12 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebutuhan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Terhadap Mata Kuliah Ekonomi Moneter (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi IKIP Budi Utomo)

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    Kampus Merdeka Merdeka Belajar (MBKM) memberi kebebasan pada civitas akademika untuk berkreasi dan berinovasi tidak terbatas pada ruang dan waktu. Implementasi nya Program studi mengembangkan kurikulum dengan menyesuaikan model pengembangan kebijakan merdeka belajar-kampus merdeka agar mampu mengimplementasikan keleluasaan pembelajaran yang fleksibel sesuai kebutuhan mahasiswa dan tidak monoton. Perubahan Kurikulum sebagai bentuk implementasi dari peraturan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka di IKIP Budi Utomo telah dilakukan sejak awal tahun 2020 begitu kebijakan tersebut diluncurkan. Seiring dengan perubahan kurikulum tersebut maka  beberapa  mata kuliah  melakukan  melakukan  analisis kebutuhan Mata Kuliah untuk mengkonfirmasi kebutuhan mahasiswa. Adapun Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kebutuhan mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Ekonomi Moneter dilihat dari (1)Proses Perkuliahan (2) Proses Studi Literasi (3) Kesesuaian  Materi Dengan Perkembangan Era 5.0 (4) Kesesuaian Nama MK dengan Isi Materi Yang disajikan. Desain pada penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan sampel secara acak dengan jumlah sebanyak 70 mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh MK Ekonomi Moneter dengan menggunakan Google  Form.Angket terbuka dipilih karena sifat angket jenis ini yang dapat mengakomodasi berbagai masukan. Setelah dilakukan penelitian analisis kebutuhan terhadap Mata Kuliah Ekonomi Moneter tersebut maka  dapat disimpulkan (1) Mahasiswa tidak keberatan dengan kondisi perkuliahan secara daring  (2) Untuk Studi Literasi mahasiswa merasa sulit untuk mencari secara daring (3)Materi sudah sesuai dengan Capaian Pembelajaran(4)Responden menyatakan Nama MK tidak sesuai dengan Capaian dan Materi MK. Sedangkan  Saran setelah dilakukan penelitian ini adalah (1) Perlu diadakan buku ajar yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan era 5.0 (2) Perubahan Nama Mata Kuliah dari Ekonomi Moneter menjadi Ekonomi Uang dan Bank sesuai dengan Capaian Pembelajarannya

    Pentingnya Pembentukan Koperasi Bagi Petani Kopi di Desa Sumber Urip Kota Wlingi Blitar (Ibm Petani Kopi)

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    The goal of the study was to give solution to people of Plumbangan village Sumber Urip Wlingi Blitar through Budi Luhur community so that their coffee beans could be more expensive than before. Therefore, through the study, people there were given and facilitated special tool and machine to change the coffee bean into powder. Besides, it also gave high awareness to people in the village to improve their income. Of the activities done by the team in Sumber Urip village, it was felt by the people there that Cooperation so called Sari Bumi Tani 6 was established managed by Mrs. Wagiyem which collaborated with the chief of LMDH. In addition, the team also distributed to donate coffee roasted machine and sheeler to facilitate people to do their activities. Based on the observation and monitoring to know the impact by forming Village Cooperation and giving the facility through coffee roasted machine and sheeler, the people could their activities well and their income could exceed

    Pengembangan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Siswa-Siswi Melalui Inovasi di Bidang Entrepreneurship

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    Schools that have complete facilities with professional teaching staff should be able to produce good graduates and be able to achieve the expected goals, one of which is to form an entrepreneurial spirit in entrepreneurship subjects and foster creativity so that they can become great entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of entrepreneurial spirit possessed by students and the development of an entrepreneurial spirit through innovation in the field of entrepreneurship. The method in this research is this research using a quantitative approach. The research subjects were students of SMPIT Darojatul Ashfad with a total of 50 students. The results of the data analysis for each indicator show that all the indicators that represent are in the high category

    Pentingnya Pendidikan Parenting bagi Orang Tua Anak Usia Dini (Studi Kasus di TK Al Huda Malang)

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    Parenting education is a method for parents in forming children's character, parenting knowledge that should be owned by parents, so that they can take care of their children better and support the growth and development of children. However, in reality not all parents have adequate knowledge and skills regarding parenting. The lack of knowledge and skills of parents regarding parenting can lead to mistreatment of children.The purpose of this service is to expand knowledge and skills in parenting through the Parenting Education program. So that parents have the awareness that parenting should not be careless.Parenting education seeks to enhance or facilitate parental behaviors that will influence the positive developmental outcomes of their children. Through Parenting Education can explain various teaching and support programs that focus on the skills, feelings, and tasks of being a parent. Parenting education focuses on different targets, types, and methods of parenting education


