spare Part Di Sub Sistem Evaporasi Pabrik Urea Kaltim-3 PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur

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    Pabrik Kaltim-3 PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur memberikan kontribusi 17,84 % untuk produksi amoniak dan 19,13 % untuk produksi urea dari total produksi di PKT. Salah satu proses di Pabrik Urea Kaltim-3, yaitu evaporasi merupakan proses dimana larutan urea dinaikkan konsentrasinya (dikentalkan) dari konsentrasi 75% menjadi 99,8%. Untuk mencegah kegagalan fungsi, maka diperlukan aktivitas perawatan. Aktivitas perawatan yang dilakukan di PKT masih menunjukkan adanya over dan under maintenance. Oleh karena itu akan dilakukan perancangan kegiatan perawatan dengan metode Reliability Centered Maintenance II (RCM II) yang menghasilkan fungsi, kegagalan fungsi, serta Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Berdasarkan informasi pada FMEA tersebut, kemudian dihasilkan kebijakan perawatan dan pelaksana teknis, serta data historis kerusakan yang digunakan untuk menghitung interval waktu perawatan. Selain itu juga dilakukan perhitungan persediaan spare part dengan memperhatikan lead time pemesanan komponen. Dengan menentukan kebijakan perawatan dan persediaan spare part yang tepat, maka biaya yang dikeluarkan dapat diminimalisir

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Upaya Penentuan Nasib Sendiriantara Crimea Dengan Ukraina

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    Inthe internationallawthere is aprinciple ofself-determination, which is part ofHuman Rights, but theprinciple ofthe right to determinetheir ownis still acomplicatedissue. Bothat the level ofthe conceptualandlegaldebateand at the levelof realpolitics in manyregions of the world. The purpose of this research are, first to know self-determination ofthe peopleCrimeain accordancewith therulesof International Law, secondto know legality ofthe referendum conductedby theCrimeanresidents whosupport theseparationof the UkraineandjoinRussia, third to know Howothercountriesrecognitionof theresults of the referendumcitizensof Crimea. This case study further discuses about the principles of law and comparison of law. Source of data used are secondary data source of obtained from the literature, among others,includeofficial documents, books, research resultsin the form ofreportsandso on. The conclusion of theresearchare,firstSelf-determinationis aprincipleembodied ininternationallaw, wheresuch rightshave been formulatedinthe UN Charter. Self-determinationreferendumconductedby means ofCrimeahas a goaltosecedefromUkraineandjoinRussia. Second, theimplementation of thereferendumshouldcomply withprovisionsof Crimeain accordancewith the principlesof international law.Third, recognitionininternationallawis afairlycomplexissuebecauseonceinvolvelegaland politicalissues. in the case ofCrimearecognitionin the reviewbased on thedeclarativetheory. Keywords: Effort-Determination-fate-Self-Crime

    An Assessment of the Impacts of Construction Projects on the Environment in the Gaza Strip

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    The aim of this study is to assess the most common impacts of construction projects on the environment in the Gaza Strip and propose the best solutions in curbing down the adverse impacts. To achieve this aim, a structured survey, in the form of a questionnaire was conducted to identify the most critical and important impacts of construction projects on the environment. Environmental impacts were categorized into three safeguard subjects: ecosystems, natural resources, and public impacts. The results showed that dust generation, noise pollution, operations with vegetation removal, and air pollution are the most significant environmental impacts of construction sites in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the public impacts are the most important category that affects the environment in the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that the necessity of taking measures to protect labors and residents who are living near to construction sites. It is recommended to enhance the knowledge and awareness of construction participants to the environmental impacts of construction projects and enact strict laws to curb down the adverse impacts of construction projects. In addition, the researchers should look for alternative methods for construction to mitigate the adverse impacts of construction projects on the environment. The results of this study can help decision makers to identify major construction impacts on the environment and make environmentally friendly construction plans in the early stages of construction. Keywords: Environment, Construction projects, EIA, Gaza Strip

