5 research outputs found

    Intercultural Communication to Preserve Harmony Between Religious Group in Jaton Village Minahasa (Komunikasi Lintas Budaya dalam Menjaga Kerukunan antara Umat Beragama di Kampung Jaton Minahasa)

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    Indonesia is a multicultural country. This condition makes Indonesia become highly vulnerable to conflicts between ethnic or inter-religious. To avoid conflicts, as a country Indonesia required tolerance to maintain inter-religious harmony in Indonesia. Minahasa, especially Jaton Village is one of the areasin Indonesia, which can maintain its sense of tolerance and harmony. Jaton village is a village full of history and the majority of its citizens are Muslims, but the villagers were able to mingle and interact with the Christian's citizens. The theories used in this research are the concept of intercultural communication and intercultural conflict by Samovar et all and Littlejohn & Domenici. This research is also used the concept of social interaction by Gillinand Gillin. This research was conducted using qualitative case study methods, with the aim to find out the intercultural communication between the residents in Jaton village, and as the result the harmony can be maintained. Based on this research, researcher find that acculturation is happens between Muslims citizens and Christian citizens as majority. This acculturation indicates that the interaction formed between the two religious groups is an associative interaction patterns, so there is no conflict as it is in other areas.Indonesia merupakan negara yang multikultural. Hal ini menjadikan Indonesia sangat rentan terkena konflik antaretnis atau antaragama. Untuk menghindari konflik tersebut diperlukan toleransi untuk menjaga kerukunan antara umat beragama. Salah satu daerah yang dapat memelihara toleransi dan kerukunan tersebut adalah Minahasa atau lebih tepatnya di Kampung Jaton yang merupakan kampung yang penuh sejarah dan mayoritas warganya beragama Islam, tetapi penduduk desa tersebut mampu berbaur dan berinteraksi dengan baik pada warga Minahasa lainnya yang beragama Kristen. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konsep komunikasi lintas budaya dan konflik antar budaya oleh Samovar dan Littlejohn & Domenici. Kemudian juga digunakan konsep interaksi sosial dari Gillin dan Gillin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif studi kasus, dan dengan tujuan untuk mencari komunikasi lintas budaya seperti apa yang terjadi antara penduduk di Kampung Jaton dengan warga mayoritas yang berbeda agama sehingga kerukunan dapat terus terjaga. Berdasarkan penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa terjadi akulturasi antara warga yang beragama Islam dengan yang beragama Kristen. Akulturasi ini menandakan bahwa interaksi yang terbentuk antara kedua kelompok agama merupakan pola interaksi asosiatif, sehingga tidak terjadi konflik seperti yang terdapat pada daerah lain

    Harmony in Intergroup Communication Between Muslim and Hinduism in Lombok

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    It is not easy to reach a harmonious society in a multicultural country, the absence of good communication between stakeholders and groups that are related can create conflict. One of the key variables in fostering and realizing harmony is tolerance. The Lombok region which is the majority inhabited by Muslim communities can live in harmony and side by side with Hindu community. Based on the data obtained, Lombok is the city with the highest level of tolerance. This study examines how harmony can be created there and how the role of communication in creating harmony and communication between the two groups of different religions. This research was conducted with qualitative methods with a case study approach. Research data was obtained from interviews and observations. The results show that Hindu groups in Lombok live in the Lingsar region and in the area get along well because there are several factors, namely time, intermarriage, religion, and interaction. Communication also has a role in creating harmony because the basic condition of interaction is the existence of communication

    Dampak Risiko Kredit, Suku Bunga dan Likuiditas terhadap Profitabilitas Bank

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the variable Credit Risk, Interest Rates, Liquidity on Profitability simultaneously or partially to influence the banking subsector companies listed on the IDX for the 2016-2019 period. The data source is secondary data. The method used in this research is the classical assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS version 21 program. There are 42 populations of banking subsector companies listed on the IDX for the 2016-2019 period. The sample was selected from a purposive sampling method of 13 companies from several criteria. The results of this study indicate that credit risk affects bank profitability. Meanwhile, interest rates and liquidity do not affect bank profitability