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    Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode research and development model Dick and Carey dengan sembilan langkah pelaksanaannya. Penelitian melibatkan 90 mahasiswa semester satu Angkatan 2019. Kegiatan uji yang dilaksanakan adalah uji pretest dan uji posttest. Handout diuji oleh tiga validator yaitu ahli materi, ahli media serta ahli bahasa. Dan rancangan handout dilakukan uji kembali pada mahasiswa yaitu uji berskala kecil dan uji skala besar. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini, diperoleh hasil bahwa hand out matakuliah prngantar pendidikan berbentuk mind mapping masuk dalam kriteria baik dan layak

    Mengenal Computasional Thingking (Salah Satu Kompetensi Baru Dalam Kurikulum Merdeka 2022)

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    The Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology launched a new curriculum called the Independent Curriculum. at the Grow with Google event on 18 February 2022. The curriculum states that computational thinking is one of the new competencies that will be included in the Indonesian children's learning system. The background to this policy is the government's efforts to prepare young people who are digitally literate. Jeanette Wing called it one of the abilities that a person should have, besides the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. The research method in this article is a literature review with a systematic mapping study method. The stages of the literature review are as follows: 1) The stages begin by searching Science Direct and Eric with the keywords Computational Thinking, 2) followed by narrowed keywords, namely Assessing Computational Thinking. 3) Pursing the number of articles obtained is adjusted to the application of computational thinking in Indonesia. 4) Make a Literature Review. Computational thinking is defined as a person's ability to be able to present a problem and a solution to that problem in an algorithmic statement that can be executed like a computer. Technically computational thinking involves four steps: 1) decomposition: problem decomposition, 2) Pattern Recognition: finding patterns, 3) abstraction, and 4) algorithm development. Computational Thinking is simply the thinking process involved in formulating problems and generating solutions in ways that humans or computers can understand. Developing the knowledge and dispositions necessary to understand and create with a computational mind is now a 21st century imperative


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    Micro-enterprises play an important role in developing the country's economy, especially the economy of the surrounding community to meet their daily needs, especially in the present and in the future. This study uses a qualitative approach to refer more deeply to the social situation under study. The results of this study are the Partnership Empowerment Model developed by KSPPS Madani East Java at this time, which is a pick-up system where the empowerment system implemented by cooperatives allows them to visit members' locations and provide routine assistance in saving, financing and increasing capital, as well as introducing products or new cooperative technologies

    Penggunaan Media Kartu Bergambar Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Baca Anak Usia Dini di Pos Paud Mutiara Bundaku Malang

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the use of the media card image as an effort to increase students’s Interest in reading Pos Paud Mutiara Bundaku Malang. This study used a comparative approach with research and development and statistic analysis. The Subject involved the students of Pos Paud Mutiara Bundaku Malang which consisted of 13 students. The Sources of data were documents containing result of pretest and postest methods, interviews and obsevation. Based on the research analysis, it was found that the children’s interst in reading media picture card increased to be 7.68 better than before at the score of 69.23


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    The activity of a waste bank in Kedung Village Giri Purno formed a waste bank named "DAHLIA WASTE BANK". In addition to the economic benefits, where from waste savings one gets money to pay for electricity and buy groceries, environmental health is also realized, with community conditions that are cleaner, greener, more comfortable, and healthier. Integrated waste management can stimulate creativity and innovation from the community so as to improve people's welfare. First, the local government takes an approach to the surrounding community and stakeholders. In implementing citizen education by developing a waste bank, intensive coordination must be carried out with PKK administrators in every activity that will be carried out so that citizen empowerment becomes more optimal, basically the local government is trying to continue to develop this waste bank so that later it can continue to grow. the economy is getting better in the future so that the presence of a garbage bank has encouraged capacity building for residents by seeking the formation of self-reliance and self-sufficiency of citizen

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Tiktok Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa

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    Based on research on economic education students class of 2022 regarding the impact of TikTok social media on student learning motivation, the researchers found that there were several problems, namely how students use TikTok social media and the impact resulting from the use of TikTok which influences the level of student learning motivation. The aim of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of TikTok social media on the learning motivation of Economic Education Students Class of 2022 at IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. This research was quantitative research. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation with a sample of 30 Economic Education students from the Class of 2022 taken at random. The sampling technique used in this research was probability sampling using simple random sampling, namely taking sample members from the population randomly. The results of this research state that there is a partial influence of the TikTok social media variable on learning motivation with a significance value of Tcount (0.001) < Ttable (0.05). This is proven by the excessive use of the TikTok application in students' lives which will lead to feelings of laziness in studying, but the existence of TikTok social media has a positive impact on students' learning motivation