    Peran Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (Psbr) Rumbai dalam Pembinaan Remaja Putus Sekolah

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    This research aims to find out the role of adolescent social institution (PSBR) Rumbai the development of teenagers dropout of school as well as to know the factors that support the implementation of the role of adolescent social institution (PSBR) Rumbai the development of teenagers dropout of school. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. The subjects were chosen by purposive sampling technique. The subjects of this research are the employees who work in the adolescent social institution (PSBR) Rumbai which has been set previously amounted to 3 people, then the students who are being coached amounted to 2 people, and the students who have finished nurses amounted to 2 people. Technique of collecting data in this research is done by interview, observation, and documentation. The result of the research shows that the role activity of adolescent social institution (PSBR) Rumbai in the implementation of coaching drop out teenagers through two programs namely guidance program, and service program. The guidance activities provided include: physical guidance, social counseling, mental guidance, and skills guidance. Skills guidance provided include: sewing skills, makeup skills, welding engineering skills, and two-wheeled motor skills. Implementation of guidance activities tailored to the schedule that has been made. For instructors tutoring teachers come from employees PSBR Rumbai and also for guidance skills imported from outside the orphanage is the people who work with PSBR Rumbai. Determination of materials, methods, and learning media tailored to the activities of coaching. The supporting factors for the implementation of the Rural Teenage Youth Social Institution in the development of out-of-school youth are funding factors, human resource factors, facilities and infrastructure factors, and co-operation and outsiders

    Pengalaman Menjadi Disc Jockey Perempuan Sebuah Pendekatan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    Tujuan penelitian dengan studi fenomenologis ini adalah untuk memahami pengalaman menjadi seorang DJ perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini, DJ perempuan didefinisikan sebagai wanita yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengaransement dan memainkan lagu lewat piringan hitam atau turntable selayaknya juga dilakukan oleh laki-laki yang berprofesi sebagai disc jockey.Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Interpretative Phenomenologycal Analysis (IPA). Metode ini dipilih karena adanya prosedur yang rinci dalam menganalisis data. Prosedur yang detail tersebut membuahkan kedalaman makna terhadap berbagai latar belakang, pengalaman, peristiwa unik, dan pemikiran yang dimiliki subjek melalui wawancara.Peneliti menemukan bahwa menjadi DJ merupakan bentuk penyaluran dari hobi dan minat bermusik yang kemudian menjadi passion dalam diri. Temuan ini didasari atas dinamika menjadi DJ perempuan dan pembentukan diri sebagai DJ perempuan merupakan bagian-bagian yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Tema-tema tersebut telah menjadi kesatuan dalam memahami pengalaman menjadi DJ perempuan.Dengan demikian, penelitian ini diharapkan berguna bagi perkembangan keilmuan psikologi dalam bidang sosial, musik dan wanita

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Sains Melalui Pendekatan Proyek

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sains melalui pendekatan proyek. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PAUD Dahlia Indah, Medan, Sumatera Utara pada Februari-April 2013. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan dengan satu siklus yang terdiri dari 4 tahap: perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah lima belas anak-anak. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen observasisebelum siklus dan setelah siklus I, catatan lapangan, dan catatandokumentasi.Dalam penelitian ini persentase analisis data yang didasarkan pada kesepakatan peneliti dan kolaborator adalah nilai masing-masing anak-anak yang mencapai 70%. Hasil datapra-penelitianadalah 23,33% dan pada siklus I adalah 81,85%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kemampuan sains dapat ditingkatkan melalui pendekatan proyek

    Papan Informasi Digital Dinamis Berbasis Atmega 8535 Dengan Media Perantara Bluetooth Di Laboraturium Hadware Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

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    From the results of this research is that the information board can provide information using android phone by sending a character letter A or B. This information boards can be controlled with an application board computer information, and could work without komputer. The purpose of making the information board Dehasen Bengkulu University aims to facilitate providing information to students in the laboratory hardware Dehasen University of Bengkulu
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